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Magna Carta

“The Great Charter”

Table of contents:
- Origins and establishment.

- The content of Magna Carta.

- The alterations of Magna Carta.

- The significance and influence of Magna Carta.

- Magna Carta today.

Origins and establishment:
✼ Magna Carta , also known as “The great charter “ was an agreement in the form
of a document between King John of England and the nobles.

✼ Magna Carta is a treaty between King John and the nobles.

✼ The signing of Magna Carta happened in Runnymede near the Thames River
‘June 15th 1215’ .

✼ The initial failure of Magna Carta.

✼ The first barons’ war ‘1215-1217’.

The content of Magna Carta:

✼ The document was entirely written in Latin.

✼ The document contains 63 clauses (laws).

✼ The clauses of Magna Carta established for the first time ever that
everybody in society is subject to law.
The alterations of Magna Carta:

✼ The first alteration of Magna Carta happened in ‘1216’ by King John’s

successor ‘Henry III’.
✱ The number of clauses got reduced from 63 to 42 clauses.

✼ The second alteration happened in ‘1217’ by ‘King Henry III’.

✼ The third alteration happened in ‘1225’ by King ‘Henry III’ and a pope
named ‘Honorius III’.
The significance and influence
of Magna Carta:

✼ Magna Carta is the foundation of democracy in England.

✼ Magna Carta and the English Civil war ‘1642-1651’.

✼ Magna Carta and the American bill of rights ‘1791’.

✼ Magna Carta and the universal declaration of human rights ‘1948’.

Magna Carta today:
✼ Out of the original 63 clauses of Magna Carta, only three remain today on
the statute book of England.

✻ The first defends the liberties and rights of English church.

✻ The second confirms the liberties and customs of London and other

✻ The third gives all English people access to justice.

✼ For 800 years Magna Carta has impacted the fundamental principles of
societies and still does today.
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