Air Pollution

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Mahmoud Kadadha

 To younger generations especially, the health of the planet is alarming. The report highlights how
risks are perceived differently by those born after 1980. They ranked environmental risks higher than
other respondents in the short and long terms. Almost 90% of these respondents believe “extreme
heat waves”, “destruction of ecosystems” and “health impacted by pollution” will be aggravated in
2020, compared to around 70% for other generations. They also believe that the impact from
environmental risks by 2030 will be more catastrophic and more likely.
Problem Solver
 “The less gasoline we burn, the better we’re doing to
reduce air pollution and harmful effects of climate change
make good choices about transportation. When you can,
walk, ride a bike, or take public transportation. For
driving, choose cars that get better miles per gallon of gas
or choose an electric car.” You can also investigate your
power provider options—you may be able to request that
your electricity be supplied by wind or solar. Buying your
food locally cuts down on the fossil fuels burned in
trucking or flying food in from across the country. And
perhaps most important, “Support leaders who push for
clean air and water and responsible steps on climate
Tips to Prevent Air Pollutions
 Minimize air pollution from cars.
 Walk, bike or use public transportation.
 Save energy.
 Maintain your wood stove or fireplace.
 Recycle & buy recycled products.
 Consume less & choose sustainable products.
 Eat local, organic produce & less meat.
 Grow your own food.

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