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1 Timothy 4:12
“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example
for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and purity.”
• Timothy was Paul’s apostolic delegate, having been left in various places by the
Apostle to continue acting on his behalf and completing the set up the churches
that Paul helped to plant. Timothy was to continue teaching the churches and help
them appoint elders to govern and shepherd the people in them. As I urged you
when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command
certain people not to teach false doctrines any longer. 1Timothy1:3

• Timothy was relatively young compared to some of those he was tasked with
pastoring, and it may have been an issue that he had written or spoken with Paul
about previously. Paul’s instruction to him was to disregard his age, or what
people thought of it, and focus on his way of being, setting an example for anyone
who would have the eyes to see it for what it was and follow him.
Breaking Down the Key Parts of 1 Timothy 4:12
• #1 “Don’t let anyone look down on you…”
This could be misunderstood. How does one prevent all others from looking
down on him or her? Some would do it by fighting anyone who seems to slight
them. Others would do it by constantly trying to prove themselves. But what is
required here has nothing to do with what others actually do. “Looking down on
you” is the problem of the one looking down. To “let them” one must take
offense. As Christians, we have every reason in the world to look to God, and not
man (Gal 1:10) for our value. We can be no good to anyone until we have obeyed
God and accepted ourselves for what we are intrinsically. It dishonors our Maker
to do anything less.
• #2 “…because you are young,”
The argument is not without merit that wisdom comes with age. Apparently, this
was the source of the opposition to Timothy. They thought he was too young to
have the authority that he had. If he was, then his life would prove that. Youth is
not in itself a barrier to responsibility. Today’s youth are waiting longer and
longer to take life seriously, and we would do well to help them take their place as
contributing adults much earlier than what is normal today.
• #3 “but set an example for the believers…”
This is biblical leadership. What could Timothy do about those who disrespected
his age? Nothing. Nothing except to go on doing what he should be doing:
seeking first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness. Living for Jesus and
being righteous in him will give others an example to imitate (1 Cor 11:1),
Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.
• requiring no coercion or “Lording over” others.(Mt 20:25) But Jesus called them
to Himself and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them,
and those who are great exercise authority over them.
• In speech- They will not be designed to embarrass or hurt, ridicule, or humiliate
others, but will speak the truth in love. And when we are led by the Spirit, He will
help us to know how we should respond to every person. Let your conversation
be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer
everyone. Colossians4:2

• In conduct- And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord

Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians3:17 Working in
“Jesus’ name” also implies that we live recogniz­ing that he is our master, our
boss, the one to whom we are ultimately accountable. This leads into Paul’s
reminder that we work for the Lord and not for human masters. Yes, we most
likely have horizontal accountability on the job, but the diligence we bring to our
work comes from our recognition that, in the end, God is our judge.
• Love- While this is a well-rounded list, it is comprehensive in the third quality,
love. When asked what was the greatest commandment, Jesus answered, “‘Love
the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your
mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it:
‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mt 22:37-38), and that all the law and
prophets are summed up in it (40). To follow Jesus, we must seek to love this
way, and so set an example for others to follow. Great reward will come to those
who get to Heaven to find out that someone else is there because they followed
his or her example.
• In purity- In another place Paul told Timothy to flee youthful lusts. Run from
temptation. Be an example of purity of mind, purity of heart, and purity of
conversation. The world is looking for leaders to follow. Too many are attracted
to bad examples, and are following them to destruction. Set the example and
standard that will lead them to eternal life.

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