D3 - Grp3 - Advancemets in Thermal Insulation

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Advancements in Thermal


TY Mech(D)
Group Members
Om Vartak Pardesi Amol Wagle
Roll no- 59 Roll no-62 Roll no-70
PRN-12110113 PRN-12220197 PRN-12110857

Yash Digraskar Yash

Roll no-75
Roll no-74

T.Y Mech(D)
• A mid r isin g e n ergy de m an d s an d c li m at e ch a n ge c on c ern s, the rm a l
insul a ti o n is p a ra m ou n t fo r en e rgy e ffi ci en c y i n b u i ld in gs a n d
ind u st r ie s.
• T he rm a l in su la ti o n re d u ce s h e a t t r an sfe r, m i n im i zi n g en e rg y lo ss, a nd
re lia n ce o n H VA C syst em s.
• R ec en t y ea r s h a v e see n sig n i fi ca n t p r o g re ss i n in sul a tio n ma teria ls
an d t ec h ni q u es, sh ap i n g e n e rg y -e ff i ci en t p r ac ti ce s.
• T his p re se n ta ti o n e xp l o re s i n n o va ti o n s r e vo l u ti o n iz in g e n ergy -
effic ie n t bu i ld i ng s a nd in d u st ri e s.

T.Y Mech(D)

• E xp l ore ad van cem e nt s i n i ns ul at i o n m at eri al s a nd t echni que s for

en erg y effi ci en cy.
• E m ph asi z e t h e r ol e of t hes e i n no vat i o n s i n fo st eri n g sus taina bility
an d reso urc e co ns erva t i on .

T.Y Mech(D)
• E ne rg y E ffi c ie n cy a nd Co n ser v at io n
• In d u st r ia l E ff ic ie n cy
• G lo b al E n vi r o nm e nt a l Go a ls
• Im p rov e d Co m f o rt an d I n do o r A ir Q u al i ty
• N et-Z e ro E n e rg y G o al s
• Tec h n o lo gi c al I n no v at i o n

T.Y Mech(D)

Polysaccharide aerogels Hypocrystalline ceramic aerogels

T.Y Mech(D)

Thermal insulation materials made with recycled textile fibers

Lightweight lignocellulosic foams

T.Y Mech(D)

Pressure-induced monolithic carbon aerogel from metal-organic framework

T.Y Mech(D)

• Enhanced Energy Efficiency

• Environmental Benefits
• Reduced Carbon Footprint
• Improved Comfort
• Noise Reduction
• Space Savings
• Longevity

• Initial Cost
• Limited Awareness
• Scalability Challenges
• Performance Variability
• Maintenance Considerations
• Regulatory Hurdles
• Durability and Stability

• Construction Industry
• Manufacturing and Processing Industries
• Aerospace and Aviation
• Energy Production and Distribution
• Automotive Industry
• Mining and Extraction
• Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries
Sr No. Title Literature Review Objective

The demand for sustainable thermal The main objective of the paper is to
insulation materials is rising in industries summarize and review the current state of
like construction, aerospace, and energy. research and developments in the field of
Aerogels, made from natural using polysaccharide-based materials to
polysaccharides like cellulose and chitosan, create aerogels, which are lightweight,
Polysaccharide-based aerogels for thermal insulation and
demonstrate low thermal conductivity and porous materials with excellent thermal
1 superinsulation: An overview
high heat resistance, making them attractive insulation properties. The authors discuss the
By. Fangxin Zou, Tatiana Budtova
for advanced insulation materials. The various polysaccharides that can be used, the
paper reviews synthesis methods and methods for producing these aerogels, their
applications of eco-friendly aerogels, structural and thermal properties, and their
showcasing their potential to revolutionize potential applications in thermal insulation
the thermal insulation industry. and superinsulation.
Title Literature Review Objective

The paper focuses on synthesizing a carbon aerogel

from shaddock peel, a citrus fruit peel. It details
methods, including carbonization techniques,
Shaddock peel, an agricultural waste product, is creating a carbon aerogel suitable for thermal
used to synthesize carbon aerogel through insulation and microwave absorption.
carbonization, sol-gel formation, and supercritical
drying. This results in a low-density, highly porous 1. Thermal Insulation: The paper discusses thermal
aerogel with excellent thermal-insulation properties properties like conductivity and porosity of the
for construction and energy conservation shaddock peel-based carbon aerogel. It explores how
Environmentally Friendly and Multifunctional Shaddock Peel ‑Based applications. Additionally, the aerogel demonstrates this material could effectively insulate in various
Carbon Aerogel for Thermal‑Insulation and Microwave Absorption strong microwave absorption capabilities, offering contexts.
By. Weihua Gu, Jiaqi Sheng, Qianqian Huang, Gehuan Wang, Jiabin potential for mitigating electromagnetic pollution
Chen1 , Guangbin Ji in electronic devices and communication systems. 2. Microwave Absorption: The paper covers the
The study highlights its multifunctional nature, aerogel's ability to absorb microwave radiation,
making it applicable in industries like construction, useful in applications like EMI shielding and radar-
transportation, electronics, and aerospace. The absorbing materials.
research contributes to eco-friendly materials and
multifunctional composites, providing innovative By highlighting its eco-friendliness and
and sustainable solutions for industrial challenges. multifunctionality, the paper adds to understanding
novel materials for insulation and microwave
absorption. These applications are crucial in
construction, electronics, and telecommunications.
Title Literature Review Objective

1. Material Development: Details how

hypocrystalline ceramic aerogels are created using
specific methods for enhanced thermal insulation
Advanced thermal insulation materials for
aerospace, high-temperature industrial processes, 2. Extreme Thermal Insulation: Focuses on these
and space exploration. Hypocrystalline ceramic aerogels' outstanding thermal insulation, especially
aerogels, with unique amorphous and crystalline in extreme conditions like high/low temperatures.
Hypocrystalline ceramic aerogels for thermal insulation at extreme components, offer exceptional thermal properties
conditions and mechanical strength. The synthesis process can 3. Characterization: Provides in-depth analysis of
By. Jingran Guo, Shubin Fu, Yuanpeng Deng, Xiang Xu, Shujin tailor aerogels for specific applications, showcasing aerogel properties like thermal conductivity, density,
3 Laima, Dizhou Liu, Pengyu Zhang, Jian Zhou, Han Zhao, Hongxuan remarkable thermal stability, low thermal and porosity that contribute to their insulation
Yu, Shixuan Dang, Jianing Zhang, Yingde Zhao, Hui Li1 & conductivity, and high-temperature resistance. effectiveness.
Xiangfeng Duan These aerogels are ideal for extreme heat
environments, ensuring longevity and versatility. 4. Applications: Explores potential uses such as
The research provides valuable insights into their aerospace, high-temperature industries, and
microstructure and mechanisms, with the potential cryogenic contexts needing strong thermal
to revolutionize thermal insulation in various insulation.
The research advances understanding of these
ceramic aerogels' capabilities for challenging
environments, benefiting industries requiring
insulation against extreme temperatures.
Title Literature Review Objective

The paper likely covers:

1. Material Development: Details creating

lightweight foams from lignocellulosic materials,
including sources, processing, and formulations.
Sustainable thermal insulation for industries,
focusing on lignocellulosic materials as a 2. Thermal Insulation Properties: Focuses on
renewable alternative. Lignocellulosic foams, insulation effectiveness by analyzing thermal
combining fibers with a matrix, offer lightweight conductivity and heat retention.
Lightweight lignocellulosic foams for thermal insulation
and low thermal conductivity structures with
Tia Lohtander, Reima Herrala, Päivi Laaksonen, Sami
4 excellent properties. They are eco-friendly, 3. Characterization: Provides detailed foam
By. Franssila, Monika Österberg biodegradable, and efficient thermal insulators. characteristics, like density and strength, affecting
This research by Lohtander et al. presents a insulation performance.
promising, practical, and environmentally friendly
solution for energy-efficient advancements in 4. Applications: Discusses using these foams for
various industries. thermal insulation in construction, packaging, and

The paper contributes to understanding sustainable

insulation materials, relevant to industries seeking
eco-friendly thermal solutions.
Title Literature Review Objective

The paper likely examines:

1. Material Creation: Details making insulation from

recycled textile fibers, covering fiber types, production
methods, and resulting composition.

2. Insulation Performance: Focuses on evaluating how well

these materials insulate, measuring thermal conductivity,
The environmental impact of traditional heat retention, and possibly fire resistance.

insulation materials and proposes recycled

3. Versatile Behavior: Studies how the insulation materials
Study of the behaviour of thermal insulation materials made with textile fibers as a sustainable alternative. The perform under diverse conditions like temperature,
recycled textile fibers manufacturing process and characterization of humidity, and mechanical stress.
By. J Zach, V Novak and Jitka Peterkova the materials highlight their thermal protection
4. Characterization: Provides a comprehensive analysis of
and durability. Emphasizing the environmental
physical properties such as density, porosity, and strength,
benefits of recycling textile waste, the study affecting insulation quality.
promotes a greener future.
5. Sustainability: Discusses the environmental advantages
of utilizing recycled textile fibers for insulation,
highlighting contributions to sustainability and waste

The primary aim is to understand the potential of recycled

textile fibers as effective thermal insulation, offering eco-
friendly solutions for industries managing textile waste.
Title Literature Review Objective

• Explores Building Types and Climate: Examines

various buildings in hot climates (residential,
commercial, industrial), addressing challenges related
The importance of thermal insulation in hot to energy use and indoor comfort.
climates to reduce cooling demands and • Assesses Thermal Insulation Solutions: Focuses on
how well insulation mitigates hot climate effects,
enhance indoor comfort. It analyzes various
evaluating different materials and strategies for heat
building types, assessing the thermal reduction.
performance of different materials and • Studies Energy Efficiency: Analyzes how insulation
techniques based on parameters like thermal impacts energy use in hot climate buildings,
The Effectiveness of Thermal Insulation in Different Types of conductivity and heat transfer rates. The particularly cooling energy consumption reduction.
• Examines Building Performance: Discusses insulation's
6 Buildings in Hot Climate research emphasizes potential energy savings influence on indoor temperature, comfort, and potential
By. Mohammad S. Al-Homoud and improved comfort through well-designed enhancements in occupant well-being and productivity.
insulation. Economic aspects, including initial • Considers Design and Construction: Explores practical
costs and long-term energy savings, are also aspects of integrating insulation, encompassing
material choice, installation methods, and challenges
considered. Valuable guidance for energy-
specific to hot climates.
efficient buildings in hot climates is provided, Overall, the goal is to provide insights into thermal
contributing to sustainable practices and energy insulation's effectiveness in improving energy efficiency,
conservation efforts. occupant comfort, and building performance in hot
climates. The findings can guide architects, engineers, and
policymakers in optimizing construction practices for these
Title Literature Review Objective

1. Reviews Insulation Technologies: Examines advanced thermal

insulation methods, including innovative materials and designs
for improved performance.
Energy-efficient building design and
2. Summarizes Existing Literature: Compiles findings from
sustainability, evaluating various high-
studies, papers, and reports on high-performance thermal
performance insulation options like aerogels, insulation, highlighting trends, advancements, challenges, and
vacuum insulation panels, and phase change best practices.
materials. It analyzes their thermal properties in
3. Details Material Properties: Describes key properties of high-
different building elements and considers performance insulation materials, such as thermal conductivity,
Literature Review of High Performance Thermal Insulation environmental aspects, embodied energy, life density, porosity, and fire resistance.
By. AXEL BERGE, PÄR JOHANSSON cycle assessment, and recyclability. Economic
4. Explores Applications and Benefits: Discusses practical uses
factors such as initial costs, energy savings, and of high-performance insulation in building construction,
payback periods are also addressed. The focusing on energy efficiency, comfort enhancement, and cost
literature review provides guidance for savings.

architects, engineers, and policymakers,

5. Considers Sustainability: Explores environmental advantages
promoting energy-efficient building practices of high-performance insulation, including reduced energy
and sustainable insulation technologies. consumption, lower emissions, and sustainability benefits.

Overall, the aim is to offer a valuable resource for professionals

in building physics and construction, contributing to informed
decision-making and innovation in the field.
Title Literature Review Objective

• Explores Alternative Insulation: Evaluates using waste

polyester fibers as thermal insulation, investigating
properties, durability, and advantages over traditional
Energy-efficient building design and options.
sustainability, evaluating various high- • Assesses Performance: Details testing methods to gauge
performance insulation options like aerogels, waste polyester fiber-based material's insulation
effectiveness, covering thermal conductivity and heat
vacuum insulation panels, and phase change
materials. It analyzes their thermal properties in • Analyzes Material Properties: Studies physical and thermal
Performance Evaluation and Research of Alternative Thermal different building elements and considers characteristics of waste polyester fibers for insulation
suitability, including fire resistance, moisture control, and
Insulation Based on Waste Polyester Fibers environmental aspects, embodied energy, life
8 stability.
By. Rostislav Drochytka, Michaela Dvorakova, Jana Hodna cycle assessment, and recyclability. Economic • Considers Applications: Discusses practical uses of waste
factors such as initial costs, energy savings, and polyester fiber insulation in building construction,
encompassing installation, diverse climates, and
payback periods are also addressed. The
literature review provides guidance for • Explores Sustainability: Examines environmental benefits of
architects, engineers, and policymakers, waste polyester fibers, such as waste reduction, decreased
promoting energy-efficient building practices virgin material use, and support for sustainable practices.
The overall aim is likely to shed light on the potential of waste
and sustainable insulation technologies. polyester fibers as an innovative insulation material, advancing
sustainability in construction and guiding industry decisions.
Title Literature Review Objective

• Studies Natural Fiber Insulation: Analyzes properties and

suitability of insulation materials made from natural fibers
Natural fibers as renewable resources for like straw, hemp, wool, etc.
insulation, promoting sustainable building • Evaluates Performance: Tests insulation effectiveness using
parameters such as thermal conductivity and heat retention.
practices. It analyzes various natural fibers for • Explores Material Traits: Investigates physical and thermal
their thermal properties and manufacturing properties of natural fibers for insulation, considering
impact. Performance tests measure thermal effectiveness, fire resistance, moisture control, and
efficiency and heat retention, while a life cycle
• Considers Building Use: Discusses real-world applications
Analysis of Thermal Insulation Building Materials Based on assessment evaluates environmental impact. of natural fiber insulation in construction, including
9 Natural Fibres Natural fiber-based insulation shows promise as installation, performance in different environments, and
compatibility with building systems.
By. Iacob Floreaa, 0F Daniela Lucia Manea a sustainable alternative, reducing energy
• Promotes Sustainability: Highlights benefits of natural fibers
consumption and supporting green building for insulation, such as reducing reliance on synthetics,
initiatives. However, further research is needed promoting renewable resources, and advancing sustainable
to ensure widespread applicability. The study building practices.
The primary aim is to comprehensively examine the potential of
contributes to environmentally conscious natural fibers for insulation, offering insights for sustainable
construction practices, fostering sustainable and building and informed decision-making within the construction
energy-efficient buildings. industry. The paper might also touch upon modern technology's
role in this context.
Title Literature Review Objective

• Explores Heat Insulation Materials: Focuses on researching

materials designed for effective heat insulation, emphasizing
low thermal conductivity for high-temperature settings.
• Assesses High-Temperature Performance: Discusses how
these materials perform under elevated temperatures,
This study investigates materials and composite including their ability to resist heat transfer and maintain
insulation properties.
structures to enhance energy efficiency and
• Details Material Development: Describes methods and
reduce heat loss in extreme heat conditions. techniques used to create specialized insulation materials
Experimental methods assess thermal properties, with low thermal conductivity, covering material selection,
The research and development of heat insulation materials with low effectiveness, and stability. It addresses composition, and manufacturing processes.
• Highlights Thermal Conductivity Reduction: Emphasizes
10 thermal-conductivity in high temperature challenges, optimizes material properties, and strategies used to achieve low thermal conductivity, crucial
By. Yu Yanjan offers promising thermal insulation solutions for for efficient heat insulation.
industries operating in high-temperature • Discusses Application Possibilities: Considers potential uses
of these materials in industries like metallurgy, aerospace,
environments. The research supports improved
and energy production where thermal protection in extreme
energy efficiency and sustainability in various heat is vital.
industrial sectors. The main aim is likely to advance understanding of innovative
heat insulation materials that remain effective at high
temperatures. The research likely aims to provide insights for
developing solutions in industries needing thermal protection
under such conditions.
• Eco-Friendly Aerogels and Structural Integrity
• Sustainable Carbon Aerogels from Agricultural Waste
• Hypocrystalline Ceramic Aerogels for Extreme Environments
• Lignocellulosic Materials as Sustainable Insulation
• Cross-Industry Impact and Potential Challenges

• Renewable Energy-Integrated Insulation

• Integrated Building Design and Simulation
• 3D Printing of Insulation Structures
• High-Performance Fabrics for Wearable Insulation
• Aerogels Advancements
• Smart Insulation Solutions
• Biodegradable and Recycled Insulation
• Phase Change Materials (PCMs) Innovations
• Vacuum Insulation Panels (VIPs) Enhancement
• Nanotechnology Integration
• Innovative materials reduce reliance on energy-intensive heating and cooling
• Longer lifespan and reduced maintenance contribute to overall sustainability.
• Eco-friendly nature due to reduced resource consumption and lower greenhouse
gas emissions.

T.Y Mech(D)

• C os t -effec t i ve ness : In i t i al e xp ense s of i nno va t i ve mater ials can de ter

ad op t i on i n b udg et -c ons ci ou s pro j ect s.
• S cal ab i l i t y : S cal in g i nn ov at i on s fo r l arger p roj ec t s demands
l o gi st i cal a dj u st m en ts and co ns i derat i on s.

T.Y Mech(D)
• Adv an cem en t s i n i nsu l at i o n m at eri a l s an d t ech ni q ues dr ive energy-
effi c i en t pr act i ce s.
• S us t ai nab i l i t y b enef i t s a nd red uced e nv i ron m ent al i mpact make these
i n novat i o ns pi v ot a l .
• Adv an ced i n st al l at i o n m et ho d s an d de si gn i n t egra t i on enha nce
b ui l di ng pe rform an ce .
• Add res si ng ch al l en ge s req ui r es i nno va t i on , col l ab ora tion, and cost-
effe ct i v e s ol ut i ons .
• In t egra t i on o f i ns ul a t i on an d rene wabl es p aves t h e way for net-ze ro
en erg y sol u t i on s.

T.Y Mech(D)
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• Gu W, S heng J, Huang Q, Wang G, Ch en J, Ji G. E nvironmentally friendly and multifunctional
shadd ock peel-base d carbon aerog el for thermal-insulation and micro wav e absorption. Nano-Micro
L etters. 20 21 Dec;1 3:1-4 .
• Guo J, F u S, Deng Y, Xu X, L aima S , L iu D, Z hang P, Z hou J, Zhao H, Yu H, Dang S.
Hyp ocrystalline ce ramic aerogels for thermal insu lation at extreme conditions. Nature. 202 2 Jun
3 0;606(7916 ):909 -16.
• L ohta nder T, Herrala R , Laaksonen P, F ranssila S , Ö sterberg M. L ightweight lig nocellulosic foams
for thermal insulation. C ellulose. 2022 F eb;29(3):1855 -71.
• Z ach J, Novak V, Peterkova J. Study of the behavio ur of thermal insula tion materials made with
recycled textile fibers. In IOP C onference Series: Materials Science an d En gineering 2018 Jul 1 (Vol.
3 85, No. 1, p. 012065). IOP P ublish ing.
• Al-Homou d MS . T he effectiv en ess of thermal insulation in differen t types of building s in ho t
climates. Journal of Th ermal E nvelope and Building S cience. 20 04 Jan;27(3):235-47.
• Berge A, Jo hansson PÄ. Literature review of high performance thermal in sulation.

T.Y Mech(D)
• Drochytka R , Dvo rakova M, Ho dna J. P erformance ev aluation and research of alternative thermal
insulation based o n waste polyester fib ers. P rocedia engineering . 201 7 Jan 1;195:236 -43.
• Florea I, Manea DL. A na lysis of th ermal insulation bu ilding materials b ased on natural fibers.
Procedia Manufacturing . 2019 Jan 1;3 2:230-5.
• Yu Y. The research and develop me nt o f heat insula tion ma terials with lo w thermal-con ductiv ity in
h igh temperatu re. In20 15 Intern atio nal C onference o n Materials, En vironmental and B io logical
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• Yix in Wang, Yuehong Su, Weiling Wang , Ying Fang, Saffa B. R iffat, F atang Jia ng. The ad vances of
p olysaccharide-based aerogels: Prep aration and potential app lication. Carbohydrate Poly mers.
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• Chen Yang, Dan L iu, Shaoming Huang , Weiwei L ei. Pressure-induced mono lithic carbon aerogel
fro m metal-organic frame wo rk. Energy Sto rage Materials. 2 020;28 :393-400.

T.Y Mech(D)
• Jin gran Guo, Shubin Fu, Yuanp en g Deng, Xiang Xu, S hujin Laima, Dizh ou L iu, Pengyu Zh an g, Jian
Z hou, Han Z hao, Ho ngxuan Yu, S hixu an Dang, Jianing Zhang , Yingde Z hao, Hui L i & Xiangfeng
Duan. Hypo crystalline ceramic aerogels for thermal insulation at ex treme co nditions. Nature.
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• L ohta nder T, Herrala R , Laaksonen P. L ightwe ight lign ocellulosic foams for th ermal insulation.
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• Asis Patnaik , Mlando Mvubu, Sud hakar Muniy asamy, Anton B otha, R ajesh D. Anand jiwala. T hermal
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T.Y Mech(D)

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