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Configuration Management

- Premanand Lotlikar

17th July, 2007

• Introduction
• Objective of CM
• Basic Concepts
• Benefits
• Relationship with other processes
• Activities in CM
• Process Control
• Key Performance Indicators
• Cost
• Possible Problems
• Every IT organization has information
about its IT infrastructure
• Art is to keep the information up-to-date
• Information includes not only about
individual component but how they relate
to one another
• If implemented properly, it can provide
information about:
Product Policy
• Which IT components are we currently using?
How many of each version? How long have we
had them?
• What are the current trends in the various
product groups?
• Which IT components can be phased out and
which require upgrading?
• What licenses do we have and are they
• Which maintenance contracts should be
Troubleshooting information &
Impact assessment

• Which IT components are affected by a change?

• Which RFCs are under consideration for IT
• What IT components are responsible for known
• Will the disaster recovery plan still be effective if
the configurations are modified?
Difference b/w CM and Asset Mgmt

Asset Mgmt Configuration Mgmt

• Accounting process for • Goes beyond asset mgmt

monitoring assets • Additionally keeps
• Records purchase price, relationships b/w CI’s
depreciation, business • Also monitors feedback
unit and location about current information
of CI’s
Objectives of CM
• Account for all the IT assets and configurations
within the organization and its services
• Provide accurate information on configurations
and their documentation to support all the other
Service Management processes
• Provide a sound basis for Incident Mgmt,
Problem Mgmt, Change Mgmt
• Verify the configuration records against the
infrastructure and correct any exceptions
Basic Concepts
• Configuration Items (CI’s)
– IT components and the services provided with
– PC hardware, all kinds of software, active and
passive network components, servers, central
processors, documentation, procedures,
services and all other IT components
Basic Concepts
• Configuration Mgmt Database (CMDB)
– Keeps track of all IT components, their
versions and status and the relationships
between them.
• Managing IT components
• High quality IT services
• Effective problem solving
• More rapid processing of changes
• Better control of s/w & h/w
• Improved security
• Compliance with legal requirements
• More precise expenditure planning
• Better support for Availability Mgmt & Capacity Mgmt
• Solid foundation for IT service Continuity Mgmt
Relationship with other processes
• Incident Mgmt needs information across
the whole infrastructure
• Configuration Mgmt helps to:
– To determine the CI’s location and owner
– To determine if there is a problem or a known
error with work around
– To know which customers and services are
– To know the relevant SLA
Relationship with other processes
• Problem Mgmt needs information about
the complexity of the infrastructure.
• Configuration Mgmt helps to:
– To link problems & known errors to CI’s
– To use CMDB data to analyze incidents and
– To identify the deviation b/w the authorized
configuration and the actual configuration
Relationship with other processes
• Change Mgmt needs to identify the impact
of the changes done.
• Configuration Mgmt helps to:
– To associate changes with the relevant CI’s
• Change Mgmt provides major input for
updating the CMDB
Relationship with other processes
• Service Level Mgmt (SLM) needs
information about services along with the
relationships b/w services and the
underlying infrastructure CI’s.
• Service levels (gold, silver, bronze) can be
recorded against the CI’s
Relationship with other processes
• Availability Mgmt uses CMDB for
Component Failure Impact Analysis
• It uses CMDB to identify the weakest CI in
the chain of CI’s providing a service.
Relationship with other processes
• Capacity Mgmt uses CMDB
– To plan optimization of IT infrastructure
– To allocate workload
– To develop a capacity plan
Relationship with other processes
Activities in CM
• Planning
• Identification
• Status Accounting
• Verification and Audit
• The aim, scope, and priorities of
Configuration Mgmt have to be defined
within Service Management and should be
aligned with the business objective.
• The general questions for determining information to be
– Which components should have their status and status
history recorded?
– What are the current and future needs of the other
– What information do we require for changing purpose?
– What requirements are associated with the provision of
• Decision to be made on
– Scope (breadth)
– Level of Breakdown (depth)
– Level of Detail (detail)
Detailing the Scope
• What part of the infrastructure be
controlled by Configuration Mgmt?
• This scope affects the scope of:
– Diagnoses by Problem Mgmt
– Impact Analysis by Change Mgmt
– Verifiability of SLA
– Analysis & Planning by Availability Mgmt
Detailing the Scope

CI # 1

IT Infrastructure Service A

Service B

CI # 2 CI # 3

Application A LAN 2 PABX

CI # 4 CI # 6
Module A System 21 Line 1

CI # 7
CI # 5
NIC 12 Line 2
Module B
CI # 8
Modem 5 Line 3
Depth – Level of Breakdown

IT Infrastructure

Hardware Software Network Documentation

Suite 1 Suite 2

Program 1-1 Program 1-2 Program 1-3

Program 1-1 Program 1-2

Level of Detail (Attributes)
CI number/label Unique identification of the CI.
Serial Number Supplier’s identification number in the form of serial number
Model Name Full model name E.g. PIV MMX 933 MHz
Manufacturer Manufacturer of the CI
Category Classification (H/W, S/W, Documentation)
Warranty expiry date Date when warranty expires
Version number Version number of CI
Location Location of CI
Owner responsible Name and designation of the owner or person responsible for the CI
Status Current state of the CI E.g. ‘under test’, ‘live’
Cost Cost of acquisition
Residual value Current value of CI after depreciation
Comment Other comments
RFC Number RFC number open for the CI
Relationships Relationship b/w the CI and other CIs
CI Relationships
• Relationship b/w CIs useful for:
– Diagnosing errors
– Predicting availability of services
• Relationships can be:
– Logical
• Is a copy of: Copy of a standard model
• Relates to: A procedure, SLA, customer area
• Is used by: CI needed for providing a service

– Physical
• Forms part of: FDD forms part of a PC
• Is connected to: PC connected to LAN
• Is needed for: H/w needed to run application
CI Relationships (example)
• Snapshot of group of CI’s taken at a specific
point in time
• Baseline can be used as:
– For recording cost information
– Starting point for development and testing of new
– Back-out if there is are problems with new
configuration after change
– Standard for supplying configurations (E.g. standard
Status Accounting
• The process of recording state changes to a CI
• Most common states:
– On order
– Received, pending testing
– Under test
– Installed to production, Operational
– Under repair
– Disposed
• This information is also useful for problem
management, especially for detecting devices
with high incidents of repair or long repair
Verification and Audit
• Used to verify if the current situation still
reflects the details in CMDB
• Audits may be carried out in following
– After implementing a new CMDB
– Before and after major changes
– After disaster recovery
– At any convenient time
Verification and Audit
• Following questions are asked during
– Are all RFCs recorded in CMDB?
– Is the CMDB still up-to-date? If not, why?
– What is the impact on Change Mgmt?
– Are baseline configurations recorded
– Does naming of the new CI’s comply with
naming convention?
Process Control
• Critical Success Factors:
– Information in the CMDB should be up-to-date
• Change Mgmt must be strictly enforced
• Stakeholder for information
– Implementation of CMDB must be divided into
correct stages
• Extensive scopes of CM at once generally fails
– Recording must be given to person having not
only the reqd skill but the right attitude!
Key Performance Indicators
• Number of deltas
• No of occasions when configuration was found
• No of occasions when recorded configuration could
not be found
• Time need to process a request for recording
• List of CI’s where more than a given no of
incidents/changes were recorded
• Statistical information about the structure and
composition of IT infrastructure
• Growth data about IT infrastructure
• Largely depends on the scope and level of the
• Cost include H/w, S/w and personnel cost
• H/w, S/w cost depend on:
– Additional H/w & S/w required and its configuration
– Application and DB design, population, customization
& implementation
– DB maintenance
• Personnel cost depends on the size of the
organization and level of detail of CMDB
Possible Problems
• Wrong CMDB scope or CI level of detail
• Inadequate manual systems
• Affect of urgent changes
• Over ambitious schedules
• Management acceptance
• Bypassing the process
Thank you!

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