Presentation 1

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IUPAC defines corrosion as follows "An irreversible interfacial This process is often considered as inevitable with materials
reaction of a material (metal, ceramic, polymer) with its especially in regard to metals and alloys.
environment which results in consumption of the material or in
dissolution into the material of a component of the
Activity of surface: When a metal
surface is polished, it becomes Activity of electrolyte: When two
activated or in other word , surface dissimilar metals are made to contact The former is termed as Dry corrosion
atoms get excited .These excited in presence of electrolyte(may also be while the later is called as wet
atoms loves to combine with the an specific environment), due to corrosion.
atmospheric electrophiles to form a difference in electrode potential
stable octet. between to metals, a cell reaction is
induced causing deterioration of
anodic surface.
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Dry Corrosion      Wet Corrosion Stress Corrosion (Environmental Stress
• Galvanic Corrosion Cracking)       
• Concentration cell corrosion
• Pitting
• Inter-granular corrosion
• Water line corrosion   
◦ Almost all industries deal with metals as their primary raw materialin product manufacturing Which
leaves corrosion and its control in evitable.
◦ An automoblie intended for dynamic loads and exposure to drastic environment leaves the metal in it in a
homicidical situation.
◦ In an civil construction of SRC , Steel is made into contact with slurry of aqueos cemeteious material as
binder, where corrosion is inevitable.
◦ In an Nuclear reactor coolant pipes , even the modern one using liquid sodium as coolant, is made to
flow via pipes of alloys only. In such a situation where both radiative environment along with strong
alkaline media (flowing through it) and sub zero temperature, Corrosion brings the hell out of one.
◦ Similarly almost all industry operating in world faces  corrosion.
◦ Corrosion of a material is always a visible process. It is due to sharp
colour changes caused by the formation of corroded product layer
formed overa a material substrate due to the natute of d-block elemnts
to show varied oxidation state.
◦ If a corrosion is feasible under insulation , then we need sophistcated
instrumental analysis techniques in order to estimate and inspect the
level of corrosion under insulation.
◦ Some methods to list out :   
1. Profile Radiography
2. Ultrasonic thickness measurement
3. Insulation removal
4. Infrared spectrogram
5. Neutron backscatter
6. Real time radiogram or fluroscopy.
◦ Phased Array Ultraonic detecion is handy tool to measure and
identify corrosion non destructively.
◦ Real time radiogram is an advanced instrument for corrosion
inspection and determination.
◦ The most dvanced of all is neutron back scatter radiogram that
detects energy modified neutrons due to moisture formed
between the insulation and metal.
◦ Other coventional instruments inclde AC impedancce tester etc.

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