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Asset Allocation: Extension

Underlying economic factors? Cashflow

Effect vs. Discount Rate Effect
B ̴ CFB / rB
B (Bond), S ◦ CFB is fixed (except for TIPS which is adjusted
for inflation)
(Stock) and C ◦ rB is driven by monetary policy (r) and inflation
Markets S ̴ CFS / rS
◦ CFS is positively related to g (economic growth)
A simplified and inflation
view ◦ rS is driven by r, inflation, and equity risk

C is positively related to g and inflation

B, S and C
A simplified
Commodity market is
concurrent with business
Stock market is leading
indicator of business cycle
Bond market leads stock

Market risk sentiment (Risk-on vs. Risk-off)
Nov. 2022

AF5344 4

AF5344 5
Asset Mix

AF5344 7
vs. Tactical
(Nov. 2022)
View (Nov.

Equity across
Lecture 4
Optimal Risky Portfolios
Diversification benefit and risk measures
Optimal risky portfolio and efficient frontier
Asset allocation and portfolio selection
Separation property
Treynor-Black model

Read: Ch. 7 (excluding 7.5), Ch. 27.2 (Treynor-Black Model)

Exercise: P7.4 – 9; 7.11, 7.12, 7.16

AF5344 11
Motivating Questions
How to construct an optimal risky portfolio?
Is standard deviation a proper measure of risk if we have more
than one risky asset?
Is it necessary for portfolio managers to know investors’ risk

AF5344 12
The Origin of Modern Portfolio Theory
14 Pages to Fame (JF, 1952)

Risk is central to the whole process of investing! Markowitz

AF5344 13
What if we have two risky
Last class, we examined asset allocation with one risky asset and a risk-
free asset.
We adopted standard deviation (volatility) as the measure of risk and
used the Sharpe ratio to describe the reward for risk.
Now, we have two risky assets and a risk-free rate of 5%
E(r) SD
1 12% 20%
2 20% 30%

How should we select risky assets?

AF5344 14
Optimal choice
Calculate Sharpe Ratio,

Sharpe Ratio
1 =(12%-5%)/20% = 0.35
2 =(20%-5%)/30%=0.50

If our choices are limited to either security 1 or 2, to maximize Sharpe

ratio, we should choose 2.

AF5344 15
Can we do better?


AF5344 16
The Investment Decision
Top-down process with 3 steps:
Capital allocation between the risky portfolio and
risk-free asset
Asset allocation across broad asset classes
Security selection of individual assets within each
asset class

AF5344 17
Portfolio Mathematics
Mean-Variance Framework
◦ Expected Return
◦ Standard Deviation

Two different levels of formulas

◦ Individual Asset
◦ Portfolio

AF5344 18
A portfolio is defined as follows,

r p = w 1 r 1 + w 2 r2

w1 = Proportion of funds in Security 1

w2 = Proportion of funds in Security 2
w1 + w2 = 100%

AF5344 19
Portfolio Expected Return
The expected return of a portfolio is a weighted average
of expected return of each asset comprising the portfolio,
with the portfolio proportions as weights.

E(rp) = w1E(r1)+ w2E(r2)

w1 = Proportion of funds in Security 1

w2 = Proportion of funds in Security 2
w1 + w2 = 1

AF5344 20
Given E(r1)= 12%
E(r2)= 20%
w1 = 50%
w2 = 50%
w1 + w2 = 100%

E(rp) = w1E(r1)+ w2E(r2) = (.5)(12%)+(.5)(20%) = 16%

AF5344 21
Example: Long-Short Strategy
130-30 strategy:
◦ Short 30% (w=-30%) and invest the proceeds and initial capital (1-w =
130%) to buy securities.
◦ Maintain a 100% exposure to equity risk.

130-30 strategy outperforms the underlying market, by

taking advantage of overpriced securities.

AF5344 22
Portfolio Risk with Two Risky
When two risky assets with variances s12 and s22,
respectively, are combined into a portfolio with
portfolio weights w1 and w2, the portfolio variance is
given by

p2 = w12 12 + w22 22 + 2w1w2 1 2 (r1, r2)

(r1,r2) = Correlation coefficient for security1 and 2

Cov(r1,r2) = (r1,r2)12

AF5344 23
Portfolio Risk: Example
Given 1 = 20%
2 = 30%
(r1 r2) = 0.4
w1 = 50% and w2 = 50%

p2 = 0.52 0.22 + 0.52 0.32 + 2*0.5*0.5*0.2*0.3*0.4

= 0.0445

p = 21.1%

AF5344 24
Portfolio Risk
If standard deviation is a good measure of risk, portfolio risk should be
proportional to individual standard deviation.
w11+ w22 = (0.5)(0.2)+(0.5)(0.3) = 25%
However, 21.1% = p < 25%

1. (Bad News!) Standard deviation is a questionable measure of risk,
especially for individual securities. ( cannot be additive.)
2. (Good News!) Forming a portfolio generates diversification benefit
Risk reduction = 25% - 21.1% = 3.9%

AF5344 25
Re-visit our question
If we choose a portfolio of the two risky assets, we can achieve even
greater Sharpe ratio

Sharpe = (16% - 5%)/21.1% = 0.52

So, we should not limit our choices to either asset 1 or 2.

Forming a portfolio can offer even better reward to risk ratio.

AF5344 26
Diversification leads to better
risky portfolios


AF5344 27
Correlation Coefficient
Correlation coefficient has a range: -1.0 <  < +1.0

As long as (r1r2) < +1

 p < w1  1 + w 2  2
There is a diversification benefit.

Risk reduction is (w1 1 + w2 2) - p .

The smaller the correlation, the greater the risk reduction potential

AF5344 28
Correlation: Examples
Bonds vs. Commodity

What do you think about their correlation?

◦ Likely to negatively correlated

What might be the driving force behind their relation?

◦ Inflation is the key driver behind the negative correlation
between bond price and commodity price.

AF5344 29
Correlation: Examples
Bonds vs. Stocks

What do you think about their correlation?

◦ Positively correlated most of time but ...
◦ Bond market leads stock market.

What might be the driving force behind their relation?

◦ Interest rate and inflation are key drivers.

AF5344 30
Special Cases
When (r1r2) = +1

 p = w 1  1 + w 2 2
There is no diversification benefit; i.e., no risk reduction.
But it is rare to have a perfectly positive correlation!

If r2 = 2*r1
(r1r2) = +1

AF5344 31
Special Cases
When 1 = 0 (risk-free asset)

p = w 2  2

The portfolio risk is proportional to the risk of the risky asset.

Having a risk-free asset results in a linear relationship (CAL).

AF5344 32
Special Cases
When (r1r2) = -1

p = w1 1 - w2 2
There is a hedging opportunity such that portfolio risk can be
hedged away.

Short index future vs. long index

AF5344 33
If correlation coefficient is -1, we can determine w1 such
that the overall portfolio standard deviation is zero.
w1 + w2 =1

w1 1 = w2 2

w1 = 2 / (1 + 2 ) = 0.3/(0.2+0.3) = 0.6

w2 = 0.4

AF5344 34
n Benefit as a
Function of

AF5344 35
Risk Management
Three ways to manage risk:
1. Hedging
◦ If (r1r2) = -1
◦ Example: Short index futures
2. Insurance
3. Diversification
◦ If (r1r2) <1

AF5344 36
The Power of Diversification
n n
 P2    w w Cov ( r , r )
i j i j
i 1 j 1

If we define the average variance and average covariance of

the securities as:

21 n 2
   i 1/n
n i 1
1 n n
Cov  
n( n  1) j 1
 Cov(r , r )
i 1
i j

j i

AF5344 37
Example: Three-Asset Portfolio

E ( r p )  w 1 E ( r1 )  w 2 E ( r2 )  w 3 E ( r3 )

2 2 2 2 2 2 2
 w  w  w 
p 1 1 2 2 3 3

 2 w1w2 1, 2  2w1w3 1,3  2w2 w3 2,3

n variances
n*(n-1) covariances

AF5344 38
The Power of Diversification
We can then express portfolio variance as:

2 1 2 n 1
   
P C ov
n n

As n increases, the influence from variance disappear while covariance
Risk is more about the co-movement of returns for different assets.
Example: Liquidity commonality leads to systematic risk.

AF5344 39
Portfolio Diversification

Standard deviation (total risk) can be partitioned into two components:

Firm-specific risk (diversifiable)
Systematic risk (undiversifiable)

AF5344 40
Systematic vs. Firm-Specific Risk

AF5344 41
Implication of Diversification for Risk
As the number of securities in a portfolio increases,
portfolio risk (standard deviation) declines to certain level.
Diversification can reduce firm-specific/unique risk, while
systematic/market risk remains.

If so, why do we need to compensate anyone for bearing

firm-specific risk?
Thus, a better risk measure is systematic risk (defined later).

AF5344 42
Markowitz Portfolio Selection
Determine the minimum-variance frontier of N
risky assets.
◦ Portfolio with the lowest standard deviation for a given
expected return.

Only consider choices on the efficient frontier.

◦ Portfolios which dominate any other portfolios with a
given standard deviation.

AF5344 43
Minimum-Variance Frontier of Risky Assets

AF5344 44

AF5344 45
Portfolio Selection and Risk Aversion
E(r) U’’’ U’’ U’

frontier of
S risky assets
Q risk-averse
risk-averse Investors with different degree of risk aversion
investor would choose different risky portfolios

AF5344 46
Efficient Frontier after Adding Risk-free Asset

Determine an optimal risky portfolio on the efficient

frontier of risky assets
Then, allocate funds between the optimal risky portfolio
and risk-free asset.
The result is that the new efficient frontier is expanded.

AF5344 47
How to identify the optimal portfolio?
Maximize the slope of the CAL for any
possible portfolio, P.
The objective function is the slope:
E ( rP )  r f
SP 

The slope is also the Sharpe ratio.

AF5344 48
Capital Allocation Lines with Risky Portfolios

The optimal
portfolio P
Sharpe Ratio

AF5344 49
Optimal Solution (Equation 7.13)

AF5344 50
Separation Property
Investors’ risk aversion does not matter in selecting
the optimal risky portfolio.

Two separate tasks:

◦ Selection of the optimal risky portfolio can be delegated
to fund managers.
◦ Investors’ choices differ only in their allocation between
risk-free and the optimal risky portfolio.

AF5344 51

AF5344 52
Asset Allocation with Stock, Bond and T-Bill
Step 1: Form an optimal portfolio of risky assets, i.e.,
stock and bond.
◦ Objective is to maximize the Sharpe Ratio, subject to
constraints on portfolio weights.
◦ This decision is independent of risk aversion of investors

Step 2: Allocate funds between the optimal risky

portfolio and risk-free asset
◦ Objective is to maximize the utility subject to the CAL.
◦ This is an individual decision
AF5344 53
Example: Stock, Bond and T-Bill
Expected Return Standard Correlation
Stock 13% 20% 0.3
Bond 8% 12%
T-Bill 5% 0

Max. Sharpe Ratio

Subject to portfolio weights adding up to one

Optimal Risky Portfolio (Equation 7.13)

60% Stock
40% Bond

AF5344 54
Given that risk
aversion A =4,

The individual
investor can allocate
his funds between the
optimal risky portfolio
and T-bills

AF5344 55
In Practice
MPF DIS (Default Investment Strategy) in HK
Core Accumulation Funds
◦ 60% Global Equity Funds
◦ 40% Global Bond Funds

Age 65 Plus Funds

◦ 20% Global Equity Funds
◦ 80% Global Bond Funds

What would be the underlying factors for the MPF to come up with this
◦ Correlation between equity and bond funds
◦ Risk aversion on average

AF5344 56
Role of Risk-free Asset
Risk-free asset plays an important role of separating asset allocation
decision from the decision to select the optimal risky portfolio
With the presence of risk-free asset, portfolio decision is simplified to
identify a unique optimal risky portfolio.
All investors agree to the same optimal risky portfolio.
CML: Capital Market Line

The efficient frontier is also expanded, so everyone is better off.

AF5344 57
Efficient Frontier with Lending &

rf F

AF5344 58
What if short-sales is restricted?
◦ Efficient frontier will be inferior.

What if lending and borrowing rates are different?

◦ The optimal risky portfolio is no longer unique; different optimal risky
portfolios for investors lending or borrowing.

AF5344 59
Focus Investing:
Theory and Mechanics
Golden Rules:
◦ Concentrate your investments in outstanding
companies run by strong management
◦ Limit to 10 stocks
◦ Think long term – 5 to 10 years
◦ Volatility happens. Carry on.

AF5344 60
Treynor-Black Model
Even if you are good at selecting undervalued stock, should
you focus on the stock you picked by betting all your money?
Or you still need to diversify?
Treynor-Black Model allows you to achieve both abnormal
return from mispriced security and diversification.

Assuming that market is nearly efficient.

AF5344 61
Treynor-Black Model
Treynor-Black Model is used to combine actively
managed stocks with a passively managed portfolio.
Using the Sharpe Ratio, the optimal combination of
active and passive portfolios can be determined.

Suppose market portfolio (M) is the optimal risky

portfolio for (almost) everyone, but you have
identified an undervalued stock A.

AF5344 62
Treynor-Black Model



AF5344 63
Treynor-Black Model
Sharpe measure will increase with added ability to pick
mispriced stocks
Slope of CAL>CML
(rp-rf)/p > (rm-rf)/m

P is the portfolio that combines the passively managed

portfolio with the actively managed portfolio
The combined efficient frontier has a higher return for
the same level of risk

AF5344 64
Here we simplify the Treynor-Black Model as asset allocation with two
risky assets M and A, plus a risk-free asset rf = 5%. Correlation coefficient
is 0.4
E(r ) SD
M 12% 20%
A 20% 30%

Identify the optimal portfolio P (Using Equation 7.13)

wM = 38.46%
wA = 61.54%

AF5344 65
Can you achieve a better result than
putting all your money into A?
Optimal portfolio:
◦ E(rp) = 16.92%
◦ p = 22.66%

Find another portfolio on the CAL such that standard

deviation is the same as A
◦ y*22.66% = 30%
◦ y = 1.323

E(r)= 1.323*16.92% +(1-1.323)*5% = 20.77% > 20%

AF5344 66

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