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What is the current status of lakes around the world?

As part of surface water quality monitoring in Poland, as compulsory in 885 lakes described in the 2019
report, approximately 87% (776 lakes) were classified as “poor condition”.
A similar poor condition is observed in other countries, e.g., in China over 85% of 138 lakes with an
area >10 km2 are eutrophic and in the USA it is 50–60%.
What is the current status of microbiological studies?

What is the current status?

 Sloneczko Reservior
 Municipal Swimming (summer)
 Surface run-off (agricultural areas)
 Dead fish has been reported (spring and
 Water quality deteriorating progressively
since 2006. Result of illegal sewage
 At the bottom, a layer of organic
compound mud(30-70 thick)

• What has been done? Innovative solution

• Chemical Methods (e.i. copper sulphate)
• Physical methods (mechanical)- destratification
• Biological methods

What needs to be done?

The main aim of the article is to analyze the effectiveness of water
purification mainly based on indicators:
COD—Chemical Oxygen Demand
BOD5—Biochemical Oxygen Demand
the reduction of soft organic fractions in sediments.
Additional parameters, which were also monitored included
selected forms of nutrients and variability of their concentrations.
Materials and Methods

 The Characteristics of the Area

 Bioprep was introduce may 2016

And then in 2017 and 2018.
Materials and Methods
Materials and Methods

 Two most effective biopreparations.

1. for water: ACS ODO—1
2. for sediment: CS aqua 2
Materials and Methods

 Two most effective biopreparations. Commercial bioprep

1. for water: ACS ODO—1
Water, a consortium of lactic acid bacteria, phototrophic
bacteria, yeast, ecological molasses from sugar cane, fermented wheat bran,
minerals. The additional ingredients of biopreparation at the micro-level:
Phytosterols (sitosterol, taraxasterol), phytohormones, triterpenes (lupeol, betulin,
betulinic acid), flavonoids (hyperoside, quercetin, kaempferol), ellagic acid,
pyrocatechic acid, brevofolin (ellagic acid derivative), vitamins (C, PP, P, B3, B5,
B8, B11, B1, B2, A, E, F), and tannins.
Materials and Methods

 Two most effective biopreparations. Commercial bioprep

2. for sediment: CS aqua 2
Water, sugar cane molasses, and effective microorganisms
including the main strains of effective microorganisms: Lactobacillus
casei, Lactobacillus plantarum—5.0 × 106 cfu· mL−1 and
Saccharomycces cerevisiae—5.0 × 103 cfu·mL−1.
Materials and Methods
Materials and Methods

 The Area Measurements.

The thickness of the bottom sediments was measured by the proprietary method of Mazur and
Sitarek with an endoscopic camera.
1. equipment prep
2. Site selection
3. Access the sediment interface
4. Capture visual data
5. Analyze sediment layer
6. Document and record
Materials and Methods

 Statistical Analysis
The one-way analysis of variance was applied to check the statistical significance of
differences between the results in subsequent years for the studied parameters. The analyses
were carried out in program Statistica 13.
1. The microbiological revitalization process showed a positive effect on improving the quality
parameters of the Słoneczko reservoir waters.
2. Bottom sediments (soft organic fractions) have been virtually eliminated to result in a sandy bottom.
3. Water clarity has improved significantly, and in 2018 the bottom of the reservoir was visible at all
measuring points.
4. Microorganisms from biomass mixtures introduced into the reservoir water also reduced the
level of organic pollution to a safe state for aquatic ecosystems.
5. The eutrophication process was eliminated, which had a positive effect on the oxygen concentration in the reservoir
water in summer.
6. Natural plant formation (emerging and submerged macrophytes) in the coastal zone and littoral
allowed for effective nutrient uptake, therefore, their level despite intensive nitrification processes
was also reduced.

During lake renovation, a long-term monitoring program for physico-chemical and biological
parameters (phytoplankton, zooplankton, fish, and bottom fauna) is recommended. The lake’s response
to reducing the internal load is noticeable in the long run and will only be effective if the external load
is also controlled.
Thank you

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