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Meiosis begins with a parent cell that is diploid, meaning it
has two copies of each chromosome. The parent cell
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Project objective
Compared to mitosis, which can take place in a matter of minutes, meiosis is a slow
process, largely because of the time that the cell spends in prophase I. During prophase I,
the pairs of homologous chromosomes come together to form a tetrad or bivalent, which
contains four chromatids. Recombination can occur between any two chromatids within
this tetrad structure.
Crossovers between homologous chromatids can be visualized
in structures known as chiasmata, which appear late in
prophase I. Chiasmata are essential for accurate meiosis. In
fact, cells that fail to form chiasmata may not be able to
segregate their chromosomes properly during anaphase,
thereby producing aneuploid gametes with abnormal numbers
of chromosomes
(Hassold & Hunt, 2001).
At the end of prometaphase I, meiotic cells enter metaphase I.
Here, in sharp contrast to mitosis, pairs of homologous
chromosomes line up opposite each other on the metaphase
plate, with the kinetochores on sister chromatids facing the
same pole.
Pairs of sex chromosomes also align on the metaphase plate.
In human males, the Y chromosome pairs and crosses over
with the X chromosome. These crossovers are possible because
the X and Y chromosomes have small regions of similarity
near their tips. Crossover between these homologous regions
ensures that the sex chromosomes will segregate properly
when the cell divides.
Next, during anaphase I, the pairs of homologous chromosomes
separate to different daughter cells. Before the pairs can separate,
however, the crossovers between chromosomes must be resolved and
meiosis-specific cohesins must be released from the arms of the sister
Following meiosis I, the daughter cells enter
meiosis II without passing through interphase or
replicating their DNA. Meiosis II resembles a
mitotic division, except that the chromosome
number has been reduced by half. Thus, the
products of meiosis II are four haploid cells that
contain a single copy of each chromosome.
In mammals, the number of viable gametes obtained from meiosis
differs between males and females. In males, four haploid spermatids of
similar size are produced from each spermatogonium. In females,
however, the cytoplasmic divisions that occur during meiosis are very
asymmetric. Fully grown oocytes within the ovary are already much
larger than sperm, and the future egg retains most of this volume as it
passes through meiosis. As a consequence, only one functional oocyte is
obtained from each female meiosis. The other three haploid cells are
pinched off from the oocyte as polar bodies that contain very little
The events of Meiosis II are analogous to those of a mitotic division,
although the number of chromosomes involved has been halved.

Meiosis generates genetic diversity through:

● the exchange of genetic material between homologous

chromosomes during Meiosis I
● the random alignment of maternal and paternal chromosomes in
Meiosis I
● the random alignment of the sister chromatids at Meiosis II
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