Importance of Sports Events Participation

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Importance of Sports

Events Participation

DIRECTION: Identify the mystery sport

by guessing it using the clue provided in
each item. Example: Clue: Jersey, Hoop,
Ball Answer: Basketball
Clues: Spike, Dig, Block
Clues: Batter’s Box, Catcher, Pitcher

Clues: Bicycle Kick, All Ball, Free Kick

Clues: Regu, Tekong, Sole Kick


Individual’s preference and lifestyle

should be the bases of choosing the right
sport event to be participating in. The
following will further guide individuals in
their choice of sports:
Weather Extremities
 -for outdoor sport activities

Enjoyment derived from the activity

 -previous activities tried and enjoyed

Financial Capacity or Budget

 -Financial investment is needed in every sport event but there are
these sport activities like ice skating, golf and scuba diving that will
require more because of their equipment and during the actual activity
 State of Health and Level of Fitness
 -Anyone who aspires to participate in a sport event, must consider his
or her own health condition for demands of physical activity may be
excessive for the body. Proper body conditioning and training are
Why participate to different sport events?

Sport Participation
Makes you Healthier
 - According to research, these sport activities help in managing the weight,
reducing the risks of having health conditions and diseases, improves and
boosts both mood and energy and can result to better sleep.
Makes you Smarter
 -Studies show that playing sports can boost brainpower for playing sports
require memorization, repetition and learning of different skills that are
also significant academically.
Teaches the Value of Teamwork and Sportsmanship
 -Sports actually teach individuals on how to motivate one
another and play fairly for fighting and cheating are not
allowed in the world of sports.
Reduces Pressure and Stress
 -Playing sports is a good way of loosening up whenever you
are feeling occupied by a lot of things happening around you.
Helps Medically
 - Physical activities which include sport participation can
actually help people with multiple sclerosis (hardening and
thickening of body tissue) benefit from muscle function,
aerobic fitness, mobility resulting to a better quality of life.
 DIRECTION: List 3 sports you participated in
then describe your experience briefly.
List of Sports Participated Describe Your Participation in the Sports



Activity No. 2: SHARE IT!


Answer briefly. What are the benefits you

obtained from playing sports?
Ac tivity No. 3: SHORT INTERVIEW

 DIRECTION: Interview a classmate who regularly participates

in to different sport activities. Reflect from their insights.
Interview Guide Questions:
1) Why do you participate in different sport activities?
2) Do you believe that sport activities improve health? How?
3) What is your greatest realization in participating to different
sport activities?
Your own reflection:
 ___________________________________________________________________________________

Signature over Printed Name (interviewee)

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