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A causative construction is used to show that a

cause is needed if something must happen
Caustive is devided into 3, they are:
 Have
 Make
 Get
Pay attention on the following examples

Wati wants her bedroom to be cleaned. She asks

her sister to do it. (it’s not causative const)
Causative construction : ( Active construction )
1. Have
Wati has her sister clean her bedroom
2. Make
Wati makes her sister clean her bedroom
3. Get
Wati gets her sister to clean her bedroom
Causative construction ( Passive construction )
1. Have
Wati has her bedroom cleaned
2. Make
Wati makes her bedroom cleaned
3. Get
Wati gets her bedroom cleaned
1. Active construction
S + have/has/had + pronoun + V1
S + make/makes/made + pronoun + V1
S + get/gets/got + pronoun + to V1
2. Passive construction
S + have/has/had + noun + V3
S + make/makes/made + noun + V3
S + get/gets/got + noun + V3
other examples
Budi needed his motorcycle to be repaired. The
mechanic did it yesterday.
Passive construction :
Budi (had/made/got) his motorcycle repaired
Active Construction :
Budi ( had/made ) the mechanic repair his
Budi (got) the mechanic to repair his
Helmi : There’s a mistake in the bill. We
didn’t have dinner here last night.
Manager : I am sorry, sir. I’ll have the

cashier to check it for you

Exercise 1
Combine the following pairs of sentences
by using causative construction!
1. Anto wants his pants to be taken up.
He’ll ask someone to do it. ( have )
2. My radio is out of order. I’ll ask Harry to
repair it. ( get )
3. She wanted her house to be painted. Her
servant did it yesterday. ( make )
Exercise 2
Choose the correct words between parenthesis. Encircle
the correct answers.
1. Amir had his pen ( refill-refilled-to refill )
2. Did they have their car ( to wash–washed-wash )
3. I’ll get the boy ( clean-to clean- cleaned )
4. Sudin must make Rudi ( to work-worked-work ) harder
5. Mimi will make you ( feel-to feel-felt ) happy
6. Have you had someone ( mended-to mend-mend ) the
roof today ?

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