Innopreneurship Entrepreneurship Innovation

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Entrepreneurship +
Discover the power of merging entrepreneurship and innovation. Learn how to
succeed in business by rethinking the way you approach it.

by marissa casareno almuete

The Entrepreneur and the
1 The Entrepreneur

Creates, manages, and grows a new business venture, identifying and

seizing opportunities.

2 The Innovator

Identifies new opportunities in existing ventures, and continually

improves products or services.
Relevance of Studying Entrepreneurship
and Innovation
1. Fuels economic growth and job creation

2. Encourages creativity and innovation

3. Helps in identifying and solving problems

4. Empowers individuals to achieve their dreams

Why be an Entrepreneur?
Be Your Own Boss Build Something Avoid Boredom
from Scratch
Entrepreneurship provides a
Take charge of your own Create something that is wide variety of
career, work according to truly yours from the ground opportunities and
your values, and make your up, and leave your legacy. challenges, constantly
own decisions. keeping you engaged and
How does Business Work?

Value Chain Business Model

A process of delivering goods or services that A conceptual framework that outlines how a
includes all the activities that add value to the company creates, delivers, and captures value.
final product.

Finance & Accounting

Managing financial resources, recording

transactions, and communicating financial
information to stakeholders.
Key Factors for Successful
Passion & Persistence Opportunity & Innovation

The drive to pursue something you believe Recognizing emerging trends, identifying
in, and the ability to overcome challenges. opportunities for new products or services,
and creating something unique.

Flexibility & Adaptability Resourcefulness & Creativity

Being responsive to feedback, learning Finding effective solutions to problems,

from mistakes and adjusting plans utilizing limited resources, and thinking
accordingly. outside the box.
7 Competencies of an Entrepreneur

Financial Building and
Marketing Management Leadership
and Sales

Creating Managing Creating a team

effective business culture and
strategies to finances, developing team
communicate controlling costs members to
the value of and assets, and facilitate
your product or planning for successful
service and to profitability and business
attract growth. operations.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Product/ Operations Human Mentorship/

Service Management Resources Advisory
Developing and Recruiting,
offering .produc Efficiently and training, Building a
ts or services effectively managing and group of trusted
that meet the organizing, retaining mentors or
needs of your planning and employees to advisors who
ideal customer. controlling enhance can provide
4 Competencies of an Innovator

1 Observation and Pattern


Identifying patterns in the world,

Creative Problem-Solving 2 making connections among
seemingly unrelated phenomena,
Thinking creatively, exploring all and seeing opportunities for
possible solutions, accepting improvement or innovation.
uncertainty and ambiguity, and
avoiding assumptions.
3 Idea Development and

Generating new ideas, developing

them, and evaluating them through
Collaboration and 4 prototyping and experimentation.

Working with diverse individuals,

teams, and networks to build
partnerships, co-create, validate,
and promote new concepts or
12Ms Entrepreneurship Journey Map

Market Analysis Mission Statement

Conducting an examination of an industry and Summarizing the organizational mission and

its customers to understand their motivations, vision in a clear, concise and compelling way.
behaviors and perceptions.

Marketing Plan Management Team

Developing effective strategies for marketing Setting up an effective organization structure,

Conclusion and call to action
Entrepreneurship and innovation go hand in hand, and success in business demands the highest
levels of commitment, creativity, and ingenuity. With the right approach, anyone can make a
change in their personal and professional life.

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