Talk For Writing

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Learning Objectives

• Present a spoken argument,

sequencing points logically,
defending views with evidence
and making use of persuasive

• Organise ideas into clear

sections/paragraphs with an
appropriate opening and closing.
Learning Outcome
Use a simple blueprint to plan,
write and perform a persuasive

Use key techniques of repetition,

the rule of three and rhetorical
questioning in your speech
Steps to Success
I can:

• Follow a simple blueprint when

planning, writing and performing a
• I can include statistics and a
personal example.
• I can include repetition, the rule
of three and a rhetorical question
39% of boys become windy after
eating beans.

9 out of 10 children enjoy beans

at least three times a week.

15 million cans of beans are eaten

in the United Kingdom every day.
Personal Example
James likes to eat beans. He eats
them four times a week. Sadly,
this has caused James to break
wind often, loudly and at
embarrassing times. His friends
have abandoned him. His family
have disowned him. Even his pet
tortoise rejected him. Beans have
destroyed a young and promising
Without beans, the plate would be
a duller place. Without beans,
dinner would be a less tasty meal.
Without beans, chips would be
tasteless. Without beans, the
world would be a much quieter
The Rule of Three
They are deliciously tasty,
incredibly healthy and sometimes
even musical.
Rhetorical Question
Who would want to live in a world
without beans?
Group Work
Decide on group roles: scribes, leaders, reporters.

The leader must encourage everyone to be

involved and move the work along at the right

The scribe(s) must write down what the group


The reporter(s) must feed back to the class

There will be no changing roles and nobody is

allowed to do someone else’s job.
Persuasive speech topics
• Being a YouTube star is a real job
• Kids should have TVs in their bedrooms
• Homework should be optional for kids
• All schools should have outdoor classrooms available
• Playing video games is a good hobby for kids
• Learning a second language is helpful for everyone
• Kids under age 13 should be banned from having
social media accounts
• Kids can help combat (fight) climate change
• Your own topic….?

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