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Power System


Power Generation, Operation and Control

Economic Dispatch of
Thermal Units and Methods
of Solution (6)

Chung Yuan Christian University

Department of Electrical Engineering
March 15, 2022

Thermal System Dispatching

 Nonconvex fuel cost curves

As we saw in Chapter 2 when we considered the valve points in the input-

output curve, the possibility of nonconvex curves must be accounted for if
extreme accuracy is desired.

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If nonconvex input-output curves are to be used, we cannot use an
equal incremental cost methodology since there are multiple values of
MW output for any given value of incremental cost.

An optimum dispatch can be found by using dynamic programming


The dynamic programming solution to economic dispatch is done as an

allocation problem.

We not only calculate a single optimum set of generator MW outputs for a

specific total load supplied but also we generate a set of outputs, at
discrete points, for an entire set of load values.

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There are three units in the system; all are on-line. Their input-
output characteristics are not smooth nor convex. Data are as follows.

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The total demand is D = 310 MW. This does not fit the data exactly, so
that we need to interpolate between the closest values that are available from
the data, 300 and 325 MW.

Scheduling units 1 and 2, we find the minimum cost for the function

over the allowable range of P2 and for 100 ≦ D ≦ 350 MW. The search data
are given in the table below. We need to save the cost for serving each value of
D that is minimal and the load level on unit 2 for each demand level.

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This results in: (D = P1 + P2)

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Next we minimize

for 50 ≦ P3 ≦ 175 MW and D = 300 and 325 MW. Scheduling the third
unit for the two different demand levels only requires two rows of the next

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The results show:

so that between the 300 and 325 MW demand levels, the marginal unit is unit
2. (That is, it is picking up all of the additional demand increase between 300
and 325 MW.)

We can, therefore, interpolate to find the cost at a load level of 310 MW,
or an output level on unit 2 of 110 MW. The results for a demand level of 310
MW are:

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 Automatic generation control

One problem that is common to economic dispatch with dynamic

programming is the poor control performance of the generators.

When a generator is under automatic generation control (AGC) and a

small increment of load is added to the power system, the AGC must raise
the output of the appropriate units so that the new generation output meets
the load and the generators are at economic dispatch.

The generators must be able to move to the new generation value

within a short period of time.

If the generators are large steam generator units, they will not be allowed
to change generation output above a prescribed "maximum rate limit" of
so many megawatts per minute.

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When this is the case, the AGC must allocate the change in generation
to many other units, so that the load change can be accommodated
quickly enough.

When the economic dispatch is to be done with dynamic programming and

the cost curves are non-convex, we encounter a difficult problem whenever
a small increment in load results in a new dispatch that calls for one or
more generators to drop their output a great deal and others to
increase a large amount.

The resulting dispatch may be at the most economic values as determined

by the DP, but the control action is not acceptable and will probably
violate the ramp rates for several of the units.

The only way to produce a dispatch that is acceptable to the control

system, as well as being the optimum economically, is to add the ramp
rate limits to the economic dispatch formulation itself.

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This requires a short-range load forecast to determine the most likely
load and load-ramping requirements of the units. This problem can be
stated as follows.

Given a load to be supplied at time increments t = 1 ... tmax, with load levels
of Ptload and N generators on-line to supply the load:

Each unit must obey a rate limit such that:


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Then we must schedule the units to minimize the cost to deliver power
over the time period as:

subject to:



This optimization problem can be solved with dynamic programming

and the "control performance" of the dispatch will be considerably better
than that using dynamic programming and no ramp limit constraints.

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