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Classification of Kingdom
• Kingdom Monera are classified into three
sub kingdoms.

 Bacteria are the sole(only) members of kingdom

 Kingdom monera belongs to prokaryote family.
 Bacteria are microscopic organisms that can survive
in diverse environments.
 They can be beneficial as well as harmful.
 Bacteria are surrounded by two protective coverings:
a)Outer cell wall membrane
b)Inner cell wall membrane
 Some bacteria are also covered by a capsule.
 Few bacteria like mycoplasma do not have
cell wall.
 They also live in extreme habitats such as hot
springs , deserts , snow and deep oceans.
 Bacterial shape
 Bacteria possess different shapes:
 Coccus (pl:cocci)

 Bacteria are spherical or oval in shape. These can

be micrococcus [single], diplococcus [in pairs],
tetracoccus [in fours] streptococcus [in chains]
and staphycoccus [in cluster like grapes].
 Bacillus (pl:bacilli)

 These are rod-shaped with or without

 Vibrium (pl: vibrio)

 These are comma or kidney shaped small

bacteria with flagellas at one end.
 Spirillum (pl: spirilla)

 These are spiral or coiled shaped. They are

rigid forms due to the spiral structure and
bear flagella at one or both the ends.
 These are the most ancient bacteria found
in most extreme habitats such as salty
area(halophiles), hot springs
(thermoacidophiles) ,and marshy areas
(methanogens eg: cow dung is responsible
for production of methane gas).
 The structure of the cell wall is different
from that of the other bacteria which helps
them survive in extreme conditions.
 The mode of nutrition is autotrophic.
 The nucleotide sequences of its T-RNA and R-

 Eubacteria is also known as “TRUE BACTERIA”.
 The cell wall is rigid and made up of
 It moves with the help of flagella.
 A few bacteria contain short appendages on the
cell surface, known pili which helps the Bacteria
during sexual reproduction.
 They are divided into two categories ; gram
positive and gram negative ,depending upon
the nature of the cell wall and the stain they
 Rhizobium and clostridium are two
 Nucleotide- A compound consisting of a nucleoside linked to a
phosphate group.
 T-RNA – Transfer RNA is a small RNA molecule that plays a key role
in protein synthesis.
 R-RNA –Ribosomal RNA molecule in cells that forms part of the
protein synthesizing organelle known as ribosome and that is
exported to the cytoplasm to help translate the information in
messenger RNA into protein.
 True bacteria- A large group of bacteria having rigid cell walls.
 Peptidoglycan- A substance forming the cell walls of many bacteria.
 Appendages- A smaller or less important part of something larger.
 Pathogen- a bacterium virus or other microorganism that can cause
 Gram positive- a gram positive bacteria is a prokaryotic cell whose
wall consist of mainly peptidoglycan and lacks the outer membrane
characteristic of the gram negative cell.
 Gram negative- A gram negative bacteria are the genus of
bacteria family and a member of the phylum firmicutes .
 Flagella – A slender thread like structure , especially a
microscopic appendage that enables many protozoa ,
 Mycoplasma – Mycoplasma is a genus of bacteria that like
the other members of the class mollicutes , lack a cell wall
around their cell membranes.(or) Any of a group of small
typically parasitic bacteria that lack cell walls and
sometimes causes diseases.
 Distinct nucleus – eukaryotic (literally “true nucleus”)
organisms ,on the other hand, have a distinct nucleus and a
highly organized internal structure.
 Organells – Any of a number of specialized structures
within a living cell.


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