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Technical Theft of Electricity

Theft of Electricity Caught Red Handed in a Steel

Furnace While Serving as SE (Op) Pesco Swabi Circle

Presented by
Nadir Zaman Kundi
SE (Op) Swabi Circle
22nd Refresher COURSE

Course Director --------------------------------------------Madam Sadaf Naz

Dy. Course Director----------------------------------------Mr. Zahid Parvez
• While serving in PESCO we often come across different technical issues.

• In addition to the technical losses one of the major technical issue is

theft of electricity.

• Those consumers who are habitual stealers most oftently invent new
methods of stealing

• Today I am going to discuss a unique method of stealing which I have

come across for the first time in my career while serving as SE (Op)
swabi Circle.
• History of The Case
• A little bit about The Galaxy Software
• Hardware of Industrial Connection
• The Operation
•Question & Answers
 All praises to almighty ALLAH who showered his countless blessings
upon me .

 I am grateful to my Parents, my Family and friends who’s prayers

and support always took my morale as high as the sky.

 I am grateful to the management of Wapda Engineering Academy

especially to my Course Director Madam Sadaf Naz and Deputy
Course Director Mr. Zahid Parvez for their valuable guidance & co-
operation enabling me to present this presentation in front of you

• To share my personal experience with my course mates and

respected faculty that I have come across during this operation.

• This may be helpful to them especially to those serving in

distribution operation in controlling the theft of electricity, as
this was a unique style of theft that I have witnessed for the
first time in my career.
• Actually this was a micro level steel furnace.

• Here the scrap is being melted and then it is casted in the form
of heavy rods called billets.

• The billets are then supplied to steel re-rolling mills where

different products are produced from it mainly the construction

• Load of a single furnace was about 200kw to 400kw.

• It is necessary to mention here that this steel mill has a darkened
history and bad reputation in Pesco record.

• Earlier in 2018 it was caught red handed in theft of electricity using

direct connection from transformer bushes.

• It was charged in that case and was disconnected.

• After a lapse of almost one year the owner managed to clear the
outstanding dues and got his mill re-connected.

• Keeping in view the previous track record, this connection was kept
under observation by both the M&T and operation formation.
• This software was developed by the USAID under PDP.

• Under the PDP AMR (SIM Operated) meters were installed to industrial

• With the help of this software the AMR meters transfers data to PCC and
billing is processed without physical reading.

• Real time monitoring of AMR connection can also be done.

• This software which has made difficult tasks easier and less time
• C.T (Current Transformer)-------------------------
It supply a fraction of current passing through cable
and a multiplying factor is applied as per rating of the

• Single Core Cable----------------------------------

This insulated cable is passed through the CT to the

• A-Type Meter Security Box----------------------

It is used to protect the meter and allied hardware
Connection Diagram
• When the connections to the
meter are in ok condition, it is
being displayed on its screen for
each phase encircled and if the
circle from any of the phase is
missing it means that the meter
is slow by
33% for each phase.
Metering connection Of Same CoNNECTION
•In first week of September my HDM reported that while checking
the industrial connections on Galaxy he has noticed some
abnormal behavior in this connection that is Usman steel mill.

•Some time the PTs are working and some time especially the early
morning the PTs are reflected off on the galaxy.

•When I checked its consumption, it had fallen down abnormally

from 40000-50000 units to 6000-8000 units

•I instructed him not to discuss the mater with anyone.

• The very next the XEN (M&T) called me and expressed his
doubts about the consumption of the same connections.

• We both had decided to conduct a joint raid the next

day and decided to keep it confidential, because we did not
want to take any chance.
• On 11-09-2021 I along with XEN (M&T) and the XEN operation
with his staff jointly raided Usman steel mill.

• We were surprised that bonds on the MSB were intact and ok.

• Initially we found no clue of any sort of tempering as all the

indicators on the meter were normal.

• All of sudden the (M&T) test inspector pointed towards the

cable that it not the original cable claiming that he has checked
this connection in first week of July.
• We all were in a state of confusion because everything was
apparently ok.

• We were left with the only and final option to open the MSB for

• A-Type MSB can not be opened without the constitution of

Technical Committee.

• Being the Superintendent Engineer of the Circle I ordered them

to open the MSB.
• The situation was really very confusing, but doubt was
still there in my mind that something is wrong, as I was
observing that the body language of the owner
constantly, he seemed quite restless.

• The owner was trying to create a scene. Simultaneously

his hue and cry was turning our doubt into belief.
• Then he started threatening us that he will lodge complaint of
blackmailing against us to the CEO and will sue us for defamation in
the court and called his lawyer to the site. The situation got worsened.

• After consultation with the XEN operation we decided to talk to the DC

Swabi and request him to depute some officer from the district
administration along with police so that to open the MSB in their
presence and to avoid any untoward situation.

• As we made contact to the DC, at the same moment he send Assistant

Commissioner Topi along with SHO Gadoon to the site.
•When the consumer came to know that AC and police are on the way, he with his
lawyer got disappeared.

•Within 20 minutes the AC and police reached there.

•In the presence of the District administration and police, I asked

the XEN (M&T) to start work and open the MSB

•Here it was revealed upon us that the original single core cable was replaced with
another cable which has an earthing sheath over it.

•The PTs of the meter were connected to this earthing sheath.

Single Core Cable with copper Original Connection of the

earthing sheath Steel Mill

• The earthing sheath of each cable was given
supply from a separate switch thus the PTs
of the meter were kept energized through
back feeding.

• Apparently all the parameters of the meter

were properly working but in fact it was a
“Direct Connection”
giving the authority at least Rs. 2 to 3 million
loss per month.
•FIR was lodged against the owner of Usman Steel mill in police station

Gadoon under section 462-I and 462-M.

•Usman steel mill was charged for 74460 units amounting to Rs.

The scrape laying in the yard
The furnace
Steel billets (The Product)
The Authority was safeguarded from a huge loss because of;

• Team work

• Sincere efforts

• Use of technology and Automation.

• Strong and timely decisions

Any Question ???

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