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Sam Gilmartin

Reading Journal

How to annotate
The refusal annotations
13 hours in Benghazi Questions
Dialectal journal
Dialectal journal archetypes
Dialectal journal setting 9/5
The lottery annotations 9/5
Page # Passage (Type Code) Commentary
1 How to annotate

Chunk the text by putting stop lines so that you stop reading and check your understanding ever

-y so often to make sure you are not losing focus.

Look up words that you can't figure out in the dictionary

Underline or highlight important words or phrases that might help you answer the short answer


Sum every chunk up (somebody wanted but / so what/drawing/5ws) to make sure you are


Ask questions, make connections to your life and experiences, make a prediction on what you

Think may happen and consider why the author did what they did.
Page # Passage (Type Code) Commentary
2 The refusal Annotations

P1 Why did they chose to build huge cities in the middle of nowhere?

P3 Why is the Tax-collector the leader of the town? How did he get to that position?

P5 why are they so scared of him if he put himself into power and wasn't awarded

the position
P6 What is this weird tradition?
Page # Passage (Type Code) Commentary
3 13 hours in Benghazi Questions

1 What about the book makes it nerve raking

2 why are people saying that it is historically inaccurate at parts

3 why are there so many mixed reviews on the book

4 what makes this book a page turner

5 how is this book a emotional masterpiece

Dialectal Journal

1 Read the text

2 Choose a passage – connections w/me – powerful or puzzling quotes

3 Open writers' notebook – 1 st column write page # - write chosen portion of text

4 compose my response – label w/1 st letter in parenthesis –basic or higher level –

sentence stems

while they are both similar one is paraphrasing while the other quote had more

scientific language
Page # Passage (Type Code) Commentary
5 Dialectal journal archetypes

Archetypes The main characters in the book 13 hours in Benghazi are Jack Silva, Kris
Poronto, Tyrone woods, and Dave Benton. All of the characters are multie

faceted in the way they are developed at the beginning of the book.

Jack Silva Jack is the undoubted leader of the team with everyone rallying around him and
would describe him as the Hero archetype even though everyone who went and

endured this is a true hero.

Kris Poronto Poronto is a interesting character as he is the oldest of the group which leads
to believe he is the sage of the group as he had several tours before coming to


Tyrone woods Woods is another interesting character as he can fit into several different roles
but I would mostly describe him as a caregiver as he is the one most willing to

lay his life down to save the people that are under attack.

Dave Benton Dave is one character that definitely fits into just one role and that being the

as his wealth of experience and knowledge really help him to make the right
descion when an important one needs to be made.
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6 dialectual journal setting

setting the setting is based partially in two main locations. The state compound in
Benghazi and a CIA compound called the annex. They both seem like they are

mullite faceted buildings with lots of rooms.

State compound The state compound is definitely the bigger of the two areas that the
characters enter but it is also the more dangerous with the people inside being

attacked and held hostage the CIA operatives need to find a way to scale and

entire the large building undetected

CIA compound The CIA compound is the main area the characters are at for the start of the
book as they get there mission briefings and acquire there gear to go and get

job done. And save the innocent people.

Page # Passage (Type Code) Commentary
7 The lottery annotations

Audience The people who red the new York daily in 1948

Setting A small village that has a simple tradition that they call “The lottery”.

Characterization Tessie Hutchinson is the women that was chosen to be sacrificed by the lottry,
Mr.Summers is the man that runs the lottery and keeps the black box,

Old man warner is the oldest villager and has participated in the lottery every

year for 77 years and thinks people in the north are crazy for wanting to do

with the lottery

Conflict Tessie believes that her husband was rushed in the original selecting of the

name and thinks they should start over.

Fig. Language there are lots of examples of figurative language in the lottery such as
Smilies “She tapped Mrs. Delacroix on the arm as a Farwell and began to make

her way through the crowd” (Jackson)

metaphors The black box was a symbol of death, stones were easy to use weapons.

personification “ The breeze caught them and lifted the slips of paper off” (Jackson)

Theme The main theme I believe is the importance of questioning tradition as

people lost there lives over the years do to this senseless tradition that has
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8 The lottery annotations pt 2

Supp. theme


Writing style

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