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Types of programming

Abdullah Alolewi – 361103059
programming language

• It is the process by which the programmer writes a code, which is a set of

commands, which are then executed on computers. Programming
Language is a special language used by programmers to write software,
scripts, or other set of commands to be executed on a computer.
Types of programming languages
by level
• Types of Programming Languages ​by Level Programming languages ​can be divided into two types according to
their level in terms of proximity to Machine Language, which is the language that is directly understood by the
computer and is represented by numbers. The first type of programming languages ​in this category are Low-
level programming languages, which are the closest programming languages ​to the machine language, so that
the machine language is the lowest level, and comes lower than the assembly language. These languages ​are
characterized by the fact that they include only commands that the computer understands and is therefore far
more remote from the language understood by the human being, but at the same time allow the programmer to
have full control over his program. [3] High-level languages, the fourth For machine language, and the closest to
human understanding, but it also does not offer the same amount of control languages ​offered by the low-level
programmer, in terms of how to organize computer memory and data. Significant features in high-level
programming languages ​are the ability of the programmer to use variables (Variables), objects (in English:
Objects), as well as routines (in English: Routines) and repetition (in English: Loops). Sometimes, you execute a
large amount of commands by typing only one line. Examples of such programming languages ​are Python and
According to the method of implementation

• Depending on how they are implemented, programming languages ​can be divided into two types, one of which is
compiled, while the other is Interpreted. Localized programming languages ​in which the compiler is used to be
converted into a machine language intended for the operating system in which the translation was performed, and in the
form of a program that can be executed by calling its name, if the process was done in Linux. For example, the user
will not be able to execute the same program on the Windows operating system, and in the process of conversion, the
program is checked and detected for any software errors - not logical - in it. An example of this type of programming
language is the C language [4] In interpreted programming languages, the Interpreter is used to execute the program
directly without having to translate it. Scripts (or so-called) are executed. In the script) by the interpreter itself, so the
interpreter must be installed on any device on which the program is written, making this type of program executable on
any operating system as long as the interpreter is installed. A feature of interpreted programming languages ​is the
ability of the programmer to modify the program directly without having to re-translate it (as in the translated
programming languages), but the interpreter's continuous translation process during the operation of the program will
make the implementation process slow compared to the converted programs. An example of this type of programming
language is Python.
Depending on usage
• Programming languages ​can be categorized into several types depending on the purpose of
their use. There are programming languages ​dedicated to the development and creation of
websites, such as Javascript, PHP, Python and other languages. They can be used to develop
mobile applications such as those running on Android and iOS, and examples of these
languages ​are Java (English: Java) and Swift (English: Swift). ] Programming languages ​are
also used in the development of desktop software The programming languages ​used are Java
and C #, and there are software languages ​that can be used to program and develop video
games. The two languages ​mentioned above can also be used, as well as other languages ​as a
Haxe language. And others. There are also programming languages ​that can be customized for
a particular type of task.R, for example, is a language that specializes in data processing, such
as exploration, calculation, analysis, and Python can be used for the same purpose.
Examples of programming languages

• There are some programming languages ​that can not be counted, and each of these languages ​features
and uses, and some of the common programming languages ​include: C language: is a high-level
programming language of general use, created in the seventies of the last century In Bell Labs by
Dennis Richie, it is an ideal language for writing firmware (Firmware) and mobile (in English:
Portable). [6] Python: Object-oriented programming language, which is easy to learn and has little
complexity. [7] Java is a high-level, general-purpose programming language, as well as being object-
oriented, created by Sun Microsystems in 2005. 1991, and is currently under the control of Oracle,
after the acquisition of Sun in 2009. According to Oracle, there are currently more than 9 million
programmers using Java. [8] C ++ is a high-level, general-use programming language that is very
similar. However, it also supports object-oriented programming, which the programmer can take
advantage of, or programming in standard C language without the need to adhere to object-oriented
• 1 - ↑ "Programming",, Retrieved 20-12-2017. Edited.

2 - ↑ "Programming Language",, Retrieved 20-12-2017. Edited.

3- ↑ " Dann Albright (9-11-2017), "High-Level vs. Low-Level Programming Languages:
• Which Should You Learn? “

4 - ↑ " joel Lee (6-11-2017), "Looking for the Best.

• 5 - ↑ "C++ Programming Language",, Retrieved 20-12-2017. Edited.

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