Harmish Gadhiya: Ty - Bms

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- Harmish Gadhiya Ty.Bms

Road Map: Definition of entrepreneur Ethical entrepreneur What does he do

Definition of manager
Ethical manager What does he do

Managerial skills
Entrepreneur skills Advantage of manager Disadvantage of manager Advantage of entrepreneur Disadvantage of entrepreneur Difference between manager and entrepreneur

Definition of entrepreneur:
Someone who exercises

initiative by organizing a venture to take benefit of an opportunity and, as an decision maker, decides what, and how much of a good and service will be produced.

Ethical entrepreneur:
One that defines the moral character and bedrock

CHARACTER beliefs of his or her organization is known as ethical entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are also called "transformational leaders".

What does he do:

An entrepreneur supplies

risk capital as a risk taker

Monitors and controls the

buisness activities
He is the the one who owns the majority

of shares in an incorporated venture

Definition of manager:
A Manager is the person

responsible for planning and directing the work of a group of individuals, monitoring their work, and taking corrective action when necessary.

Ethical manager:
The relentless pursuit of self-interest can lead to

a collective disaster when one or more people start to profit from being unethical because this encourages other people to act in the same way.

What does he do:

Managers may direct workers

directly or indirectly
A manager has the power

to hire or fire employees or to promote them

Manager is responsible for

planning, directing, monitoring and controlling the people and their work.

Managerial skills:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Communication Listening Skills A Commitment to the Truth Empathy Persuasion Leadership Focus Division of Work Obstacle Removal Heat Absorption Uncertainty Removal Project Management Administrative and Financial Skills

Entrepreneurs skills:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Decision Making People Skills Planning Sales Communication skills

** An entrepreneur should have this 5

skills in addition to 13 skills described for a manager. Entrepreneur is not a good entrepreneur unless he has all the managerial skills.

Advantages of manager:
Being a manger bring more power and

Managers are more aware of company

surroundings and they know what is going on in the company.

Another big advantage is they can learn new

skills and are able to handle new unseen challenges.

Managerial post gives good and attractive

Disadvantages of manager:
He has a more responsibilities. Managers have to make decisions that they might not

like doing.
Employees will come to managers with all their

problems expecting managers to solve them.

They have more workload and longer hours.

First level managers have a title but still mostly dont

have the power to change things.

Advantages of entrepreneur:
Doing what you love

Independence and freedom

Balance in your life Recognition and self fulfillment Income potential

Disadvantages of entrepreneur:
No Regular Salary Work Schedule Administration Risk of failure in venture: An entrepreneur

always faces the risk of the venture going a down-trodden path.

Difference between manager and entrepreneur:

The main reason for an entrepreneur to start a business enterprise is because he comprehends the venture for his individual satisfaction and has personal stake in it Entrepreneurs objective is to innovate and create and he acts as a change agent

Manager provides his services in an enterprise established by someone

A managers objective is to supervise and create routines. He implements the entrepreneurs plans and ideas.

An entrepreneur is faced with more income uncertainties as his income is contingent on the performance of the firm

A managers compensation is less dependent on the performance of the organization.

Manager make every effort to avoid mistakes and he postpones failure.

An entrepreneur deals with faults and failures as a part of learning experience

A manager cannot be an


An entrepreneur could be a



And with the help of Pooja miss.

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