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By Phrawijitdhammapani
(Abbot of Wat Florida Dhammaram –
Buddhist Temple and Meditation Center)

The Triple Gems
The principles of study and practice
The Four Noble Truths – What the Buddha discovers
The practice
The result
How to Maintain Daily Life for Layperson

The 3 pillars of Buddhism – The triple gems
1. The Buddha – The Enlighten one, The one who
knows, The one who removes all impurities from
his mind, The one whose knowledge arise from
his own transcendent wisdom.
2. The Dhamma – The Teaching of the
Buddha(Tipitaka) : the doctrine and the
3. The Sangha – The disciples who (1) study and
practice the teaching, (2) carry on the teaching of
the Buddha, and (3) teach the others.
The principles of study and practice
1. Sila – Precepts – Observe action and speech
2. Samadhi – Meditation – Concentration of the
mind, train the mind
3. Panna – Wisdom – Thoroughly knowing the
mass of all conditioned things including body
and mind, know the real truth of the nature,
know what right, what wrong

The Four Noble Truths –
What the Buddha discovers
1. The Dukka: Suffering, Stress
2. The Origin of Dukka: Cause of suffering –
sensual pleasures (Kamatanha), wants
(Bhavatanha), not want (Vibhavatanha)
3. The End of Dukka: Total cessation of suffering
4. The Path leading to the End of Dukka: The
Noble Eightfold Path

•Refraining from false speech
•Refraining from harsh speech
Practice The Eightfold Path
•Refraining from coarse speech
•Refraining from senseless speech

Generosit •Refraining from killing

y Right speech •Refraining from stealing
•Refraining from sexual misconduct
Right Action •Giving up wrong livelihood
•Making a living by proper means
Right Livelihood
•Avoiding the evil that has yet to arise
•Putting down the evil that has arisen
•Bringing up the good that has yet to arise
Right Effort •Maintaining the good that has arisen
•Mindfulness of body
Concentratio Right Mindfulness •Mindfulness of feeling
n •Mindfulness of mind
•Mindfulness of Dhamma
Right Concentration
•First Jhāna
Meditation •Second Jhāna
•Third Jhāna
•Fourth Jhāna
•Dukkha: seeing suffering
Right View •Samudaya: seeing the cause of suffering
Wisdom •Nirodha: seeing the end of suffering
•Magga: seeing the path to the end of suffering
Right Intention
•Intention free from sensuality
•Intention free from harmfulness
•Intention free from hate 6
How to Maintain Daily Life for Layperson
(the rest of us)
Five Precepts
1. Abstain from taking live
2. Abstain from taking what is not given
3. Abstain from wrong conduct in sexual
4. Abstain from false speeches
5. Abstain from intoxicating drugs and drinks

How to Maintain Daily Life for
Layperson (the rest of us)
The four Brahmavihara (the four principles of
civilized person) (Developing goodwill-kindness)
1. Metta: Practice love and kindness
2. Karuna: Practice compassion, help those who
3. Mudita: Practice appreciation and
sympathetic joy of other’s happiness and
4. Upekkha: Practice neutrality of the mind,
letting go of extreme joy or deep sorrow
Wat Florida Dhammaram: Activities
Meditation class: every Saturday from 3-5 pm from
beginner to advanced
Dhamma Talk: every 1st and 3rd Sunday from 3-5 pm
5-Day meditation retreat: every May and December
from beginner to advanced
Daily chanting: every morning and evening
All activities are open to public and free of charge
For more detail

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