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Group Name:

1. Muhammad Nidaul Hanief (201320000560)

2. Sike Ferensia (201320000574)


Art is the result or process of work and human ideas that involve
skilled, creative abilities, sensory sensitivity, heart and mind. The
definition of culture according to E.B. Taylor (1913) is a complex
whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom,
and every other capability learned by man as a member of society.
Brief Description

Cultural Arts is a compulsory subject at SMP 1 Mlonggo which

plays a role in shaping individuals who are creative, innovative,
and have an insight into the nation's arts and culture. The
aspects studied in cultural arts include fine arts, music,
dance,and craft.

Curriculum : Independent Curriculum (class 7) and 2013

Curriculum (class 8 and 9).

1. Exploring and developing student creativity in the

arts and culture

2. Fostering a sense of love for national arts and

culture, especially traditional arts.

1. Scientific approaches

2. Program based learning

3. Demonstrations

4. Lectures

5. Peer monitoring


1. Students feel insecure because they feel they are not talented

2. Physical aspects and time


1. Provide enthusiasm and encouragement to students

2. Using peer mentoring methods to accelerate material

English Corner
• Teacher's method of improving vocabulary:

Using integrative learning methods.

• Obstacle:

Students lack of interest in reading.

• Solution:

To overcome this, the teacher provides learning videos related to material in

the form of films or animations so that students can be more interested in

reading English texts.

Cultural Arts is a compulsory subject at SMP 1 Mlonggo. The objectives

of learning arts and culture subjects in schools include exploring and

developing student creativity in the arts and culture, fostering a sense of

love for national arts and culture, and training and fostering students'

self-confidence in the arts. In learning activities, the teacher chooses to

use the peer monitoring method so that learning activities can run

effectively. There is a school program, namely P5 which is used by

teachers as a place to increase students' talents and interest in the arts.

Thank You

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