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The Legend of the

Maria makiling

Aiza Manriqque
Grade 11-Arestotle
Once upon a time a
diwata in a Laguna,she is
called Maria. she has light
olive skin long shainin.g
black hair and twinkling
Sure I will I nee your heko
help you. Maria,my was get

Maria was always helping other

people .One time the cildren was get sick
and the father ask help to maria and and
maria give her the bilao to the man
Maria was a great bbuty she was sough for and work by
many suitors but th9e three of the is very disasperate to
have her
One day all was surprised when fire divoured
and Juan is was among those who they
imprisioned beacuse he blamed that he is the
one who burning.
I did not do it

The soldier brought Juan to the plaza and

Juan "I did not do it" Juan cried

Juan shot the enemy of the spaniards he

was killed even thougth he didn't do it
but before he died he shout Maria name
Why didnt you
take care of your

And the diwata heard it but when she already arrived

in the palaz juan is already ready died Maria tears
falling down to her face "why did not you not take care
of yourself "Maria said

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