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Conditions necessary for

successful Democracy
A system can be termed as a genuine and
comprehensive democracy only when it fulfills both
political and socio-economic aspects of people’ s
participation and satisfaction. There may be two major
categories: (a)political conditions, and (b) social and
economic conditions – the fulfillment of the first leads to
political democracy and the second as social democracy.
Conditions necessary for
successful Democracy
Political Conditions
It is essential that for a system to be
democratic, we must adopt a
Constitution and laws that vest supreme
power in the people.
Political Conditions
 The human rights and fundamental rights, such as equality, liberty of thought and
expression, belief, movement, communication, and association must be protected by the
 Universal adult franchise as the basis of electing representatives at various levels of
the government.
 Responsible government responsible government in which the executive is answerable
to the legislature, the legislature to the people and the Judiciary to remain independent.
 Political institutions like political parties and interest and pressure groups (associations, various
non- governmental organizations) must be functional for expressing popular needs, demands and
Political Conditions
 The human rights and fundamental rights, such as equality, liberty of thought and
expression, belief, movement, communication, and association must be protected by the
 Universal adult franchise as the basis of electing representatives at various levels of
the government.
 Responsible government responsible government in which the executive is answerable
to the legislature, the legislature to the people and the Judiciary to remain independent.
 Political institutions like political parties and interest and pressure groups (associations, various
non- governmental organizations) must be functional for expressing popular needs, demands and
Social and Economic
A democratic system must ensure that the social development
is in tune with democratic values and norms reflecting equality of
social status and opportunities for development, social security
and social welfare. Citizens must avail opportunities of
universal and compulsory education. They must also be
enabled to utilize means of economic development. The fruits
of economic development must reach all and especially to the
poor and the deprived sections of the society. Socio-economic
development of the people strengths social democracy.
Challenges in the Philippine
 Lack of accountability and responsibility from political parties
and electoral reform
 Existing Political dynasties
 corruption in the different institutions especially in government
agencies and offices
 Insufficient training of Local Government-National Government
Relations officers
Challenges in the Philippine
 Improvement of Philippine Educational System, resources, training and
upgrading quality education
 Deficit in health care systems
 absence of a strong partnership between the government and the
business/private sector
 insurgencies and threats of terrorism
 food shortages, overpopulation, poor working conditions and inefficiency
of labor law
Practice Task: MY RESOLUTION!
Directions: As student leaders in the community,
identify one undemocratic concern that affects
most of the people in your local barangay. Then,
make a resolution to resolve the issue that you’ve
identified. Follow the format and rubric below in
making the resolution.
Criteria 5 4 3 2

Organization Ideas were written Ideas were Ideas had little Ideas had no
in an written in an style/poorly style/very poorly
extraordinary interesting organized organized
style/very well style/somewhat
organized organized

Relevance Highly Informative and Somewhat Was not

informative and it was understood informative understood
is easy to
Mechanics Capitalization and There is 1 error There are 2 errors There are more
punctuation are in capitalization in capitalization than 2 errors in
correct throughout and punctuation and punctuation capitalization
the resolution and punctuation

Grammar There are no There is one There are two There are more
grammatical grammatical grammatical than two
mistakes on the mistake on the mistakes on the grammatical
resolution resolution resolution mistakes on the
IV. EVALUATION. Read and analyze carefully the following statements.
Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is
_____ 1. Democracy satisfy the political, economic, and social rights of
_____ 2. The Philippine Constitution protects the human rights and
fundamental rights, such as equality, liberty of thought and expression,
belief, movement, communication, and association of Filipinos.
_____ 3. Political dynasties are an example of undemocratic practices
_____ 4. A democratic system is strengthened with opinion of its leaders, in
its various forms through giving orders and enacting laws that they
perceived as important to the society.
_____5. Free basic education is included as one of the political rights of a

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