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Hill Decryption

Rotor Machines
• In cryptography, a rotor machine is an electro-
mechanical stream cipher device used for
encrypting and decrypting messages. Rotor
machines were the cryptographic state-of-the-
art for much of the 20th century; they were in
widespread use in the 1920s–1970s.
Foundation of Modern Cryptography
Perfect Security
Information Theory
Product Cryptosystem
What is the foundation of modern
• Modern cryptography is the keystone of
computer and communications security. Its
foundation is based on various concepts of
mathematics such as number theory,
computational-complexity theory, and
probability theory.
• Characteristics of Modern Cryptography
– There are three major characteristics that separate
modern cryptography from the classical approach.
Classic Cryptography Modern Cryptography
It manipulates traditional characters, i.e., It operates on binary bit sequences.
letters and digits directly.

It is mainly based on ‘security through It relies on publicly known mathematical

darkness’. The techniques employed for algorithms for coding the information.
coding were kept secret and only the Secrecy is obtained through a secrete key
parties involved in communication knew which is used as the seed for the
about them. algorithms. The computational difficulty
of algorithms, absence of secret key, etc.,
make it impossible for an attacker to
obtain the original information even if he
knows the algorithm used for coding.

It requires the entire cryptosystem for Modern cryptography requires parties

communicating confidentially. interested in secure communication to
possess the secret key only.
• Context of Cryptography
• Cryptology, the study of cryptosystems, can be
subdivided into two branches −
• Cryptography
• Cryptanalysis
• What is the meaning of perfect security?
– The concept of perfect secrecy was first defined by Claude
Shannon in 1946
– The definition of perfect secrecy is based on statistics and
– Secret key is need to provide cipher text
– A ciphertext maintains perfect secrecy if the attacker's
knowledge of the contents of the message is the same both
before and after the opponent inspects the ciphertext, attacking it
with unlimited resources.
– Naturally, we might want to define perfect security of an
encryption scheme as follows: Given a cipher text all messages
are equally likely. This can be formulated as: For all m(0),m(1)
∈ M and c ∈ C. we have: Pr[M = m(0)|C = c] = Pr[M = m(1)|C
= c] The probability here is over the randomness used in the
– Perfect secrecy means that the cipher text is impossible to break,
whereas semantic security implies that cipher text is infeasible to
break with high probability.
Information Theory
• Information theory has several applications in cryptography. First,
it allows to prove the unconditional security of cryptographic systems.
Second, it allows to prove impossibility and lower bound results on the
achievability of unconditional security.
• Information theory, also known as the mathematical theory of
communication, is an approach that studies data processing and
measurement in the transmission of information. The communication
process proposed by its creators establishes the flow of a message
between a sender and a receiver through a determined channel.
• Information theory usually deals with the extent of information of
distributions related to random variables. The main quantities of
information are mutual information (a measure of information in
common among two arbitrary variables) and entropy (a measure of
information in one random variable).
• Cryptography Primitives
• Cryptography primitives are nothing but the tools
and techniques in Cryptography that can be
selectively used to provide a set of desired security
services −
– Encryption
– Hash functions
– Message Authentication codes (MAC)
– Digital Signatures
• The following table shows the primitives that can
achieve a particular security service on their own.
• Cryptographic primitives are intricately related
and they are often combined to achieve a set
of desired security services from a
Product Cryptosystem

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