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An encyclical of Pope John Paul II

Presented with great doctrinal authority & episcopal collegiality

presented to the Church on 25 March 1995

Primary intension is to proclaim the good news of the value & dignity of human life Church is entrusted to proclaim the cause of life - the cause of the Gospel

theme of the first chapter An analysis of the present situation with regard human life

Abortion Immoral experimentation of human embryos Euthanasia crime against life claimed to be rights based on individual freedom

claimed to be rights based on individual freedom

distortion of societys nature & purpose Democracy detached from its moral foundation unlimited ethical relativism subverted health care personnel

caused by perverse idea of FREEDOM

disconnected from truth individualistic & no sense of relational component Practical materialism priority to HAVING over being

personal pleasure satisfaction over respect

considers life as worthwhile ONLY when productive & enjoyable

considers suffering as useless sacrifice for others as unjustifiable

loss sense of God loss sense of man

perennial conflict b/w life & death

accepted abandoned children & elder people social consciousness program in support of life medical personnel generous & respectful involvement sensitivity to bioethical questions & ecology growing aversion to death penalty

Christian message regarding life

earthly life bears the seed of immortal life

Mans life is the object of Gods tender & intense love

particularly the poor, the weak & defenseless

Christ has taken it up instrument of salvation for humanity

A gift from creator Reflection of Gods Image

Sublime dignity of human life shines forth not only in the light of origin but more so in the light of its destiny

Earthly life in never absolute which we should cling at all cost Earthly life finds its REAL meaning when shared & lived for others even at the expense of ones life

from beginning to end Life is sacred & inviolable

Belongs to God alone cant be disposed at mans own whim

From man in regard to his fellowman (the Lord) will demand an accounting for human life (Gn. 9:5)

You shall NOT Kill! has positive implication of loving everybody including our enemies exemplifies the Gospel of Life Commandment which DOES NOT limit but given as a Gift

follow the path of respect, service & love of life

encourage positive & constructive attitude, a commitment in favor of man

You shall NOT Kill! has to be distinguished from morally justifiable self-defense

application of capital punishment

rare & practically nonexistent

You shall NOT Kill! declares that direct & voluntary taking of all innocent human life as gravely immoral applies to abortion & euthanasia

deliberate & direct killing, by whatever means of a human being in the initial phase of existence, extending from conception to birth
willed as an end or means is gravely immorally

moral judgment also applies to experimentation of human fetuses;

biological material providers of organ or tissue for transplant

an act or omission which of itself and by intention causes death with the purpose of eliminating all suffering must be distinguished from:
Aggressive medical treatment

medical procedures which no longer correspond to real situation of the patient disproportionate to expected result

Methods of Palliative care seek to make suffering more bearable in the final stages of illness applies painkillers & sedatives to relieve patients pain but involves the risks of shortening patients life

Different & more limited than the moral law

can not take the place of conscience or dictate of moral norms it must ensure common good through recognition & defense of fundamental rights must be characterized by a moral basis of respect for all specially the rights of the weakest & most defenseless
Legitimizing abortion & euthanasia lacks authentic juridical validity

consist in proclaiming the joyful message of the value of life through celebration of sacraments everyday life must be MEANS of experiencing joy the gift of life

fulfilled through service of charity care for the life of everyone profound attitude of solidarity in every condition & situation foster mature attitudes & finding solution which respect life professional health care, education, social involvement & political commitment

cultivation of family as sanctuary of life

culture of life new lifestyle which respect for the dignity of every individual recognize the value of human sexuality in the development of a person accept mysterious meaning of huamn suffering & death

entrusted to WOMEN in particular to be guardians of value of life demands of new feminism free from individualism

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