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Day 1 –

Session 4 – Child Protection in Emergencies

and Child Protection
What is Child Protection?
Can be described broadly as philosophies, policies, standards, guidelines
and procedures to protect children from both intentional and unintentional

Remember - Emergencies can exacerbate existing child protection issues,

and introduce new threats.
IA Definition of Child Protection in Emergencies
Child Protection in Emergencies is the prevention of and response to
abuse, neglect, exploitation of and violence against children in

This includes:

 Establishing programmes that prevent and respond to child

protection issues in and as a result of emergencies

 Reducing children’s exposure to abuse, neglect, exploitation and

violence in emergencies and/or helping them recover if they are

An emergency is broadly defined as a threatening condition that requires
urgent action. Emergencies can be man-made, such as armed conflicts and
other situations of violence; they can result from natural hazards, such as
floods and earthquakes; or they can be a combination of both. The
emergency phase is generally considered to last until the immediate
threat to life has diminished and communities begin the process of

It is important to note that the UASC Field Handbook is applicable in

emergencies as defined above and additionally should guide actions in all
emergency situations in which family separation occurs, and for as long as
FTR services are required i.e. even after the emergency phase.
Let’s look at Child Protection Programming…
- Outline areas that exist within Child Protection

Let’s look at CPIE Programming…

- Outline areas that exist within CPIE Programming.

Discuss similarities and differences…

Child Protection v’s Humanitarian Protection…
Child Protection differs from Protection in:

Scope: Protection addresses a broader range of issues than CP

Approach: Protection actors tend to focus more on legal and advocacy

approaches to protection; CP actors tend to give more attention to
social and community-based approaches to protection
The Protective Environment…
Evolution of Child Protection in Emergency
• Previously programming focused almost exclusively on response to CP
violations (child recruitment, separated children etc.)

• Now recognising that even in emergencies it is important and possible

to work on building a protective environment

• Violations can serve as ‘entry points’ to working on elements of the

protective environment

• Emergencies as opportunities to build capacity, commitment of

national partners (government, civil society)
Overarching strategies to protect children in
• Interagency coordination mechanism for Child protection is
established. Support is provided to GBV and MHPSS

• Undertake child protection assessment.

• Establish child protection monitoring, reporting and advocacy.

• Strengthen child protection mechanisms in emergency affected areas

(e.g. social workers, police, judiciary, child friendly spaces,
community, religious actors etc).
Child Protection in Emergencies PROGRAMMING
 Coordination of child protection response in emergencies
 Prevention of and response to the family separation
 Prevention of and response to exploitation and gender-based violence (GBV)
 Prevention of and response to psychosocial distress
 Prevention of and response to the recruitment and use of children by armed
forces or armed groups
 Prevention of and response to physical harm, including landmines/ERW/UXO
 Monitoring and reporting on grave violations against children and serious child
protection concerns
What is Child Protection in Emergencies?
Session Summary
 Child protection specifically focuses on protection from violence,
exploitation, abuse, and neglect
 Child protection is different from humanitarian protection
 While addressing specific risks that arise in emergencies, it is important to
also strive to strengthen the protection environment for children by
identifying entry points and opportunities to strengthen child protection
 Key areas of CP programming specific to emergencies include: coordination,
psychosocial well-being, GBV, family separation, child recruitment,
monitoring and reporting on grave violations

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