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What is Branding Design?
• Branding design describes how a brand chooses to
visually represent their brand identity to the public.
When talking about branding design, it typically refers
to key brand elements such as the logo, color scheme,
typography, and other design components that makes
a brand stand out from competitors, and recognizable
to consumers.
•Brand design is the process of crafting a
brand’s visual identity by creating a
unified system of design elements like
logos, colors, typography, illustration,
and photography.
•A brand’s visual identity is the
aesthetic embodiment of its
positioning and personality. So, the
most effective brand design is
informed by research and guided by
Importance of Brand Design
• 1. Competitive Advantage
• Having a unique and aesthetically designed
brand followed by the attractive strategies
definitely makes the company command a
distinctive position in the market amidst the
tough competition. The edge of a catchy
logo, tagline, play of color schemes, and
more gives the brand a competitive
2. Lasting Impression

• When the Brand Design and the related strategies are

well planned and are presented in an aesthetic
manner to the market, there is an instant registration
of the brand in the minds of the consumers creating a
lasting impression that results in the very good recall
factor. Hence, it is always necessary to take care of
every minute detail during the entire process of
3. Generate Referrals
• It is the thumb rule of the marketing that, ‘The
customer is best brand ambassador’ and it is always
essential to keep him at the focal point whilst
designing the brand and planning process as once the
customer is happy and satisfied he or she will
definitely refer the brand to the friends and family
resulting in more potential and quality leads for the
4. Talks about the Business DNA

• As mentioned earlier, the Brand Design has to be

in tandem with the goals, ethics, values, and
objectives of the company and the design
elements and language should reflect the same.
And once this aim is achieved, the personality,
nature, and the DNA of the business are
communicated in a very professional manner to
the consumers.
5. Emotional Connect
•It connects with the consumers on
the emotional level creating an
instant space in their minds and
hearts with the positive perspective
towards the brand and its offerings.
6. Intangible Asset
• Companies can reach the highest pinnacle of
success and can also shut down any moment
plus the profits and losses are the part and
parcel of the business, but it is the brand that is
stable and constant in nature as an intangible
asset of the organization. It offers long-term
benefits to the management and business.
7. Brand Recognition

A good Brand Design gets registered in minds of the consumers from the very
first visual creating a lasting impact.
The brand gets recognized with the color scheme, fonts, logo design, creative’s,
and other expressions.
8. Sets Expectations
• Once the consumers are well aware of the
brand and its offerings having a positive
outlook in their minds, the expectation is
set from the brand and they look forward to
the next set of offerings thereby creating a
stable and fruitful relationship with the
•Brand Design is the first step to
getting the brand introduced to
the market and holds a key
status in the entire framework
of branding and marketing.
Why is branding
design important?
• A brand’s design should ideally represent the
personality of a brand, its values, and it can be a
powerful tool in shaping consumer attitudes
about your brand. Sometimes, a memorable
logo or catchy color scheme can leave a longer-
lasting impression on consumers than any big-
budget ad campaign.
The True Value of Branding Design and Why
it’s So Important
• Branding design includes all of the visual
elements your business uses, from the logo on
your website to the images used in your
company newsletter – this makes branding
extremely important for business growth. If you
want to take your company to the next level, you
need a clear brand direction.
Let’s take a look at the importance of
branding and how it elevates your business:

Helps Audiences
Recognize your
•Branding design helps your audience
recognize your company, products, and
content. Probably the most well-known
advantage of branding is how it helps
you identify with your audience. When
you see a sign, letterhead, or blog post,
it should be clear what company created
•Creates Continuity
• Great branding also helps you create a sense of
continuity among all of your business’ assets.
When you have the same fonts, colors, and
layout throughout your content, it will be easier
for audiences to recognize your company no
matter where they see it.
•Communicates Effectively with your
• Your branding acts as a means of communication with your target
audience, while your design elements work together to convey
specific messages about your business. For example, your logo might
express what kind of services you offer. Or, if your company produces
sleek, modern furniture, your social media graphics might be
minimalist and clean.
• You can also use specific fonts to convey the
personality of your company. Similarly, you
can use color to communicate energy,
professionalism, creativity, and other
characteristics. Just keep in mind that your
branded content should remain consistent
across all platforms – whether online or in
•Exhibits Authority and Relevance
• Because branding allows for continuity
throughout your materials and content, it also
creates a sense of professionalism and authority.
A branded approach is going to make your entire
presence look that much more put together and
planned out. Your audience will be able to
clearly see why your company’s content and
products are relevant to them.
•Maximizes Impact
• Research has found that people remember 80% of what they see, but
only 20% of what they read. If you only remember 20% of this article,
then let it be this: your design should resonate with your audience.
When you create your branding with a specific audience in mind,
there is a greater chance that these people will remember and be
drawn to your company. For example, if your business produces
children’s toys, you will want to create branding that will attract the
attention of young kids – think bright colors, fun graphics, and more.
In this case, luxurious, refined branding will likely fall flat.
•The ROI of Good Design
• Great design does more than just help your content
look nice – it can also improve your marketing efforts.
By choosing the right designs for your target audience,
you can influence conversions and improve your
return on investment (ROI). For example, studies
show that images of people help to increase empathy,
as audiences tend to feel a deeper connection to
The Importance of
Good Design in
Marketing your
• Often you have less than a second to make a first
impression. Even the best marketing campaign
will only gain ground if it is noticeable. It has to
catch your prospects’ attention and keep them
interested, above all the noise of competing
messages. Good design helps you reach your
clients in a memorable way, and will help you to
get noticed.
A well-executed design…
•Communicates your brand
•Creates a consistent language to reinforce your specific offering in the minds of
your audience
•Creates a visual hierarchy to tell your story in a clear and enticing way with
visual cues
•Is far more than an attractive aesthetic—it is compelling and drives conversions
Guides where the user’s eye goes first on a page, evokes emotions through
imagery and color
•Uses typography, font sizes and emphasis to support messaging in a powerful
Quiz 1. True or False

Instructions: Read the following statement carefully. Write true if the statement is correct and false if it is
•_______ 1. Make good design a part of
your business strategy and you will gain
the benefits and build a better
experience for your customers.
•_______ 2. Don’t miscalculate
the value of good design for
your business’ brand and
• _______ 3. A poorly designed logo, website,
brochure and other marketing tools will cast
an unprofessional impression on your
company, which can drive people away.
•_______ 4. Your design elements acts as
a means of communication with your
target audience, while your branding
work together to convey specific
messages about your business.
•_______ 5. When talking about
branding identity, it typically
refers to key brand elements
such as the logo, color scheme,
typography, and other design
•_______ 6. Having a unique and
aesthetically designed brand followed by
the attractive strategies definitely makes
the company command a distinctive
position in the market amidst the tough
• _______ 7. When the brand design are well
planned and presented in an aesthetic
manner to the market, there is an instant
registration of the brand in the minds of the
consumers creating a lasting impression that
results in the very good recall factor.
•_______ 8. It is not always
necessary to take care of every
minute detail during the entire
process of branding.
•_______ 9. The brand design has to
be in tandem with the goals, ethics,
values, and objectives of the
company and the design elements
and language should reflect the
•_______ 10. Brand design is the last
step to getting the brand introduced
to the market and holds a key status
in the entire framework of branding
and marketing.
• Quiz 2. Essay. Answer the following questions. (5 points each)
• 1. Why do you think branding is important to a business or company?
• 2. Why do you think branding is important to a consumers or
• 3. How can branding make your business different from your

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