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Republic of the Philippines

State Universities and Colleges

Mclain, Buenavista, Guimaras

A.Y. 2022-2023

Subject: Ed 221- Current Trends, Issues and

Problems In Education
Professor: Donna B. Gabion, PhD.
Topic: Other Alternative Delivery System
Sub-topics: 1. Alternative Learning System
2. Distance Learning System
3. Information Technology
Other Alternative
Delivery System
1. Alternative Learning
System (ALS)
2. Distance Learning System
3. Information Technology
Learning System

- is a parallel learning system in the

Philippines that provides
opportunities for out-of-school youth
and adult (OSYA)
Learners to develop basic and
functional literacy skills, and to
access equivalent pathways to
complete basic education.

• Program for Illiterates: Basic Literacy

Program (BLP) …
• Program for dropouts of formal
Elementary and Secondary Levels: …
• Programs for Indigenous Peoples: …
• Program for Muslim Migrants: …
• Program for Hearing Impairment: …
• Program for Adolescents: …
• Program for Parents: …
• Program for Poor Families:
Who is Qualified for ALS

ALS is intended for out-of-school

youth and adults who are 16 years
old or older and beyond basic
school age that need basic
literacy skills particularly in
reading, writing and simple
What does ALS offers?
The Alternative Learning System (ALS)
is a parallel learning system in the
Philippines that provides opportunities
for out-of-school youth and adult
(OSYA) learners to develop basic and
functional literacy skills, and to access
equivalent pathways to complete basic
Benefits of ALS
Under the law, the ALS program is
expanded and strengthened to
provide increased opportunities for
out-of-school children in special cases
and adult learners, including
indigenous peoples, to develop basic
and functional literacy and life skills,
and pursue an equivalent pathway to
complete basic education.
Advantage of ALS
ALS enrollees who pass the
accreditation and equivalency (A&E)
exam receive a government
credential that can facilitate access
to higher education, vocational,
training and overall better
employment prospects. The
number of ALS learners being
reached by the program has
Distance Learning Program
A distance learning course is simply
an educational course that is
delivered remotely, meaning that
students can complete some or all of
their coursework without having to be
physically present in a classroom on
any campus.
Different Types of Distance Learning

1. Synchronous distance learning

It is learning that involves live
communication classroom, or even
teleconferencing. It is one of the most
acclaimed distance learning types.
Different Types of Distance Learning

2. Asynchronous distance learning –

It is a type of learning that has a strict
sets of deadlines, often a weekly time
limit; however, it allows learners to learn
at their own pace. It is also one of the
most popular distance learning types
because students can communicate
with each other seamlessly through
online notice/bulletin boards.
Different Types of Distance Learning
3. Hybrid distance learning- hybrid
distance learning combines
asynchronous and synchronous learning
to form a structure where learners are
required to meet at particular time in an
internet chat-room. 
Different Types of Distance Learning

4. Electronic learning- Electronic

learning is one of the most popular
distance learning types, often known as
e-learning, which enables learners to
access course materials on a computer.
DVDs, CDs, and different computer
based tools are always used to deliver
electronic learning courses.
Different Types of Distance Learning

5.Fixed time online courses- are a

type of synchronous course that
requires online users to all visit a
specific virtual location at a set time
and place
(e.g. webinar)
Key Benefits of Distance Learning
1. Flexibility- allows students to earn a degree without living near a
college campus.
2. Affordability- low cost or cheaper
3. Personal Growth- distance students gain other important
transferable skills, including time management, research, written
communication, leadership, and experience, utilizing a variety of
technology used in education.
4. Networking – broader networking opportunities
Perhaps the most immediately obvious advantage of distance
education is the next level of flexibility it provides for students. In
general, remote learning tends to require more independent study
and because modern distance education is usually online-based,
students have more control over both when and where they study.

The advantages and disadvantages of the

The internet of the World Wide Web is
indeed a wonderful and amazing addition in
our lives. The internet can be known as a kind
of global meeting place where people from all
parts of the world can come together. It is a
service available on the computer, through
which everything under the sun is now at the
fingertips of anyone who has access to the
To get ‘online’. Meaning to connect to the
internet, you need to have:

1. A computer: Computer equipment is a

sizeable investment and thus you should select
a computer carefully. Before buying a computer,
understand your needs and then choose one
accordingly. See that it comes with a warranty
and that after sales service is available in case
you need it.
2. Internet service provider: This the software
that you will require to get online. You can now
choose from a dial up service or 24 hour
broadband services. This is the service that will
help you connect to the internet and start your
surfing experiences.
Advantages of the internet
The internet provides opportunities
galore, and can be used for a variety of
things that you can do via the internet
1. E-mail: E-mail is an online
correspondence system. With e-mail
you can send and receive instant
electronic messages, which works like
writing letters. Your messages are
delivered instantly to people anywhere
in the world, unlike traditional mail that
takes a lot of time.
Advantages of the internet

2. Access information: the internet is a virtual

treasure trove of information. Any kind of
information on any topic under the sun is
available on the internet. The ‘search engines’
on the internet can help you find the data on
any subject that you need.
3. Shopping: Along with getting information on
the internet, you can also shop online. There
are many online stores and sites that can be
used to look for products as well as buy them
using credit card. You do not need to leave
your house and can do all your shopping from
the convenience of your home.
Advantages of the internet
4. Online chat: there are many ‘chat
rooms’ on the web that can be
accessed to meet new people, make
new friends, as well as to stay in touch
with old friends.
5. Downloading software: This is one
of the most happening and fun things to
do via the net. You can download
innumerable games, music of which are
Disadvantages of Internet
There are certain cons and dangers
relating to the use of internet that can
be summarized as:

1. Personal Information: If you use

the internet, your personal information
such as your name, address etc. can
be accessed by other people. If you
use a credit card to ship online, then
your credit card information can also
be ‘stolen’ which could be ask in to
give someone a blank check.
Disadvantages of Internet
2. Pornography: This is a very serious
issue concerning the internet, especially
when it comes to young children. There
are thousands of pornographic sites on
the internet that can easily found and can
be detriment to letting children use the
3. Spamming: This refers to sending
unsolicited e-mails in bulk, which serve
no purpose and unnecessary clog up the
entire system.
Alternative Delivery System (ADS)
• Are management systems used in inclusion
classrooms that provides support for students
and maximize learning while being presented
the core curriculum.
• Uses success-oriented presentations and the
elements of collaborations and school based
coordination in its implementation.

Types of Alternative Delivery Systems

1. Audio-conference
2. Distance learning/education

Advantages of distance

1. Lots of flexibility
2. No commuting
3. Numerous choice of school
4. Lowered cost
5. Learn while working
Disadvantages of distance
1. Lack of social interaction
2.Format isn’t ideal for all learners
3. Some employers don’t accept online
4. Requires adaptability to new
5. Not all courses required to complete
the degree may be offered online
6. Broadcast radio
7. Auto graphic teleconferencing.
If you want to connect to the internet you
need the following:
1. Computer- Computer equipment is a
sizeable investment and thus you should
select a computer carefully. Before buying a
computer, understand your needs and then
choose one accordingly. See that it comes
with a warranty and that after sales service is
available in case you need it.
2. Internet service provider- This is the
software that you will require to get online.
You can now choose from a dial up service or
24 hour broadband services. This is the
service that will help you connect to the
internet and start your surfing experiences.
Thank you
for listening

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