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Influence of loading
and drilling on
marginal bone loss
around implants with
a Dynamic Bone Flavio Seijas Naya, Abel García García, Pablo Galindo-
Management design: Moreno, Francisco Gude Sampedro, Dolores Reboiras
López, Samuel Rodríguez Zorrilla, Pilar Gándara Vila, Cintia M
A single-blind, Chamorro Petronacci, Eva Otero Rey, José M Somoza
Martin, Andrés Blanco Carrión, Mario Pérez Sayáns
randomised, 12-
month clinical trial
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria

1. No systemic pathologies that could be considered grounds for 1. Missing teeth in the aesthetic area
absolute contraindication,
2. Agreement to participate in the study and signed
2. Agreement to participate in the study and signed informed
informed consent,
3. Smoking <5 cigarettes/day, 3. Smoking >5 cigarettes/day,
4. Patients who were not completely edentulous, 4. Bleeding index >30%,
5. Single/multiple tooth gaps in the posterior area, with or 5. <2 mm keratinised gingiva or need for soft tissue
without distal teeth, grafting,
6. Absence of teeth in the maxilla or mandible that did not 6. Cases in which safety margin greater than equal to 1mm
require the use of regenerative techniques, from the inferior alveolar nerve could not be
7. Area of healed mature bone at least 6 months post-extraction, guaranteed,
8. Minimum torque of 25NCm for early loading, lesser torque 7. Caries lesions or periodontal disease,
implant sinked, cover screw placed and eliminated from study.
8. Pregnancy or lactation.
Study Design loading

7 days

Complete (n = 11)
(n = 22) Early
8 weeks
(n = 11) Definitive Month 12
crowns Radiographi
Immediate 6 months c evaluation

Straumann BLX 7 days

3.37 x 10 mm Under (n = 11) Adverse Events
Screw Retained Abutment Drilling 2 implants failed
2.5 mm height (n = 22) Early
8 weeks
(n = 11)
Primary Objectives – to evaluate MBL 6 & 12 months
after loading using dynamic bone management Randomization, allocation and
consignment – Randomization
Secondary Objectives – quantify primary stability of algorithm of SPSS 24.00 Macro
implants using modified drilling protocol, and to access Ethical Clearance – Participants chosen from used, sequentially numbered,
whether loading protocol had effect on MBL Spain January 2019 to July 2020, opaque sealed envelopes (SNOSE)
Power Calculation – G-Power, alpha error 0.05 and 80% power (beta error), loss ratio of 5%

Primary Variables MBL (6months, 12 months), Primary Stability (RFA – ISQ)

Demographic variable, habits (smoking & bruxism),
topographic variables (tooth position, type of antagonist
Secondary Variables tooth), Periodontal variables (Gingival biotype, Bleeding
index, Plaque index, vestibular gingival thickness, drilling

Statistical Analysis – Kolmogorov – Smirnov test for normalcy, Student t test, One way Anova,
Pearson Correlation (Periodontal Indices)

Clinical Evaluation – MBL evaluation using RVG using XCP p/4, and ISQ values

Mean primary stability 60.6 ± 12.2 ISQ (21 – 75) irrespective of

drilling protocol, bone density or location.

Early loading had MBL of about 0.728 mm whereas immediate

loading did not show any MBL

When drilling protocol and loading was compared, complete

drilling protocol used in conjunction with an early loading
protocol resulted in lowest MBL at 12 months, and a bone gain
effect of 0.814 mm, given the short follow up period being the
only limitation.

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