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Process Instrumentation Dynamics & Control

Course Code : FT-315 Semester : V

Evaluation Scheme : CIE Marks :30 Marks (20 + 10) SEE Marks : 100

Measuring Instruments
What is Instrumentation
Definition -

The technology of using instruments to measure & control the physical &
chemical properties of material is called instrumentation.

For example, measurement of various process variables like temperature,

pressure, level, flow, density, viscosity etc.

Applications of instruments in various fields like Chemical,Food &

Pharmaceutical industries, automobiles, residential appliances, satellites etc.
Types of Measurement:
• Direct Measurement:

The meaning of the measurement & purpose of the processing operation

are identical. For e.g.:- Weight, Height etc

• Indirect Measurement:

The meaning of the measurement & purpose of the processing operation

are not same but they are related to each other. For e.g. Resistance
Measuring Instruments:
• Measuring instrument is a device for determining the value of
some particular quantity or condition.

• Measuring instrument may be required to indicate, record, signal

or perform some operations on the value it has determined.

• For example, Distributed Control System (DCS).

Classification of Instruments:
A) Classification based on function:
• Indicating Type - These instruments have some kind of calibrated scale &
pointer. Any change in the quantity to be measured is indicated by change in
pointer position on the scale. e.g. Mercury
Thermometer, Ammeter, Voltmeter etc.
• Recording Type - These instruments continuously make a written record of
values of measured quantity against some other variables like time. e.g. ECG
• Signaling Type - These instruments only indicate that the values of measured
quantity are within specified range of values. They don’t indicate the exact values
of the quantity. e.g. LS indicates whether level of
liquid inside the tank is too low or too high with reference to certain fixed level.
Classification of Instruments:
A) Classification based on function:
• Registering Type - These instruments record only discrete
increments in the values of measured quantity by some numbers.
e.g. Some speedometers register 1 km change in travelled distance.
• Transmitting Type - These instruments carry the information
regarding the measurement from the point of measurement to some
remote point. e.g. Telephone lines.
• Manipulating Type - These instruments performs certain operations
on the value of the quantity.
e.g. Differential pressure sensors.
Classification of Instruments:
B) Classification based on Working:
• Automatic Instruments- These instruments don’t require the
manual assistance for their functioning.
e.g. Mercury thermometers, Sensors
• Manual Instruments- These instruments require the manual
assistance for their functioning.
e.g. Functioning of Wheatstone's bridge indicator
requires manual adjustment of null point to get temperature reading.
Classification of Instruments:
C) Classification based on source of power:
• Self Operated:
These instruments themselves generate the power required for their
operation. e.g. Mercury thermometer
• Power Operated:
These instruments require external power supply for their functioning.
This power may be in the form of electricity or compressed air.
e.g. Electric weighing balance
Parts of the measuring Instruments:
Parts of the measuring Instruments:
• Primary Element: These element first receives the energy from the
measured medium & utilize it to produce a condition representing the value
of the measured variable.
In liquid filled thermometer, the bulb represents the primary element. It first
receives the heat energy from the hot bath, that causes expansion of
mercury inside the bulb and capillary. This changes the pressure inside the
Bourdon tube that represents change in temperature around the bulb.
• Secondary Element: These element converts the condition produced by
primary element into the condition useful for functioning of the instrument.
In liquid filled thermometer, Bourdon spring represents secondary element
because it converts change in pressure of mercury inside it into mechanical
displacement of free end of Bourdon spring which is necessary for the
functioning of the instrument.
Parts of the measuring Instruments:
• Manipulation Element: This element performs certain operations on the
condition produced by the secondary element.
In liquid filled thermometer, adjustable link act as manipulation element
because they convert linear motion of the free end of Bourdon into
proportional circular motion of the pointer.
• Functioning Element: This element represents the parts used for indicating,
recording, signaling, registering or transmitting the measured quantity.
In liquid filled thermometer, calibrated scale represents functioning element.
Parts of the measuring Instruments:
• Data Transmission Element: When primary element is far away from
secondary element, then this element is essential which transmits the
condition of primary element to the secondary element.
In liquid filled thermometer, capillary acts as data transmission element.
Temperature Measurement Devices
• Bimetallic thermometer
• Thermocouples
• Resistance Detector Thermometers(RTD)
• Radiation pyrometers
• Optical pyrometer

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