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The Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology

”How to be a good PhD supervisor ?”

Torgeir Moan

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Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology

action plan for research :
- Introduction of mandatory subject for PhD students
---- fall semester 2007.
- improve supervision of PhD students.

Actions: Seminars in the spring of 2007:

- How to be a good PhD supervisor?

- Theory of science and research

- Research ethics
How to be a good PhD supervisor?
- Identify characteristics of good supervision
- Contribute to a written ”Guidance for Supervisors”

Time Topic and speaker
1315 Introduction, chairman, PhD committee
1330 Presentation, Professor Martin Landrø
1350 Presentation, Professor Edgar Hertwich
1410 Presentation, PhD student Narve Lyngby.
1430 Coffee
1445 Discussion with respect to ”Guidance for supervisors”
1545 End
3 T.Moan.28.02.2007
Introduction to the seminar

Purpose of PhD study

- train the PhD student to become an independent researcher
- accomplish research which is publishable

PhD study process

• Recruiting
• Fulfill course requirements
• Carry out research
• Document research by thesis and publications
• Defend thesis

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Supervisor’s tasks

 Recruit candidate

 Plan course study, monitor progress and possibly modify plan

 Establish the research plan in cooperation with the PhD student

 Supervise research

 Supervise thesis writing & publishing

- monograph viz collection of papers (supervisor as joint author)
- where? how ?------ Guide the student to review papers
(literature search and study, scientific writing, language training )

 No task in connection with thesis defence

 Time management
- ensure completion of the thesis within time frame (3 years!)
- ensure that the work is published
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Supervisor’s roles

 Professional role
 Social role - how far ?

 The PhD candidate is the main person in the candidate-

supervisor relationship

 The power balance between candidate-supervisor

is asymmetric
- PhD candidates are vulnerable

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Supervisor’s role during the research
- organize research environment (co-supervisors?)

- allocate time for interaction with the PhD candidate;

schedule meetings; milestones (publishing papers)
- scientific method
and efficiency ( in time !)
- provide guidance – develop independence

- mentor role?
- cultural issues
( 50 % of PhD students are foreigners)

- ”Supervisor quality”
- joint supervision (for instance: first-time supervisor should
co-supervise with an experienced supervisor) ?
- required active publishing in the last 5 years ?
7 T.Moan.28.02.2007
Student expectations
(the supervisor is also allowed to have
expections to the student!)

Students expect to be supervised

….and they expect supervisors to

• read their work well in advance

• be available when needed
• be friendly, open and supportive
• be constructively critical

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Student expectations (cont)

And to….
• have a good knowledge of the research area
• structure the tutorial so that it is relatively easy to
exchange ideas
• have sufficient interest in their research to put more
information in the students’ path
• be sufficiently involved in their success to help them get a
good job at the end of it all!

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Be aware of psycological issues

• Motivation
• Enthusiasm

Dealing with problems

• Isolation
• Boredom, Frustration
• Job to be finished
• Euphoria
• Transfer of dependence from supervisor to independent work

Supervisors should not misuse their power

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