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• Bivariate analysis is an analysis of two variables to determine the

relationships between them. They are often reported in quality of life

research. It is one of the simplest forms of quantitative (statistical)
analysis. It involves the analysis of two variables (it is often denoted
as X, Y), for the purpose of determining the empirical relationship
between them.
Bivariate analysis is extremely helpful in testing simple hypotheses of association.
It is very helpful in determining to what extent it becomes easier to know and
predicts a value for one variable (possibly a dependent variable) if the value of
the other variable (possibly the independent variable) is known (see also
correlation and simple linear regression).
There can be a contrast between bivariate analysis and univariate analysis in
which only one variable is analyzed.
Both univariate analysis and bivariate analysis can be descriptive or inferential.
It is the analysis of the relationship between the two variables. Bivariate analysis
is a simple (two-variable) and special case of multivariate analysis (where
simultaneously multiple relations between multiple variables are examined).
• Bivariate analysis can be defined as the analysis of bivariate data. It is one of the
simplest forms of statistical analysis, which is used to find out if there is a
relationship between two sets of values. Usually, it involves the variables X and Y.
• The univariate analysis involves an analysis of one (“uni”) variable.
• The bivariate analysis involves the analysis of exactly two variables.
• The multivariate analysis involves the analysis of more than two variables.
• The results we get from the bivariate analysis can be stored in a two-column data
table. For example, you might be eager to find out the relationship between
caloric intake and weight (of course, the two are related very strongly). Caloric
intake will be your independent variable, X, and weight will be your dependent
variable, Y.
Types of Bivariate Analysis
Some of the common types of bivariate analysis include:
• Scatter Plots: Scatterplot provides you with a visual idea of the pattern that your variables follow.
• Graph-A simple scatterplot
• Regression Analysis: Regression analysis is a catch-all term for a wide variety of tools that can be
used to determine how your data points might be related. The points in the image above seem like
they could follow an exponential curve (as opposed to a straight line). Regression analysis not only
provides you with an equation for that curve or line but also gives you the correlation coefficient.
• Correlation Coefficients: Calculation of values for correlation coefficients are performed using a
computer, although here, you can find the steps to find the correlation coefficient by hand. This
coefficient acknowledges you if the variables are related. Basically, by ‘0’ means they aren't
correlated (i.e. related in some way), while a ‘1’ (either positive or negative) means that the
variables are perfectly correlated (i.e. they are perfectly in sync with each other).
Multivariate analysis is used to describe analyses of data where there are
multiple variables or observations for each unit or individual.
Types of Multivariate Analyses
• Multiple linear regression: A linear regression method where the dependent
variable Y is described by a set of X independent variables. An example would be
to determine the factors that predict the selling price or value of an apartment.
• Multiple linear correlation: Allows for the determination of the strength of the
strength of the linear relationship between Y and a set of X variables.
• Multivariate nonlinear regression: A form of regression analysis in which the
dependent variable Y is described by a nonlinear combination of the
independent variables X.
Response Surface Regression:
A form of multivariate non-linear regression where the influences of
several independent or “response” variables on a dependent variable
are determined. The goal of response surface regression is to optimize
a response.
• Discriminant analysis: In an original survey of males for possible
factors that can be used to predict heart disease, the researcher wishes
to determine a linear function of the many putative causal factors that
would be useful in predicting those individuals that would be likely to
have a heart attack within a 10-year period.
Principal component analysis (PCA):
Is used to simplify the description of a set of interrelated variables. PCA
considers all variables equally; they are not divided into dependent and
independent variables.
In PCA, the interrelated variables are in essence transformed into new,
uncorrelated values. Using the data from the lung function example, the
data for each individual are highly interrelated since they were all recorded
on one breath. Because the data are interrelated, you need to use a
method that develops a new set of measurements that are uncorrelated
with each other. PCA allows development of new uncorrelated
measurements called principal components. .
Factor analysis:
Is similar to PCA in that it allows one to determine the interrelationships
among a set of variables. Like PCA, factor analysis does not have a
dependent variable that is described by a set of independent variables.
Using our political survey example, factor analysis will allow you to group
each of the questions into subgroups that are uncorrelated with each other.
• Cluster analysis: Is a method for grouping individuals or objects into
unknown groups. This method differs from discriminant analysis in that the
number and the characteristics of the groups are unknown prior to the

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