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A few things I know about Australia:

• Spiders
• Kangaroos
• Desert area
• Duckbills
• Sydney Opera House
10 question about Australia to lear something:

• How to survive with spiders ?

• Can kangaroos fight?
• What are the winter months in Australia?
• Australia is the driest continent on earth, isn't it?
• Which pets are most commonly bred in Australia?
• What kind of money is used in Australia?
• Who is the formal head of state in Australia?
• What is the size of Australia's population?
• What is special about Lake Eyre in Australia?
• What is special about Australian currency?
A new words from text

• Jaw-dropping - Szcz^kaj^ca
• Summarize - Podsumuj
• Awe-inspiring - Zachwycaj^ce
• Astounding - Zdumiewaj^ce
• Mekka - Mekka
• Bandicoots - Bandicoots
• Gahalls - Gahaty
• Glamping - Glamping
• Top-notch - Znakomity
• Arvo - Arvo

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