Financial Innovation Project

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Peer ­to ­Peer Lending

• P2P platforms leverage metrics such as credit scores and social
media activity to link borrowers and lenders at favorable interest
rates. Platforms have lower regulatory burdens because they are
merely acting as intermediaries between borrower, lender, and
partner bank, and thus can keep fees and rates low.
Digital Wallets and Mobile Payments

• Digital wallets and mobile payment apps allow people to simplify

how they make payments and what they have to carry with them to
purchase items. Both kinds of apps enable consumers to complete
transactions without using cash while protecting financial account
information and passwords.
Cryptocurrencies and
Blockchain Technology

• Instead of investing in traditional

assets such as stocks and bonds,
individuals can invest in
cryptocurrencies, which have the
potential to generate higher returns.
This has resulted in a significant shift
in the investment landscape, with
more people investing in
cryptocurrencies as a means of
diversifying their investment
Robo­Advisors for

• Robo-advisors are digital platforms

that automate investment advisory
and portfolio management
operations via the use of algorithms
and artificial intelligence. These
platforms gather customer
information, such as financial goals,
risk tolerance, and investing
preferences, and then develop
tailored investment strategies based
on that information.
Insurtech Innovations

• Insurance technology has introduced
modern methods to measure, control,
and price risk. It has improved
engagement with customers, lowered
cost, increased efficiency and
expanded insurability.
Alternative Credit

• Fintech lending platforms assess

creditworthiness and make lending
decisions using alternative data
sources such as transaction history,
social media data, and educational
background. This allows persons
with minimal credit histories or no
collateral to obtain loans and
establish credit.
• RegTech solutions can automate
compliance processes, such as customer
due diligence, transaction monitoring, and
RegTech Solutions reporting. This can help financial
institutions to comply with regulations
more efficiently and effectively, reducing
the risk of errors and penalties.
Crowdfunding Platforms

• Crowdfunding works by allowing large

groups of people to pool together smaller
investments to supply the funds required
to launch a company or project.
Individuals, charities, or organizations can
set up a crowdfunding campaign for a
specific cause, which anyone can then
donate to.
Budgeting and
Savings Apps

• With the ease of use of a mobile

app device, users can perform
transactions online, review their
banking info, track and manage
their expenses, or trade stocks.
.Digital Identity

• Digital identity solutions offer

fast, reliable digital identity
verification and screening;
transcend geographies; boost
operational efficiency; and
remove the human error factor.

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