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Introduction to Media

Information Literacy
Communication Medium

Conversation - Person to person interaction using one’s voice as

the tool to deliver the message.

Public Speaking - One to many interaction using one’s voice as

the tool to deliver the message to a large number of
people, at any given time.
Communication Medium

Documents/ Letters/ Mails - Written messages in whatever form,

usually on paper and print.

Visual Art - Messages rendered in the form of paintings,

drawings, photography, videos, images, and the like, that
conveys specific emotion, idea or thought.
Communication Medium

Physical Medium - Physical things such as tarpaulin billboards,

posters, in-package information contained in
product packaging, and the like.

Digital/ Interactive - Digital and electronic means to convey

messages such as website or computer
application, primarily by the use of internet.
refers to the combination of physical objects
used to communicate or mass media
communication through physical objects,
such as radio, television, computers,
telephone, mobile phone, film, etc.
Media Literacy
• Media literacy is understanding and using mass media in
either an assertive or non assertive way, including an
informed and critical understanding of media, what
techniques they employ and their effect.
• The ability to read, analyze, evaluate, and produce
communication in a variety of media forms, e.g.
television, print, radio computer and other
• Information is a broad term that can cover data,
knowledge derived from study, experience, or
instruction, signals or symbols.

• In the media world, information is often used to describe

knowledge of specific events or situations that has been
gathered or receive by communication, intelligence or
Information Literacy
• Information literacy refers to the abilities to recognize
when information is needed and to locate, evaluate,
effectively use, and communicate information in its
various formats.
• Technology is defined as the science in industry,
engineering etc., to invent useful things or to solve
problems. Through the years, it has galloped over
different phases (For example, from traditional
telephones to smartphones, from paper books to
electronic books)
Technology Literacy
• Technology literacy is the responsible means of using
various technological tools in order to meet one’s goal in
acquiring and giving the right information.
Media and Information Literacy
• Plays and important role in communication and
information dissemination. Media and Information will
enable us to access, understand and create
communications in a variety of contexts in the form of
accessing, understanding, and creating media and
7 Stages/Elements of Information Literacy
1. Identifying/ recognizing information needs

The realization that there arise a need or a problem exists that requires
information, for its satisfactory resolution.

2. Determining sources of information

Know how to determine if the needed information exists,

and to source out from varied avenues.
7 Stages/Elements of Information Literacy
3. Citing or searching for information

Know how to find needed information, to give credits to the source of

the information.

4. Analyzing and evaluating the quality of information

Know how to fully understand found information, or know where to go

for help if needed to understand, and to assess the accuracy and
reliability of the information acquired.
7 Stages/Elements of Information Literacy

5. Organizing, storing or archiving information

Know how to preserve, store, reuse, record and archive information for
future use, or to dispose of information no longer needed, and
safeguard information that should be protected.
7 Stages/Elements of Information Literacy

6. Using information in an ethical, efficient and effective way

Know how to utilize information to solve problem, make decision, or

meet need.

7. Creating and communicating new knowledge

Know how to communicate and present information to others in

appropriate, usable formats/ mediums.

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