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Time : 2:00-3:00 pm Teacher : Marivic B.
What is a globalization?
CONTENTS Globalization in the Philippines

Features of Globalization
Forms of Globalization
Effects of Globalization as to
Effects of Globalization
Developed States
Effects of Globalization in
Developing Countties
Heywood (2013) defined globalization as the process
through which societies have become so intertwined or
interconnected that events and decisions in one part of the
world have significant effects on the lives of people in the
other part of the world.
Globalization in the Philippines
Here in the Philippines, domestic and political policies
change because of events happening in international
arena. For example, the shift of TESDA training to BPO
related skills to cater the demand pf outsourcing
companies. Also, the shift of 10 years curriculum in
Basic education Curriculum to K to 12 program is an
outset of global requirement.
Features of Globalization
Do globalization needs to happen? Globalization
conjoined with the fast improvement of technologies.
The improvement of communication, transportation
and trade strategues fast track the process of
interconnectedness of countries.
Characteristic of Globalization as a phenomenon
by Heywood (2013)
1. Declining relevance of geographical distance;
The use of internet connectivity vitually shortens the distance between and
among the people of different states. Even millions of kilometers apart because
of ICT development the geographical distance between states was virtually

2. Lessening significance of territorial boundaries.

The development in air, water and land transportation delimits the

movement of people between states. They can now move to one state to
3. Deepening and broadening of political processes, such
that the local, national, and global events constantly interact.
States personalities can now exchange ideas in real
times, talk diplomatically for the improvement of both State.
The bilateral or eveb multi-lateral relation among them can
ve strengthen or weaken dependenf on the aspects of the
Forms of Globalization
Globalization resulted in a growing interpendence
among actors, activities, and processes all overt the
Several forms of Globalization identified of Heywood
(2013) which listed three--economic, cultural, and
1. Economic Globalization - All economies have been intergrated in a global
economy. There is an increasinf interdependence or world economies as a
result of growing scale of cross-border trade of commoditues and services, flow
of international capital and wide and rapid spread of technologies.
2. Cultural Globalization - A phenomenon by which the experience of
everyday life, as influenced by the diffusion of commodities and ideas, reflects
standardization of cultural expression around the world.

3. Political Globalization - The growth of worldwide political system, th3

importance of international organization, transnatuinal organization, and
nongoverment organization is being recognized.
Effects of Globalization as to
The developed States enjoys the advantage un the
balance of opportunities and threats. In contrast, the
underdeveloped and developing countries remain
dependent on developed countries. They are mired in
poverty and remain in competition with other poor
states in the export of agricultural produce and
Effects of Globalization
in Developed States
To gain uppero hand in economic competituvenesd,
developed states adopted new policies. Some
developed countries privatized their publicly owned
companies and pruned down their budget decifits to
manageablle levels, reduced their taxes and abolish
shoddy stock market because of international
competition and monopolies.
Developed countries are the markets of Multi-national
corporations which in turn MNCs are required to purchase or
ask them to buy domesticd products from domestic suppliers.
Because of many industries in developed countries, they are
unlikely be controlled by other states interms of economy.
They cannot be forced by external economic forces, besides
they are the ones controlling economic forces. However, along
with this is the depletion of natur resources and destruction of
the environment is much likely.
Effects of Globalization in
Developing Countries
The impact of globalization in developing countries in terms in
economy is far greater than in developed countries. Developing
countries only rely on single or less export product. They are not
diversified. Middles East for example, their product is mainly oil.
Without oil revenuetheir economy with falter. The Philippines also for
example rely on labor exports and some agricultural products, once
that developed countries close its doors then the economy will falter
too. Some developed countries used this scenatio to demand polutic
agenda from other state.

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