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Plato’s Ideal State

Dr Iftekhar Ahmed
Plato’s Life Sketch
• Greatest Athenian Philosopher
• Born 428-427, Aristocratic family- Poseidon God- father lineage;
Mother- Solan- the Jurist.
• Impact of Peloponnesia war 430-400.
• Saw downfall of democracy to 30 men rule- again democracy
• Student of Socrates at age 18-20
• Age 28 when Socrates punished to drink poison.
• Established academy, wrote- Republic, statesman, Laws etc
Influence of Socrates on Plato
• Effect of socio- economic conditions of Athens- poor status of women,
weak economic condition, defeat in Peleponnesian war- 430 to 400
B.C , Democratic corruption and favoritism made him attack it.
• Effect of Protagoras, Hiracletius and Socrates the most
• Effect of following Principles of Socrates:
• 1. Virtue is knowledge , Goodness is knowledge
• 2. Form of virtue.
• 3. State is an Art.
Ideal state- introduction
• In Republic- Ideal state foundation is Justice, concept of education
and communism of family & property as twin pillars supporting rule
of philosopher king.
• Idealistic model- flawless, constructed with perfection caring least for
practicability. Plato,” The city is founded in words; for on earth I
imagine it no where exists”.
Relationship between individual and state
• State as synonym of individual
• Individual as state in miniature.
• State as individual writ large.
• State not found on trees or stones but in character and nature of men
staying in it.
• Consciousness, morality, interests and aims of man and state similar
in nature.
• Purpose of state- promotion of good life at individually & collectively
Origin and Evolution at three stages
• First stage- State is born out of necessity of man.
• Basis- fulfilment of economic necessity
• Bounds of state unity- economic activity based on mutual co operations
and exchange.
• Origin of division of labor and specialization of functions as twin
foundation of ideal state.
• Economic activity ensures political unity- as each man to work as best
suited to his nature.
• Birth of producing class- possessing quality of appetite & love of wealth
representing ‘desire’ or hunger quality of human soul.
Second stage- birth of warriors
• Individual has higher yearnings like- culture, literature, art, poetry and
other refine tastes and involvements which necessitate participation of
greater mass of people.
• Increasing mass of people require provisions of and demand for
dwelling place and acquiring of tract of land for cultivation and
production of food which necessitates war to capture areas and people
as slaves to work on it.
• Rise of warrior class- representing spirit or brave quality of human soul.
• Performing twin roles- security from foreign attacks and maintaining
internal order.
Third Class- Philosopher king
• Among warriors- representing spirit and reason.
• Reason dominant- Rulers, Spirit dominant- Warriors
• Reason – leads to twin virtue- knowledge and compassion (love).
• Three major classes in ideal state representing tripartite quality of
human soul – hunger, spirit and reason.
• State functions best where functions are divided as per human
Foundation of ideal state- Justice
• Concept of Justice- quality of maintaining division of labor and
functional specialization; ensuring non interference and work as per
one’s capacity of soul or natural inclinations and training leading to
excellence and harmony.
• Justice is each individual in their specific field of activity and
Pillars of ideal State- education and
• Education as training of mind to functions best suited to individual nature.
• State sponsored, not gender specific, building of mind and body, aimed at
making best citizens- able and knowledgeable Philosopher king
• Education to moralize inner being and communism to ward off outer
• Communism- sacrifice of private property and family.
• for minorities- warriors and rulers- community level arrangements of
food, clothing and dwelling.
• Short- separation of economic and political powers.
Leadership of Philosophers King
• Highly educated, cultured, knowledgeable, selfless, self control,
omniscient, compassionate.
• Perfect helmsman to steer the ship of state.
• No place for law but trust in sagacious philosopher kings rule.
Critical evaluation
• Dunning- unpracticable, Popper- individual as means but state as end,
and Russal- Romanticism;
• State as an utopian entity
• No concept of freedom
• Neglect of producing class
• Uncontrolled power to ruling class
• Neglect of rule of law
Critical Evaluation:
• Concept of functional specialization unfair.
• Too much importance to individual and state equality
• Neglect of important components of state.
• Platonic concept of comminism as against human nature.
• Divisive ideology neglective of huge mass of people
• Against human nature of self sustenance
• Unsympathetic of female and motherhood
• Family as fount of human learning neglected.

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