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Subscription Management

Amendments flow for Supremo Fitness

Demo Services

Fusion Apps Release 13 (20D)

October, 2020

1 Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted

Demo Attributes

Product(s) Engagement Cloud – Subscription Management

Date Last Updated October, 2020
Author(s) Fernanda Luna
Section One Demo Release(s) Engagement Cloud 20D – FAPHRZ20DD01, FAPHRZ20DD02
Demo Title(s) Fusion GSI - ERP, SCM, HCM, Student & Engagement Cloud
OSN Conversation for Feedback:
(Internal Oracle Only)

2 Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal

Executive Summary

Purpose of this Demo:

The demo illustrates the steps involved in Subscription Management for amend a subscription in order to update products of
an active subscription, also amend subscription products and coverage products in the active or expired status using the
amend action.

In this specific flow we are showcasing an amendment where a credit memo is created for charges that have credited
amount > 0, meaning that subscription information has been sent to AR.

Supremo Fitness:

What they Do: Supremo is a manufacturer of high-end cardio fitness equipment and wearable devices.

Goals: Their goal is to provide personalized customer and consumer experiences through subscription offerings

3 Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal

Storyline and Personas

As Subscriptions Representative – Nick Vale, amends subscriptions

As Receivables Manager – Alex Tidwell, executes the Import AutoInvoice process in order to generate an invoice in AR

As Revenue Manager – Scott Draymond, executes processes for revenue recognition

Demo User Login Role

Nick Vale Subscriptions Representative
Alex Tidwell Receivables Manager
Scott Draymond Revenue Manager

4 Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal

Current Known Issues - CKI

CKI Description Ticket Knowledge Article

Subscription management invoice visibility blocked by browser sizing 1066043 PROBLEM1903

5 Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal

Pre Demo Setup (Before Each Demo)

Using nick.vale user, execute following ESS jobs or schedule it to run periodically
o Fetch Pricing Information for Subscriptions (Optional, if usage pricing is updated directly in Billing Summary
o Send Subscription Billing Information to Receivables
o Fetch Subscription Invoice Information from Receivables
o Send Subscription Revenue Information to Oracle Revenue Management Cloud

Using alex.tidwell user, execute following ESS jobs or schedule it to run periodically
o Import AutoInvoice

Using scott.draymond user, execute 2 jobs for revenue recognition at the Revenue Management Cloud (RMC), or schedule it to
run periodically
o Validate Customer Contract Source Data
o Identify Customer Contracts

NOTE: All these ESS jobs can be scheduled to run for certain period of time, or can be executed on demand.
6 Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal
Nick Vale
Subscriptions Representative

Nick is a Subscriptions Representative, he is in charge of amend

Subscriptions, sending billing information to AR and importing
invoice details

7 Confidential – Oracle Internal

Alex Tidwell
Receivables Manager

Alex is a Receivables Manager and he executes the Import

AutoInvoice process in order to generate an invoice in AR for new

8 Confidential – Oracle Internal

Scott Draymond
Revenue Manager

Scott is a Revenue Manager and he executes processes for revenue


9 Confidential – Oracle Internal

Subscription Management – Amendment, Billing and Revenue recognition flow for
Supremo Fitness

As Subscription Representative Nick executes ESS Job Fetch Subscription Once all modifications need to be reflected
– Nick Vale drills into a Invoice Information from Receivables, to at Revenue, Nick executes ESS Job to send
subscription that requires an retrieve invoices details from AR information to Revenue Management
amendment Cloud

Scott Draymond executes ESS jobs

Nick drills into the Subscription’s Alex Tidwell executes Import for revenue recognition:
Product details and amends it by clicking AutoInvoice for the - Validate Customer Contract Source
Actions > Amend subscription, in order to Data
generate a invoices in AR - Identify Customer Contracts

A new line is created in the subscription Once all changes are completed, Nick can
with the status “Draft”, Nick can do all now Activate the subscription and send
modifications required in this line details to AR for generating an invoice
(remaining lines to be invoiced and/or
credit memos)

10 Confidential – Oracle Internal


11 Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted

Log in as nick.vale user
[Login using 12
‘nick.vale’ user] – Oracle Internal
[Click Sign In button]
% Note: Subscription creation steps are just as reference for this specific flow, where a credit memo is created for charges that have credited amount > 0 (information sent to AR)

[Click in Subscription Management tab]

[Click in Subscription
13 Management
Confidential icon]
– Oracle Internal
To Create Subscription,
[Select Customer = New Start Gyms]
[Subscription Number is generated Automatically]
[Select Billing Account= 90090]
[Select Currency = USD]
[Select Subscription Profile= Supremo Subscription Profile]
[Enter Start Date = Backdate the Start Date a couple of months back]
[Select Term 14
= 1 Year]
Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Click Save and Continue button]
A new Subscription
15 has been created
Confidential – Oracleand a product can be added now
[Click in Add Product button at Products section]
Fill in the product Details
[Enter Number = 1]
[Select Name = cCoach12]
[Click > Save16and Continue]
Confidential – Oracle Internal
% Note: currently this product used for this flow is setup with duration of 1 year
Details of the17
product added can
Confidential be seen
– Oracle including the subtabs for Pricing and Billing Summary for the product selected
[Click in Billing Summary tab (left hand menu)]
All billing charges are displayed for all months of duration of the subscription, in this particular case we are showcasing a backdated subscription which is in the middle of the contract duration
[Click in Save and Close button]
18 Confidential – Oracle Internal
Nick can now19activate the subscription
Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Click in Renewal Controls tab (left hand menu)]
Nick can now mark the subscription to be auto approved
[Internal Approval = Select as Blank]
[Click in Save]
20 Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Click in Actions > Activate]
Subscription Contract
21 will be activated
Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Click Activate button]
22 Confidential – Oracle Internal
Subscription Contract will be in ”Active” Status now
Now Nick executes
23 the ESS job
Confidential ”SendInternal
– Oracle Subscription Billing Information to Receivables” in order to send information to Accounts Receivables
[Click in Navigator >Tools > Scheduled Processes]
In Scheduled processes page
[Click Schedule New Process button]
[Set Name = Send Subscription Billing Information to Receivables]
[Press Tab]
[Click Search]24 Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Select resulting record and click OK]
Process details are requested for Subscription Number and/or Business Unit
[Type your subscription number (optional)]
[BU Name = 25 Supremo US Business
Confidential Unit]
– Oracle Internal
[Click in Submit button]
26 Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Click in Refresh icon until “Send Subscription Billing Information to Receivables” is in Success]

27 Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted

Nick search and
28 drills into the –subscription
Confidential to be amended
Oracle Internal
[Search and drill into an existing subscription (please refer to Subscription Creation slides)
29 Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Click in Product Name hyperlink]
Nick can review that there are lines already interfaced to AR, and the remaining lines of the subscription. Now proceeds to amend the subscription product
[Click in Actions}
30 Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Click in Amend]
[Amendment Effective Date = could be today’s date, past date, or future date (effective date must be within the line effectivity)]
% Note: in this particular flow, the Amendment Effective Date is at beginning of month (January), since these first days of the month are already credited (information interfaced to AR) then this
billing line will generate a credit memo
[Amendment Reason = Product Term Change]
% Other reasons: Breach, Product noncompliance, Upgrade or downgrade products, Product Term Change, Quantity change
[Amendment Credit Memo = Prorate with credit]
% Other Amendment
31 Credit Memo:
Confidential – OracleProrate
Internal without credit, Full
[Save and Continue]
A new line is 32
created for the subscription,
Confidential in this new line Nick can make any modifications (product change, change quantity, terms, tax, etc)
– Oracle Internal
[Click in Pricing tab (left hand menu)]
In order to obtain pricing information Nick needs to reprice
[Click in Actions]
33 Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Click in Reprice]
Pricing details34are now displayed
Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Save and Close]
The subscription is Under amendment status, also it has now 2 lines in Products section. Draft status line has start date of the Amendment Effective Date (remaining months to be billed), and line
Under amendment
35 isConfidential
for the past months/billing
– Oracle Internal lines
% Note: once the subscription is activated, Draft line will be set as Active and Under amendment line will be as Close
Nick can now activate the subscription
[Click in Actions]
36 Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Click in Activate]
37 Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Click in Activate]
The subscription is now active, also Product lines status are also modified now
% The Active38line contains all–remaining
Confidential months for subscription
Oracle Internal
[Click in Product’s Closed line (second one) to drill into Billing Summary details]
[Click in Billing Summary (left hand menu)]
Billing lines are
39 theConfidential
past month– lines,
Oracle last line has a credit memo (due to it is partially credited)
[Save and Close]
40 Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Click in Product’s Active line (first one)]
Remaining subscription
41 lines are
Confidential displayed
– Oracle Internal
[Save and Close]
AR Invoice

42 Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted

In order to obtain invoice details, execute ESS Job “Send Subscription Billing Information to Receivables”
[Go to Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes]
[Click in Schedule New Process]
[Name = Send43Subscription Billing
Confidential Information
– Oracle Internal to Receivables]
[Press tab and OK]
[Subscription Number (optional)]
[BU Name = Supremo US Business Unit]
[Click in Submit]
44 Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Click in OK]
45 Confidential – Oracle Internal
Log out as Nick Vale and log in as Alex Tidwell (Receivables Manager)
Once Alex is 46
in then she– Oracle
needs Internal
to execute ESS job “Import AutoInvoice” in order to generate an invoice in AR for subscription created by Nick
[Click in Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes]
In Scheduled processes page
[Click Schedule New Process button]
[Set Name = Import AutoInvoice]
[Press Tab]
[Click Search]47 Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Select resulting record and click OK]
Process details are requested for Business Unit and Transaction Source
[Business Unit = Supremo US Business Unit]
[In Transaction Source search for “ORA_Subscriptions” (scroll down in the list of values)]
[Click in Submit]
48 Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Click in OK]
49 Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Click in Refresh icon until “Import AutoInvoice” is in Success]
Log out as Alex
50 andConfidential
log back in– Oracle
as Nick for the final steps
[Login as ‘nick.vale’]
Now Nick executes
51 the ESS job
Confidential ”FetchInternal
– Oracle Subscription Invoice Information from Receivables” in order to get the invoice details for the new subscription
[Click in Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes]
In Scheduled processes page
[Click Schedule New Process button]
[Name = Fetch52 Subscription Invoice
Confidential – OracleInformation
Internal from Receivables]
[Press Tab and click OK]
[Click in Submit]
53 Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Click in OK]
54 Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Click in Refresh icon until “Fetch Subscription Invoice Information from Receivables” is in Success]
Go to Subscription
55 Management
Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Click in Navigator > Subscription Management > Subscription Management]
Search and drill into your subscription and drill into product details
[Click in Product’s
56 Closed line–hyperlink]
Confidential Oracle Internal
[Click in Billing Summary tab (left hand side menu)]
All lines with57pending invoice –are
Confidential invoiced
Oracle Internalnow, credit memo can be now also interfaced to AR and invoiced as well
[Save and Close]
Credit Memo

58 Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted

In Scheduled processes page
[Click Schedule New Process button]
[Set Name = Send
59 Subscription
Confidential – Billing Information to Receivables]
Oracle Internal
[Press Tab and click OK]
[Type your subscription number (optional)]
[BU Name = Supremo US Business Unit]
[Click in Submit button]
[Click in OK]60 Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Wait until ESS Job is as Succeeded]
61 Confidential – Oracle Internal
Log out as Nick Vale and log in as Alex Tidwell (Receivables Manager)
[Click in Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes]
[Business Unit = Supremo US Business Unit]
[In Transaction Source search for “ORA_Subscriptions” (scroll down in the list of values)]
[In Transaction Type search for “ORA_OSS_Credit Memo” (scroll down in the list of values)]
[Click in Submit]
[Click in OK]62 Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Wait until ESS Job is as Succeeded]
Log out as Alex
63 andConfidential
log back in– Oracle
as Nick Vale
[Login as ‘nick.vale’]
[Click in Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes]
[Name = Fetch Subscription Invoice Information from Receivables]
[Press Tab and
in OK] – Oracle Internal
[Wait until ESS Job is as Succeeded]
[Navigator > Subscription Management > Subscription Management]
[Search and drill into your subscription]
[Drill into Product’s Closed line]
[Click in Billing
65 Summary]
Confidential – Oracle Internal
Credit Memo line now has an invoice generated
66 Confidential – Oracle Internal
Invoice details

67 Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal/Restricted/Highly Restricted

In order to proceed with Revenue recognition, Nick needs to execute ESS job “Send Subscription Revenue Information to Oracle Revenue Management Cloud”
[Click in Navigator
68 > Tools > Scheduled
Confidential Processes]
– Oracle Internal
In Scheduled processes page
[Click Schedule New Process button]
[Name = Send69Subscription Revenue
Confidential – OracleInformation
Internal to Oracle Revenue Management Cloud]
[Press Tab and click OK]
[Click in Submit
70 button]
Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Click in OK]
71 Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Click in Refresh until ESS Jobs are as Succeeded status]
Log out as Nick
72 andConfidential
log in as scott.draymond,
– Oracle Internal revenue manager
[Login as ‘scott.draymond’]
Navigate to Scheduled
73 processes
Confidential to execute
– Oracle Internal2 ESS Jobs for revenue recognition
[Click in Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes]
In Scheduled processes page
[Click Schedule New Process button]
[Name = Validate
74 Customer Contract
Confidential – OracleSource
Internal Data]
[Press Tab and click OK]
[Click in Submit]
75 Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Wait until “Validate Customer Contract Source Data” is in Success]
[Click in Submit]
76 Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Wait until “Validate Customer Contract Source Data” is in Success]
Now Scott executes “Identify Customer Contracts” ESS Job
[Click Schedule New Process button]
[Expand Name field dropdown]
[Click Search]
[Set Name = Identify Customer Contracts]
[Click Search]77 Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Select resulting record and click OK]
[Ledger = US78Primary Ledger]– Oracle Internal
[Click in Submit button]
79 Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Click in Refresh icon until all ESS Jobs are completed, including “Identify Customer Contracts”]
Navigate to Revenue
80 Management
Confidential – Oracle Internal
[Go to Navigator > Revenue Management > Revenue Management]
Navigate to “Manage Customer Contracts”
[Click in the Tasks
81 ribbon (right
Confidential side)]Internal
– Oracle
[Click in Manage Customer Contracts link]
Search for the82subscription created
Confidential by Internal
– Oracle Nick Vale
[Type the subscription number in Source Document text box]
83 Confidential – Oracle Internal
Details displayed
84 Confidential – Oracle Internal
Details displayed
Integrated Cloud
Applications & Platform Services

85 Confidential – © 2020 Oracle Internal

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