Psychosocial 1

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Always remember
be curious, be respectful,
listen, take turns, avoid
judgment, everything shared
is confidential.
Have you ever feel any of
those emotions?
How did you deal with it?
What different emotions did
you learn about today?
Tell the learners to stand up and then bend over
from the waist like a rag doll. Show them how to
wiggle their arms and relax. When you say
“tense” they should stand up straight and make
their body as stiff as they can. Have them tense
up and be tight for 10- 15 seconds; then say
“relax” as they bend over and relax again.
Continue saying “tense and relax” every 15
Tell them to pretend that they are a balloon and to
slowly fill themselves with air...bigger and bigger
until they are standing with arms outstretched,
feet apart, and cheeks full of air. Now have them
slowly let all the air out as they exhale and return
to a small ball on the floor. Continue inhaling and
blowing up like a balloon then slowly exhaling..
1.What did you notice about your
body as you tensed up and relaxed,
or stretched out and turned into a
2. Which feels more natural to you?
Our bodies carry stress and anxiety
everyday. There is such a thing as good
stress. This type of stress gives us energy.
Then there’s not so good stress that stays in
our bodies. When we are carrying a lot of
stress or anxiety, our bodies tend to be tight.
It’s important to pay attention to our bodies
so we can help our bodies relax.
Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension.
It can come from any event or thought that makes
you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is your
body's reaction to a challenge or demand.
Direction: What Health Dimensions will be enhanced if you practice
the following activities.
1. Read books
2. Tell the truth
3. Surf the internet
Mental 4. Play the different sports
Holistic Health 5. Plant trees
6. Attend social gathering
Moral- Spiritual
7. Respect the right of others
8. Show feelings in a positive way
9. Responsible decisions
10. Exercise daily
Christian a grade 7 student who suffers much
because he feels pressured in school and at home.
His brothers and sisters excels in school being honor,
Cum Laude and Valedictorian. He doesn’t like being
compared to them, he knew he’s not as good as them,
but he is very good in sports, painting, singing and
playing the musical instruments. Even though like that
he remain happy and contented but when his parents
died everything change. He failed in school, become
lazy and hated sports, music and life.
be curious, be respectful,
listen, take turns, avoid
judgment, everything shared
is confidential.
Direction: Ask learners to get into pairs (groups of 2) and stand
anywhere in the room (or have them line up in parallel lines with the
partners facing each other and a few feet of space between each
neighboring person). The pairs should face each other so that one
person is A and the other is B. They can also walk or run around the
A begins as the leader by making movements (in silence) and the B
follows (mirrors back) the movements. The teacher can provide
instructions during this process (such as do fast movements or do
slow movements). The process goes on for about 2 minutes.
Direction: The learners switch roles (A & B) and
the process repeats. The teacher may invite the
learners to move without assigning who the
leader and the follower is -- the learners are
encouraged to attune to each other The teacher
invites the learners to share how they felt doing
this activity.
 How did you feel while doing the activity?
 What did you learn about yourself during this
 What did you learn about your body and ability
to be the mirror of your partner?
 What did you like about the activity?
 Our energy and how we regulate our bodies
affects others. Our stress can become their
stress. It’s important for us to pay attention to
how our bodies feel. When we pay attention
to ourselves and our bodies, we are able to
be present to others in an honest and
supportive way
of feelings
Directions:Ask learners to write on a sheet of
paper a problem they are carrying with them from
the time of Covid. Ask them not to put their
names on their sheet. Ask them to crumple the
sheet of paper and throw their paper to the front
of the room or shoot it in the box you prepared.
Create a pile or use the box.
Ask each learner to come to the front and read
one problem of their classmate by picking a
random crumpled paper from the box. Remind
classmates to listen attentively to their peers’
What was it like to hear about your classmates’
What can you do to support each other now that
you know what your classmates are going
How do you feel knowing what your classmates
are going through?
If you were to create a slogan for the class after
what you’ve heard, what would it be? .
Home Activity: draw/describe on your
MAPEH notebook the best person you
trust the most, the one who helped you
overcome your problems and write a short
message or description about him/her.

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