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(a)Main Themes
(b) Importance of themes

Question No.1 of Paper-I 1
Allah in relation with in Himself
1. Ayat -ul-kursi (2:255) (Madni)

2. Surah Al-Anaam (6:101-103) (Makki)

3. Surah-e-Fussilat (41:37) (Makki)

4. Surah Al-Shura (42:4-5) (Makki)

5. Surah Al-Ikhlas (112) (Makki) 2
(a) Part. How to attempt main theme (s) of Quran passage? [2]

• Time to consume 2-3 Minutes

• Answer with in 1 paragraph only
• 80-90 words limit for this part.
Passage No.1 Ayet-ul-Kursi (Theme)

2.Knowledge 3.Referenc
n e
Allah (swt)as a
1.Surah Name Controller for ALL 1.Reference
2.Relations to be given
with Allah 1.Theme Selection in the

2.Definition context.
3.Makki/Madni 3.Describe with
examples 3
(b) Part: How to explain significance of theme for Muslims? [2]
• Time to consume 2-3 Minutes
• Answer with in 1 paragraph only
• 80-90 words limit for this part.

Passage No.1 Ayet-ul-Kursi (Significance)

This makes the Muslims understand that Allah controls over :

Heavens with Earth with all Space with all

all accessories accessories accessories

The Muslims 1.Worship

need to obey 2.Business
Allah in all 3.Politics
matters; 4. About yourself 4
Allah in Himself
Passages (1---5) 5
PASSAGE# 1 6 7
(a) Describe the main theme(s) of the passage.(2-Marks)

• This verse (Ayet-ul-Kursi) discusses about the theme “Allah in

• Al-Qayyum is the grand names of Allah (swt). It means, Allah
controls over everything in universe through His knowledge and
• Allah has the greatest knowledge, and is watching both of the
manifest and the hidden in Heavens and Earth.
• He knows about all layers of the earth, about oceans and plains.
• He is observing Heavens----all details, Noticing all in earth.
• Ref. Surah Al-Hadeed-4,”And He is with you where ever you are”. 8
(b) Explain the significance of these themes for Muslims (2-Marks)

• This passage makes the Muslims realize when

Allah controls over all. So, it is He, Who deserves
to be worshipped and obeyed in all capacities.
• They must know that all powers belong to Allah so
turn only towards Him only for help & support in
daily lives.
• Worship, social, political, economical matters.
• They must not resort to evil deeds
• Being a true believer, I myself shall….. 9
PASSAGE# 2 10 11
(a) Describe the main theme (s) of the passage.(2-Marks)

• These lines of Surah Al-Ina’am discusses Allah in

Himself . Its taken from Surah Al-Inaam.
• It tells us about His Tawhid (One Allah), greatly
reinforces (focus) the attribute of Allah as a Creator.
• It describes, He has created entire universe solely …
• “To Him belong all that is in the heavens and on the
earth,…” (Al-Hajj :64)
• It further elaborates that all the things in Heavens and the Earth are
the creations of Allah (swt)…details
• He can also observe everything in heavens and earth. 12
(b) Explain the importance of these themes for Muslims. (2-Marks)

• This passage makes the Muslims understand that

they need to demonstrate their firm belief by
bowing down before Allah in all submission and
worship Him.
• They are supposed to be grateful to Him for all
blessings of daily life.
• They should utilize the amazing human mind to
understand the purpose of life, his beginning, his
end, the glamour of this short lived life.
• Being a true believer, I myself shall… 13
PASSAGE# 3 14 15
(a) Describe the main theme (s) of the passage. (2-Marks)
• These lines from Surah Al-Fussilat also related to the topic
“Allah in Himself”.
• It shows some of the signs of Allah which signifies His Wisdom,
Glory & Power.
• The signs are shown to men to bring their attention towards
their Creator.
• On the contrary, the disbelievers will lose, and the believers
will gain, but Allah is above all of that.
• Qur’an says,“ but if any deny faith, Allah stands not in need of
any of His creatures.” (Surah Al-e-Imran:97).
• Lastly the revelation discusses another unique power of Allah
to raise men again after death just as He gives life to barren
land by pouring rain. 16
(b) Explain the importance of these themes for Muslims (2-Marks)

• The passage makes the Believers realize that they

are bound to worship Allah alone in order to
appreciate His Creative power.
• They should know that it is unlawful to prostrate
before anything besides Allah.
• They should also realize the fact, prostration
before a thing or person is prohibited in Islam.
• They should be God-Fearing and also feel freed
from all worldly status and fears.
• Being a true believer, I myself shall….. 17
PASSAGE# 4 18 19
(a) Describe the main theme(s) of the passage.(2-Marks)
• These lines of Surah As-Shura deals with the theme “Allah in
• It describes the exclusive ownership of all things in the heavens and
the earth.
• It further reveals the fact that humans authority over things and
people is temporary and limited with respect to time and space.
• It emphasis man to put his trust in Allah only and treat Him the
only Independent and Powerful. (details)
• It further elaborates His mercy that due to His acceptance of
prayers of Angels for the forgiveness of humans on the earth.
• Allah says, “... But My mercy extends to all things ….” (Al-
Aeiraaf:156). 20
(b)Explain the importance of these themes for Muslims.(2-Marks)

• This passage makes the Muslims know that they must

rely upon the sole Beneficent Allah and not upon
worldly sources as worldly things can only do good to
man if Allah wills.
• They are supposed to exercise their authority and
power over subordinates keeping in mind, there is a
Supreme Authority, Allah over them
• They also need to supplicate before Allah for having the
grant of pardon & favor in matters of this world and
the next one. Being a true Believer, I myself shall…
(details) 21
PASSAGE# 5 22 23
(a) Describe the main theme(s) of the passage.(2-Marks)

• Surah Ikhlas claims the fundamental faith of Muslims,

Allah is Alone.
• This Surah is treated as the One third of The Holy Qur’an.
• It highlights that Allah(swt) has no family tree, ultimately
negates the wrong belief of Jews and Christians.
• The 3rd verse explains the fact that He doesn’t have
any partner or ancestors or descendants. He can’t
be conceived in our own pattern.
• Holy Qur’an says, “And your God is One Allah…….”(Surah
Al-Baqarah:163). 24
(b)Explain the importance of these themes for Muslims.(2-Marks)

• The passage makes the Muslims understand that

they must hold the belief about Allah, Who is
Alone worthy to be worshipped.
• They need to understand that the existence of
Allah and His powers that is above all individuals.
• Therefore, they should submit their will, prayers &
worships to Him Alone, instead making partners or
relatives to Him.
• Being a true Believer, I myself shall… 25

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