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Magnetic Induction

Faraday’s Law
Did you know?

Is it possible to produce an electric

current using only wires and no battery?
So far, all electric circuits that
you have studied used a battery
or an electrical power supply to
create a potential within a
It is also possible to induce current
in a circuit without the use of a battery
or an electrical power supply.
What is induction?
English physicist Michael Faraday, a brilliant
experimentalist, was the first to demonstrate
the converse effect: magnetic fields can be
used to produce voltage and in a closed
circuit, induced electric currents.
This is now called the principle of magnetic
Nevertheless, he was one of the
most influential scientist not just in
his time but his contributions
continue to find applications to this
Faraday’s Law of Induction
Michael Faraday concluded that when a wire is
moved through a magnetic field, a current is
generated in the wire. This process of generating
current by the relative motion between a wire
and magnetic field is called electromagnetic
Induced emf can be increased by:
• Increasing the number of turns (N)
• Increasing the speed of the relative motion
between the coil and the magnet
• Increasing the strength of the magnetic field (B)
Sample Problem
A square loop of wire with 10 turns
and a side length of 1 m is placed in a
charging magnetic field. If the
magnetic field changes from 2T to 4T
within 8 seconds, what is the average
induced emf?
Electromagnetic Spectrum
The electromagnetic spectrum
extends from the longest wavelengths
of radio waves up to the high
frequencies of gamma rays. Each type
of wave occupies a particular range of
wavelength known as band.
Electromagnetic energy travels in
waves and spans a broad spectrum
from very long radio waves to very
short gamma rays. The human eye
can only detect only a small portion
of this spectrum called visible light.
When you tune your radio, watch TV,
send a text message, or pop popcorn in
a microwave oven, you are using
electromagnetic energy. You depend on
this energy every hour of every day.
Without it, the world you know could
not exist.
When you listen to the radio, watch TV, or
cook dinner in a microwave oven, you are
using electromagnetic waves. Radio waves,
television waves, and microwaves are all types
of electromagnetic waves. They only differ
from each other in wavelength. Wavelength is
the distance between one wave crest to the
The smaller the wavelength the
higher the energy. For example, a
brick wall blocks visible light wave
lengths. Smaller, more energetic, x-
rays can pass through brick walls, but
themselves are blocked by denser
material such as lead.
Radio waves have the longest wavelengths in the electromagnetic
spectrum. They range from the length of a football to larger than our
planet. Heinrich Hertz proved the existence of radio waves in the late

You can tune a radio to a specific wavelength—or frequency—and

listen to your favorite music. The radio "receives" these
electromagnetic radio waves and converts them to mechanical
vibrations in the speaker to create the sound waves you can hear.
• Metal surfaces reflect microwaves. Microwaves with a certain wavelength pass through the
earth’s atmosphere and can be useful in transmitting information to and from satellites in
orbit. Hence, the satellite dishes are made of metal as they reflect microwaves well.
• Microwaves of certain frequencies are absorbed by water. This property of microwaves is
useful n cooking. Water in the food absorbs microwaves, which causes the water to heat up,
therefore cooking the food.
• Microwave transmission is affected by wave effects such as refraction, reflection,
interference, and diffraction.
• Microwaves can pass through glass and plastic. This is the reason why we use a plastic or
glass container in a microwave oven and not metal containers, as metal reflects
Microwave radiation can heat body tissues the
same way it heats food. Exposure to high levels of
microwaves can cause skin burns or cataracts. 
Infrared waves, or infrared light, are part of the
electromagnetic spectrum. People encounter
Infrared waves every day; the human eye cannot
see it, but humans can detect it as heat. A
remote control uses light waves just beyond the
visible spectrum of light—infrared light waves—
to change channels on your TV.
The Sun is a source of the full spectrum of ultraviolet
radiation, which is commonly subdivided into UV-A, UV-B,
and UV-C. These are the classifications most often used in
Earth sciences. UV-C rays are the most harmful and are
almost completely absorbed by our atmosphere. UV-B rays
are the harmful rays that cause sunburn. Exposure to UV-B
rays increases the risk of DNA and other cellular damage in
living organisms. Fortunately, about 95 percent UV-B rays
are absorbed by ozone in the Earth's atmosphere.
X-rays use invisible electromagnetic
energy beams to produce images of
internal tissues, bones, and organs on
film. Standard X-rays are performed for
many reasons, including diagnosing
tumors or bone injuries.
Gamma rays are used in medicine
(radiotherapy), industry (sterilization and
disinfection) and the nuclear industry.
Shielding against gamma rays is essential
because they can cause diseases to skin or
blood, eye disorders and cancers.
A rock falls at different speeds through different liquids
such as water, oil, milk, and syrup. The speed of the falling
marble depends on the density and viscosity of the liquid.

Light also travels at different speeds through different

media such as air, glass, and water. The speed of light
depends on the medium.
When light crosses over from one medium to
another, it changes not only its speed but also
its direction. When a light ray enters a glass
cube, it bends instead of travelling along its
original straight line path. The bending of
light as it crosses over from one medium to
another is called refraction.
Speed and index of refraction of various materials
Material Speed (m/s) Index of refraction (n)
Vacuum 3 x 108 1.00
Air 3 x 108 1.0003
Ice 2.29 x 108 1.31
Glass 1.97 x 108 1.61
Water 225 000 km/s 1.33
Diamond 125 000 km/s 2.42
Dispersion of Light
When light passes through a prism, it breaks up
into an array of several different colors called a
spectrum. This breaking up and spreading out of
the beam of light is called dispersion.
Dispersion occurs in nature through the
interaction of sunlight and water droplets. Sunlight
goes in and out of the suspended water droplets in
the air. They act as prisms and refract sunlight into
several different colors.
When light is incident on a surface, it may be
reflected, transmitted, refracted, scattered or
absorbed. A transparent body allows light to pass
through it. A translucent body scatters the light
passing through it so that objects behind it are not
clearly seen. An opaque body does not transmit
light at all.
A transparent body allows light to pass through it.
Clear water, air, and a clear glass
A translucent body scatters the light passing through
it so that objects behind it are not clearly seen.

Frosted glass in translucent

An opaque body does not transmit light at all.
The human body, stones, and wood are opaque.
Is the bouncing back of light when it strikes a
reflecting surface. the ray that strikes the
surface is called the incident ray. the ray that
rebounds from the surface is called the
reflected ray. a line perpendicular to the
surface at the point of incidence is called the
The law of reflection states that the angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence.
The angles are measured relative to the normal that is an imaginary line that is
perpendicular to the surface at the point where the ray strikes the surface.
It is any surface that is smooth enough to
produce regular reflection of light incident upon
it. There are two types of mirror: plane mirror
and spherical mirror (concave or convex).
(a) When a sheet of paper is illuminated with many parallel
incident rays, it can be seen at many different angles,
because its surface is rough and diffuses the light. (b) A
mirror illuminated by many parallel rays reflects them in
only one direction, because its surface is very smooth. Only
the observer at a particular angle sees the reflected light.
(c) Moonlight is spread out when it is reflected by the lake,
because the surface is shiny but uneven. (credit c:
modification of work by Diego Torres Silvestre)
The change in direction of a light
ray depends on how the index of
refraction changes when it
crosses from one medium to
(a) A ray of light moves closer to the perpendicular when entering a medium with a
higher index of refraction. (b) A ray of light moves away from the perpendicular
when entering a medium with a lower index of refraction
Dispersion is defined as the
spreading of white light into its full
spectrum of wavelengths.
Refraction is responsible for
dispersion in rainbows and many
other situations.

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