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Quality and various business


Ms S Langa
What is quality ?????
• Quality can be defined as the degree of excellence to which a product
or service satisfies the required needs of customers or the extent to
which it is free from defects and deficiencies.

Ms S Langa
Quality human resource
• The trend in human resources is to appoint employees with
• uniqueness, abilities and experience to obtain quality results.
• To ensure quality, it is necessary for the business to organise
• their human resources functions into small functions. This will help
management to
• identify the business and human resources needs and, where
necessary, outsource
• certain required services.

Ms S Langa
Product quality
• Improved product quality is possible through improved
• manufacturing technology. Any business needs to make sure that
• its production of quality products is sustainable. So, the strategic
• (‘big picture’) plan of the business needs to include existing and
• future production requirements

Ms S Langa
Quality Administration
The administration function, better known as the information function, is spread
throughout the entire organisation. It is responsible for all documentation, data
collection and data retrieval. Information needs to be of the highest quality for
management at all levels to make the correct decisions. Inferior quality information
could result in incorrect decisions which could have devastating results for the
business, including losing its customers (market share)

Ms S Langa
Classwork activity
• 1. Indicate clearly how the quality of each of the following business functions
• is checked:
• 1.1 finance
• 1.2 administration
• 1.3 human resources 1.4 production.
• 2. You are going to address a Business Forum in Durban on the topic
• ‘Consequences of successful businesses versus unsuccessful business: Linking
• business success to management’. To prepare your talk, outline in paragraph
• form four consequences for each of these two categories of business

Ms S Langa
Moodle Quiz
• 1.quality management starts with proper planning
• 2.administration is better known as the information function.
• 3.improved product quality is possible through improved
manufacturing technology.
• 4.quality control involves inspecting and batches of products.
• 5.quality for management at all levels to make the correct decisions.

Ms S Langa

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