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Say no to tension, say no to hypertension

In management of hypertension

Sustained B.P control>>>Superior>>>
Nephro protection
1) 2)Pubmed3)Goggle scho

Reduction in HR by 3 Minimal incidence Reduction in uric acid

Beats/mint of pedal Edema by  0.1 mg/dl
. . .


Combination Sympathetic
Vascular Benefits Flexibility Activity
. .
Blood pressure before and after treatment.

    Amlodipine     Cilnidipine  

  Before After P Before After P

Day time SBP (mmHg) 166±16 152±11 <0.001 166±11 154±11 <0.001

Day time DBP (mmHg) 98±8.6 90±7.8 <0.001 100±10 92±6.8 <0.001

Night time SBP (mmHg) 144±18 132±13 <0.001 146±16 138±14 <0.005

Night time DBP (mmHg) 94±8.4 88±6 <0.001 96±10 92±8 <0.001

Morning SBP (mmHg) 164±16 150±12 <0.001 166±12 156±6 <0.005

Morning DBP (mmHg) 96±6.4 91±4.4 <0.001 98±8 94±6 <0.001

1)International journal of basic and clinical pharmacology


Change in urinary protein/creatinine ratio during the 6

month treatment period in the Amlodipine and Cilnidipine
group 1)International journal of cardiology
Priscribing information
● USE IN SPECIFIC POPULATIONS PregnancyThere are no human
● INDICATIONS AND USAGE Cilnidipine is used for treatment of clinical or animal data concerning the safety of cilnidipine during pregnancy.
hypertension. DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION The recommended Until data are available, administration of cilnidipine during pregnancy
adult oral dosage of Cilnidipine is 5-10 mg once daily. The dosage can be should be avoided. LactationNursing mothers should consult a physician
increased up to 20 mg, if needed. Starting dose 5 to 10 mg per day before taking Cilnidipine. Renal impairmentDose adjustment is not needed
in patients with impaired renal function. Cilnidipine at a dose of 10 mg once
depending on individual case. Maintaining dose- physician will titrate the
a day for 7 days in patients with impaired renal function caused no
dose as per patient’s symptoms. Maximum dose 20 mg per day. DOSAGE
differences in the pharmacokinetic profile compared with that in patients
FORMS AND STRENGTHS Each film coated tablet contains: Cilnidipine with normal renal function. Hepatic impairmentDosage recommendations
………………….20 mg Excipients ……………………q. s. have not been established in patients with mild to moderate hepatic
CONTRAINDICATIONS Aortic stenosis, advanced. Hypersensitivity to impairment; therefore dose selection should be cautious and should start at
Cilnidipine or other calcium channel antagonists. WARNINGS AND the lower end of the dosing range. Transient and generally clinically
PRECAUTIONS Angina Chronic renal insufficiency Congestive heart insignificant elevations in SGOT, SGPT, alkaline phosphatase, and serum
failure Hypotension Liver dysfunction, or elevated liver enzymes bilirubin have been reported during calcium antagonist therapy in less than
1% of patients.
Peripheral edema (confounding physical findings in congestive failure)
● OVERDOSAGE None known.
ADVERSE REACTIONS Dizziness, headache, peripheral edema, ● PHARMACOKINETICS Cilnidipine has a slow onset and long duration of
flushing, rash and gingival hyperplasia are the most common adverse action of 24 hours, partly explained by its high lipophilicity. Cilnidipine has
events seen with the dihydropyridine derivative calcium channel a half-life of 2 – 8 hrs. after administration of 5 – 20 mg. NONCLINICAL
antagonists. Headache, Flushing was reported in 3.7 & 4.5% of 764 TOXICOLOGY No data available. STORAGE Store below 30°C & Protect
subjects receiving cilnidipine respectively. DRUG INTERACTIONS from light. SHELF LIFE 3 Years PRESENTATION Blister strip of 10
Cilnidipine can interact with aldesleukin, quinidine, phenytoin, rifampicin, Tablets.
erythromycin, other anti-hypertensive drugs and anti-psychotic drugs.

X:\Artworks\Prakash\Myanmar\Cilacar 5 & 10 & 20\UPL TI 10\open file\ Cilacar 20 mg Tablets Leaflet -Myanmar Artist: Gajanan Khade - 25.09.201

 2021 Nov; 13(11): e19822.Published online 2021 Nov

22. doi: 10.7759/cureus.19822
 J Adv Pharm Technol Res. 2015 Apr-Jun; 6(2): 81–85.
 doi: 10.4103/2231-4040.154543
 Guoliang Xu,etal, Volume 12, Issue 1, 2012
 Page: [56 - 62]Pages: 7
 DOI: 10.2174/187152912801823165


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