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Types of Communication
There are two types of communication:
1. internal communication
2. external communication
Definition of Internal Communication
Communication between those that work within the
organization such as team, colleagues, management and other
members of staff.
Definition of External Communication
Communication with those from outside the organization
such as customers, suppliers, the press lobby groups the
government and banks.
Direction Of Communication
The concept of “direction of communication” can
be applied to situations where some kind of
hierarchy or structure exists. This might be as
equally as element within a family of social group
as well as the business environment. Following
are the directions of communication:
1. Vertical
2. Horizontal
3. Diagonal
* Managers communicate downward when issuing instructions and briefing
their teams
* Employees would communicate upwards and reporting back to their
managers with updates and results on work performed
* Vertical communication is typically more formal as it recognises the
different levels within the hierarchy. There can be challenges in ensuring that
upward communication is effective in large organisation for example
-Subordinates may consider that the seniors would not be interested in the
opinions or information given by the some ordinary employee.
-Subordinates may think that the seniors are busy and already facing
information overload and would not have time to consider the problems or
suggestions provided by the subordinates
-Subordinates my fear that reporting of a problem or communication of a
grievance may result in antagonizing and disappointing the senior which may
have adverse consequences
-Subordinates my fear that the upward communication may be considered
by their colleagues as a way of getting closer to the senior and seeking favors.
* Horizontal communication occurs between a
people of similar standing .
* Horizontal communication may be formal or
informal depending on whether it occurs
between colleagues and friends or external to
the organization or group .
* Diagonal communication describes the
simultaneous combination of vertical and
horizontal communication.
* In a commercial environment this might involve
crossing communication when coordinating
project ideas or problem solving.
* The technique can be used to bypass blockages in
the usual vertical reporting line such as when a
line manager is on holiday or when technical
input is required outside the usual sphere of
Information Needs
It is a news or knowledge received or given
A need is something that is necessary for an individual or an organization
Information needs:
The term information need is often understood as an individual or
organization’s desire to locate and obtain information to satisfy a conscious
or unconscious need.
Why is information needed?
We need information because it empowers our information. Information
1.Intellectual empowerment/development which leads to academic
2.It allows development of subject knowledge.
3.It helps in leading to an ability to discuss your subject with the authority.
4.It is used in making decisions.
Examples of information:
Information is the summarization of data. Technically ,
data or raw facts and figures that are processed into
information such as summaries and totals.
Role of information in business:
In business sector, information helps in:
2.Better financial management
3.Customer service
6.Product development
7.Market intelligence
Goals of Information
Following are the goals/objectives of
1.To Initiate action
2.To exchange ideas or information
3.To make relationship
Importance of Effective Communication
Communication plays a very significant role in our lives.No organization can
succeed or progress, build up reputation and win friends and customers
without effective communication skills. Good communication results in
saving time, reducing mistakes and promoting the objectives of any
organization. On the contrary, poor communication defeats these objectives.
Following are some of the important aspects of good communication:
1. Smooth Working of a Business Firm:
Effective communication is necessary for the successful and smooth
working of a business firm. A manager, properly links up various elements to
achieve his targets.
2. Help in Management:
Effective communication helps in planning different programs and
controlling the activities of individuals and departments.
3. Quick Decision:
Making quick decision and its implementation
depends upon powerful phenomenon of effective
4. Maximum Production at Minimum Cost:
Every organization wants to get maximum output at
the minimum cost. It requires an effective internal
communication system.
5. Building Human Relations:
Communication is a two way traffic which helps to
promote cooperation and understanding between
the partners of an organization. Thus, it helps in
building good human relations.
6. Lifeblood of an Organisation:
Effective communication is the lifeblood of an organization. Without
communication an organization is lifeless and its existence is in danger.
7. External Parties and Effective Communication:
Communication is essential not only for internal management of the
organization but it also helps contacting with the outside world. Such
contacts increase the goodwill of the firm. External parties can be
attracted by effective business communication.
8. Develop Skill and Experience:
It is through business communication that workers of an organization
share their knowledge and skill about business and related matters.
Thus they enrich their knowledge about business skills.
9. Dispute Settlement:
In a business concern, various types of disputes take place between
the workers and the management. They can be solved with proper
Demi-Official Letter
The Demi official letters are used in following circumstances:
a. In correspondence passed between the government officers for
communication of information or opinion without the formality of
the prescribed procedure.
b. When it is desired that a particular matter should receive the
personal attention of the officer to whom the letter is addressed.
c. When it is intended to bring to the personal notice of an officer a
case on which action has been delayed and official reminders have
failed to get a suitable reply.
d. There are also other occasions for writing Demi official letters it is
so happens that a senior officer of a ministry writes a Demi official
letter on a matter of immediate nature to his counterpart in
another ministry in order to save time.
e. Communications to non officials may be in the form of Demi official letters
but should not be referred to as such.
f. Demi official letter is addressed personally to an officer by name. Such a
letter is not opened by anybody else except the officers concerned. This
type of letter is undoubtedly different from a purely official letter such a
letter is not couched in official language and phraseology. There are few
deviations from the accepted path in respect of wording such a
letter ,depending upon the personal terms existing between the sender
and the addressee.
g. A Demi-official letter is written in the first person singular in a personal
and friendly tone. It starts with the salutation “My Dear” or “Dear”. It
terminates with the subscription “Yours Sincerely”. The officer signs it
without mentioning his designation. The name, designition and telephone
number of the officer is contained on the left hand top corner of the letter.
h. The principal purpose of writing a Demi official letter is to ensure
expeditious action and ,in the process ,to eliminate delay in the disposal of
i . The address of the addressee is given on the left hand bottom corner
letter below the signature of the sender.

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