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Written By:
Ayesha Aamir
Chapter 1
Once upon a time their was a girl name Dua Razzaq . Her parents name are
Noshaba Razzaq and Abdul Razzaq. They all were Muslims. She study in Army
Public School.
Once at school their was a news that they are going on a field trip to island . After
some days they all were ready to go to on the bus which was of yellow color .
They get ready to get on the bus . They sat on it and left the school . After 3 hours
they saw a sign of the harbour . They all thought they were near the harbour .
They were at the harbour at last and the harbour was so big that they thought
they can be lost their they sat on their school boat . They sat their and shore on the
water. They saw the sign of the name ISLAND . They were very happy that
they are near to the island.
After sometimes the waves were very giant and they all were very frightened.
After it they saw the island . It was beautiful. Suddenly a huge wave made them
jump and they all were on the island. They were very scared to see that no one is
around . Their teacher said that enjoy your field trip . The students see a sign of
danger sign on the island.
They were scared and went to the teacher and bring her to
See it . She was also worried.
Chapter 2
Chapter 2

They yelled for help but their was no one their to listen to them . They relaxed down
and their miss take out the lunch bag and eat their picnic lunch. They suddenly saw
the boat sign and on the east side
Their was no boating sign. A dolphin was just
Swimming their by . But still it went away
Confused to saw them their . Suddenly a huge
Wave and under it was a boat . Dua was just
Going to sat when the boat taked her away with the principal and 18/24 students sat
their and
Salmah was taken by Dua and she thanked her .
Students were still on the island with the teacher.
They were still there being sad there. On the other side was the boat full which did not
still went to the harbour. They were also
Worried. On both the side everyone was worried of each other and about their self's
also. What can happen next they where thinking ???????.
Then suddenly Dua was exited and have a plan. She was very pleased of her plan.
Chapter 3

She tell the the plan to the mam. She was very pleased.
They all take the handles of the boat and sail it until they
reach at the small harbour where a few boats were still
there. They were happy and stop their boat and came out
of it . Their mam was happy and thanked Dua for her
merciful and beautiful idea that they are safe now.
On the other side they were all worried. Suddenly
Minahil, you must know her( she was Dua’s best friend )
saw a group of fishes coming towards them to help. They
sat on their bag and saw a sign of towards the country.
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
On who were on a boat with a sailor had been reached to their school’s near harbour.
The principal done as she promised the sailor when they will be reached at time. She
gave him many money as promised. The sailor was very happy that they were very
good customers who do what they promised. They shacked hands and became
friends with them.
On the other side the students who were on dolphins also had reached the school’s
near harbour. They were glad and happy to be reached safely. They thanked the
dolphins for their help to reached them safely to the harbour. They kissed them and
land down at the harbour’s floor. They all met each other. All friends hug each other.
The students who were with mam were in her car and the other students including
miss were in the school bus. When they reached school all of the classes hugged them
if they are their friends or not. So here ends the story that how they have been saved.

Answers The Following Questions

Would you ever had been to this like trip or have been very brave and smart. If you
want this type of trip or not answer both of the answers why not or why yes. Or would
you be like Dua answer here????

You like this story if not then answer or if yes then also answer it will be your pleasure.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

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