Week 2 Population Migration

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Date: September 2023

Topic: Population Migration

Standard: D2.Geo.8.6-8. Analyze how relationships between humans and environments extend
or contract spatial patterns of settlement and movement.

Learning Objective:
 My objective/goal for this lesson is to understand the push and pull factors of

Learning Question: WHAT is “Migration” ? WHY do people Migrate? WHEN do people migrate?

Success Criteria:
I know I am successful in this lesson because:
 I can define migration.
 I can list push and pull factors for migration.
Starter: Activate Prior Knowledge
Choose ONE to complete:

Draw a mind map and include details on positive and negative

factors of living near a river.

Write 2 sentences explaining why you think people move from

their home country to live in other countries.
What is Migration?
It is the permanent movement of people from one
location(place) to another
Push Pull
Let’s list some of
the PUSH Factors.
Let’s list some of
the PULL Factors.
Activity 1:
1. Read the different factors from the worksheet shown on
the screen.
2. Now classify these factors under the different sections of
PUSH factors, and PULL factors.

Activity 2:
1. Use Activity 1 to write a paragraph describing Migration and
reasons why people would migrate from a developing country to
a developed country.
Success Criteria:
I know I am successful in this lesson because:
 I can define migration.
 I can list push and pull factors for migration.
Facts before, facts after
1. Write down ONE fact you think you knew BEFORE the lesson.

2. Write down ONE fact you know AFTER this lesson.

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