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Meaning of History

Meaning of History
Stands for three related but sharply differentiated
a) Past human events; past actuality
b) The record of the same
c) The process or technique of making the record
Traditional approach to History
• narration of past events, arranged chronologically

• Who, what when, where = basic facts

• leads to memorization; lack of appreciation

• usually political; centered in nation’s capital; big people and big

events; wars

• what is important: why

• history vs. chronicle

• Is History a science or one of the humanities?

• difference in approaches

• social science - scientific method

• problematizing - evidence

• sources - primary, secondary, tertiary

• analysis of sources
• “No document, no history”: Gregorio Zaide, Nicolas Zafra et al

• History as story: Carlos Quirino, Nick Joaquin, Ambeth Ocampo

• Historical interpretation: Teodoro Agoncillo

• History as discourse: Rey Ileto; Vincent Rafael

• Textbooks

• all above pre-digested, processed - secondary or tertiary sources

• Readings in Philippine History - primary sources

Understanding History
• “…only a part of what was observed in the past was
remembered by those who observed it;
• only a part of what was remembered was recorded;
• only a part of what was recorded has survived;
• only a part of what has survived has come to the historian’s
• only a part of what has come to their attention is credible;
only a part of what is credible has been grasped or can be
expounded or narrated by the historian” ~ Louis
Why Study History?
Why do we study history?
• To objectively study past events.
• To assist in the prediction of future events.
• To advance past ideas for future growth.
• To search for answers.
• To search for the true meaning of past events.
• To better yourself and your nation.
• To be entertained and informed.
What is History?
• From the Greek ‘historia’ – LEARNING which
gives us the Latin historia for the French Histoire
and English history originally meant inquiry,
investigation, research and not a record of data
accumulated thereby—the usual present day
meaning of the term
• For Aristotle- a systematic account of a set of
natural phenomena, whether or not chronological
ordering was a factor in the account.
In current usage the term history may accordingly
signify or imply any other of three things:

1) Inquiry/investigate
2) The objects of inquiry
3) The record of the results of inquiry,
corresponding respectively to the
✦Because historians have culture, they are
going to be biased no matter what

✦The times we live in “write” history: our

experiences, media, values, norms, all
shape and, to some extent, determine our
On bias

✦It exists, and the competent historian

engages it, and tries to neutralize it
✦It is not a wholly limiting factor to
accurately describing the past, but an obstacle
On subjectivity

✦Our interpretations are subjective because

they come from subjects (people)
✦But that subjectivity is not wholly limiting:
we can be aware of it and compensate for it
by being critical, aware, and thorough
Guide Questions:
• What is history? How is your understanding of
history different from what is explained in this
• What role does history take in the study of
Philippines society, culture and identity?
• How is history commonly defines according to

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