Implementation of Telemedicine

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Implementation of


The change process chosen would be the

The telemedicine change is innovative
implementation of telemedicine service in
since it uses modern technology and uses
the health care that I am working in as it is
that technology to abridge geographical
a health care setting which lacks capability
barriers and helps improve the health
in the sector. Telemedicine helps
outcome through proper monitoring and
individuals to provide consultation and
consultations(Oborn et al., 2021).
treatment remotely(Corbett et al., 2020).
Why change?
+ There is a very uneven distribution of health care in terms
of access which is specifically faced by individual in
regional Australia as mentioned in the book “Welfare
bushed”(Cheers, 2019).
+ Telemedicine can help abridge that gaps and helps
promote equity in terms of healthcare across Australia.
Another reason for the implementation of this change
would be to save cost if the health care is keen on
+ The health care can extend its influence without building
physical infrastructure or incurring additional overhead
charges like staffing which is also an important rationale
for change(López Seguí et al., 2020).
In case of no change

Tele medicine can save lives as people

Also, individuals might have to travel
in remote arears can have far reaching
long distances to receive necessary
impact so if the change is not
medical procedures(López Seguí et al.,
implemented it is possible that the
2020). In addition, these regional
target population in regional area might
population may be at risk in case of
not have access to timely and quality
Which change model?

+ The Lewin’s three step change model will be

used for the change implementation which
constitute of three steps:

 Unfreezing.
 Implementing the change.
 Refreezing.
Why use this model ?

This model will be used since the most

In addition to this the health care can
significant advantage it gives is the
focus on this sector without diverting
gradual change which is a step-by-step
many resources as it will slowly add
change(Bakari et al., 2017). This will
resources as per the progress of the
help health care grow sustainably and
change. This model is simple to use as
the health care can divert if there are
well, and it leads to lasting
many challenges which the health care
change(Burnes, 2020).
is not able to handle.
Why not to use
other models?
+ The Prosci Adkar model will not be used since it has
limited focus which might overlook coordination
amongst departments and overlook the significance of
stakeholders engagement(Chen et al., 2018).
Additionally, Adkar model is usually not associated with
technological changes due to its limited guidance in
technology integration(Vdovichenko, 2015).

+ Kotters eight step mode is an com prehensive model, but

it would not be used either because of many steps and
the complexity in implementing the model(Spear, 2016).
Another important aspect to not consider this model is
due to its lack in individual focus as one of the purposes
of telemedicine is to consult on one on one basis(Page &
Schoder, 2018).
Skill needed by leaders and change agent

Change management is a framework which is used by leaders and change agents to for
leading people side of change so that the outcome that is desired is achieved(Hayes,
2022). So, to implement this change there are various skills that are needed. In the above
context the skills that might be needed is discussed as:

• Communication is a key aspect of which a leader and change agent should posses to bring forth the change. The
leaders should be adept at communicating with various stakeholders so that there is an smooth flow if
information which helps in the change process(Cameron & Green, 2019).
• Emotional intelligence is another key skill that a leader and change agent should have to make the change
possible. When one have high emotional intelligence than one has high empathy and can connect with other
people building trust amidst them pushing for change on that basis(Kanesan & Fauzan, 2019).
• There are other skills also that befits leaders and change agents to bring change like stakeholder management,
agile thinking, persistence etc.
How change communication?

By Creating a To emphasise benefits, To successfully contact Recruit leaders and change Encourage conversation Create training and
communication strategy answer concerns, and stakeholders, make use of agents to support and and input from education opportunities to
that includes a timeframe, describe the a variety of promote the change. stakeholders to promote give stakeholders the
communication routes, implementation process, communication methods, two-way communication. know-how and abilities
target stakeholders, and use clear and consistent including emails, they need for telemedicine
key messaging(van Ruler, communications. conferences, webinars, and services.
2021). specialised platforms.
Is change communication effective?

Survey the stakeholders to get their

Keep track of how frequently
opinions on the communication
patients and medical professionals
messages' relevancy, clarity, and
use telemedicine services.

To gauge engagement and Conduct knowledge evaluations to

involvement, keep track of the gauge how well stakeholders
amount and kind of stakeholder comprehend and use the
enquiries and feedback. knowledge.
Barriers and strategies
Technological Infrastructure: The deployment of telemedicine might be hampered by inadequate
technological infrastructure as can be seen in the implementation of telemedicine in
Kenya(Onsongo et al., 2023). Improve infrastructure to guarantee dependability.

Resistance to Change: Adoption can be hampered by stakeholder resistance brought about by

concerns about job security, disruptions to workflow, or lack of experience with new
technologies(Helms-Mills et al., 2008). Communicate with stakeholders, provide training, and
address their issues.

Regulation and Legal Considerations: It might be difficult to comply with privacy and healthcare
legislation(Gajarawala & Pelkowski, 2021). Develop strict privacy procedures, work with legal
teams, and stay informed.
Enablers and strategies

Personnel Education and Training:

Support for the leadership: Effective
Thorough training provides Patient Education and Engagement:
leadership support is essential.
personnel with the skills they need. To encourage acceptance and usage,
Leaders should support the change,
Create educational programmes that educate and involve patients to offer
allot funds, and promote a culture of
encompass telemedicine's patient education resources.
technological and clinical facets.
Rates of Adoption and Use: Track the rates at which patients and medical
professionals use telemedicine services. Higher rates signify more
effective adoption.
Change process
Feedback from Stakeholders: Collect opinions from patients, employees,
and healthcare professionals via surveys, focus groups, or
interviews(Duthiers, 2023). Positive feedback that shows contentment,
acceptance, and perceived advantages is a sign that a change has been

Quality of Care: Consider how telemedicine has affected the standard of

the services provided. Evaluation of patient outcomes, satisfaction, and
clinical indicators will reveal if the adjustment has enhanced or degraded
the quality of care.

Cost Effectiveness: Consider how much it will cost to deploy

telemedicine. Analyse cost reductions and decreased healthcare.
Thank you
+ Bakari, H., Hunjra, A. I., & Niazi, G. S. K. (2017). How does authentic leadership influence planned organizational change? The role of employees’ perceptions: Integration of theory
of planned behavior and Lewin's three step model. Journal of Change Management, 17(2), 155-187.

+ Burnes, B. (2020). The origins of Lewin’s three-step model of change. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 56(1), 32-59.

+ Cameron, E., & Green, M. (2019). Making sense of change management: A complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change. Kogan Page Publishers.

+ Cheers, B. (2019). Welfare bushed: Social care in rural Australia. Routledge.

+ Chen, C., Osei, W. A., & Göransson, B. (2018). Implementing Change In Organisations.

+ Corbett, J. A., Opladen, J. M., & Bisognano, J. D. (2020). Telemedicine can revolutionize the treatment of chronic disease. International Journal of Cardiology Hypertension, 7.

+ Duthiers, C. A. (2023). Constructing Change: Stakeholder Perceptions of Change Management in Benevolence Organizations Biola University].

+ Gajarawala, S. N., & Pelkowski, J. N. (2021). Telehealth benefits and barriers. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 17(2), 218-221.

+ Hayes, J. (2022). The theory and practice of change management. Bloomsbury Publishing.

+ Helms-Mills, J., Dye, K., & Mills, A. J. (2008). Understanding Organizational Change. Taylor & Francis.

+ Kanesan, P., & Fauzan, N. (2019). Models of emotional intelligence: A review. e-Bangi, 16, 1-9.

+ López Seguí, F., Franch Parella, J., Gironès García, X., Mendioroz Peña, J., García Cuyàs, F., Adroher Mas, C., García-Altés, A., & Vidal-Alaball, J. (2020). A cost-minimization analysis
of a medical record-based, store and forward and provider-to-provider telemedicine compared to usual care in Catalonia: more agile and efficient, especially for users.
International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(6), 2008.
+ Oborn, E., Pilosof, N. P., Hinings, B., & Zimlichman, E. (2021). Institutional logics and innovation in times of
crisis: Telemedicine as digital ‘PPE’. Information and Organization, 31(1), 100340.

+ Onsongo, S., Kamotho, C., Rinke de Wit, T. F., & Lowrie, K. (2023). Experiences on the Utility and Barriers of
Telemedicine in Healthcare Delivery in Kenya. International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications,

+ Page, L., & Schoder, J. (2018). Making change last: leadership is the key. Journal of Business Strategy.

+ Spear, M. (2016). How to facilitate change. Plastic and Aesthetic Nursing, 36(2), 58-61.

+ van Ruler, B. (2021). Communication planning: Agility is a game changer in strategy development.
International Journal of Strategic Communication, 15(2), 113-125.

+ Vdovichenko, A. (2015). Classification of Change Management Theories: a Critical Review.

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