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Line Rating: Its all about the Temperature!

Ryan Bliss, P.E., S.E., M.ASCE

Electrical Consultants, Inc. Inc.

Existing Line Rating Techniques

LiDar Conventional

Finite Element Modeling (PLS-CADD, SAPS)

o Temperature Calibration
Ambient Predictive Methods Direct Measurement Methods

Thermal Rating Analysis / Reporting

Thermal Rating Studies Questions

How accurate are the results? What is the margin of error? Are the results conservative? Are they too conservative?

Why do we care?

Survey Accuracy?
LiDar / Conventional Survey Accuracy
Absolute Accuracy of +/- 6 inches Relative Accuracy of +/- 3 inches

Sag Accuracy Factors

Span Length Conductor Type Conductor Temperature During Survey

Sag Accuracy Modeling/Ratings

Attachment Spotting Insulator Length / Weight Finite Element Graphical Sagging Conductor Temperature Calibration

What is the Accuracy of Thermal Studies? What is the Precision of Thermal studies? Is the study Reliable & Repeatable?

Conductor Calibration Why is this so important?

Excess Project Costs Risk of Clearance Deficiencies How significant is excess costs and/or risk of clearance deficiencies? How much Error is there in Conductor Calibration?

Conductor Calibration Question

1. How does the error in calibration temperature relate to the accuracy in thermal rating results? The error in the conductor calibration is not one to one with the accuracy in the resulting Thermal Rating of a conductor.

Conductor Calibration
Conductor Sag to a Calibration Temperature

Maximum Operating Temperature Determined

Conductor Calibration
Example of how a 20 degree F Error in Calibration temperature could equate to 35-50 degree Error in thermal rating. Calibrating Temperature Thermal Rating Deg (F)

Difference +85
+90 +110 +130 +160

80 100 120 140

170 210 250 300

Error in Calibration temperature is not one to one with accuracy of thermal rating.

Conductor Calibration Questions

2. How much error is there in our method of determining conductor calibration temperatures during survey? 3. What are the methods for determining a conductor calibration temperature?

Conductor Calibration Methods

Ambient Temperature Method Predictive Methods
IEEE 738-2006 Infrared Thermography

Direct Measurement Methods

Temperature Probe Resistance Measurement & Temperature Correlation

Ambient Temperature Method

Ambient Temperature Method

Ambient temperatures collected during survey usually at GPS base stations
Typically some distance from Line Typically around 5 feet above ground Sometimes sheltered by bushes & trees

Ambient Temperature Method

Potential Error Method does not account for Thermal increase due to Electrical Load Higher Uprating Project Costs Assumes Conductor is not cooler than measured Ambient temperature Increased risk for clearance deficiencies not getting reported

Predictive Methods
IEEE 738-2006 Calculations Infrared Thermography

Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006

Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006

because there is great diversity of weather conditions and operating circumstances for which conductor temperatures and/or thermal ratings must be calculated, the standard does not undertake to list actual temperature-current relationships for specific conductors or weather conditions. Is this standard applicable or helpful to Line Rating analysis?

Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006

Assumptions: IEEE 738-2006 empirical formulas will accurately calculate conductor temperature. Variables can be accurately & precisely determined or measured

Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006

Variables Date & Time Electrical Load Ambient Temperature Emissivity Atmosphere Solar Absorption Latitude & Elevation Line Azimuth Wind Pressure Wind Conductor Angle

Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006

Assumed Accurate Variables: Date & Time Latitude & Elevation Line Azimuth Electrical Load

Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006

Variables difficult to be Accurate & Precise: Atmosphere Ambient Temperature Wind Pressure Wind Conductor Angle Emissivity Solar Absorption

Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006

Variables difficult to be Accurate & Precise: Atmosphere Ambient Temperature Wind Pressure Wind Conductor Angle Emissivity Solar Absorption

Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006


Only Two Options: Industrial Clear

Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006

Variables difficult to be Accurate & Precise: Atmosphere Ambient Temperature Wind Pressure Wind Conductor Angle Emissivity Solar Absorption

Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006

Ambient Temperature Differences between Conductor and Weather Stations
Typically weather stations are some distance from transmission line

Distance from Ground

Ambient Temperature is much cooler at elevation, ground effect is greatest at surface

Ambient Temperature

Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006

Increased Electrical Load

Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006

Variables difficult to be Accurate & Precise: Atmosphere Ambient Temperature Wind Pressure Wind Conductor Angle Emissivity Solar Absorption

Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006

Wind Pressure

Weather Station Wind Measurements

Collected during survey usually at GPS base stations Typically some distance from Line Typically around 5 feet above ground Sometimes sheltered by bushes & trees

Helicopter Wind Measurements

Typically much higher elevation than conductor

Wind Pressure

Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006

Wind Pressure

Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006

Wind Pressure

Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006

How significant is a difference of 8 ft/s?

5.5 mph

Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006

Variables difficult to be Accurate & Precise: Atmosphere Ambient Temperature Wind Pressure Wind Conductor Angle Emissivity Solar Absorption

Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006

Wind Conductor Angle

Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006

Variables difficult to be Accurate & Precise: Atmosphere Ambient Temperature Wind Pressure Wind Conductor Angle Emissivity Solar Absorption

Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006


Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006

Variables difficult to be Accurate & Precise: Atmosphere Ambient Temperature Wind Pressure Wind Conductor Angle Emissivity Solar Absorption

Solar Absorption

Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006

Predictive Methods IEEE 738-2006

Variables difficult to be Accurate & Precise: Atmosphere Ambient Temperature Wind Pressure Wind Conductor Angle Emissivity Solar Absorption What is the overall cumulative error?

Predictive Methods Infrared Thermography

Predictive Methods Infrared Thermography

Potential Error
Emissivity & Solar Absorption Assumptions Background Radiation Pixels on conductor
Distance from Lens Scale of Lens Number of Pixels Collected by Thermal Camera

Direct Measurement Methods

Temperature Probe Resistance Measurements

Direct Measurement Methods Temperature Probe

Direct Measurement Methods Temperature Probe

Accurately & Precisely Measures Conductor Surface Temperatures to less than 1 Degree Limited Availability of Meter

Direct Measurement Methods Resistance Measurements

Direct Measurement Methods Resistance Measurements

In 1996 SensorLink Corporation invented a process to measure current and micro-ohm resistance on high voltage lines.
Accurately & Precisely Measures Conductor Resistance Average Cross Section Conductor Temperature Can Be Determined Accurately & Precisely Instrument has Immediate Availability

Questions & Answers

Whats the Goal or Purpose in Line Rating?
Reduce Risk / Code Compliance Maximize Capital Expenditure Extend / Increase Capacity of Existing Facilities

Accuracy and / or Precision?

Are the Thermal Ratings Reliable and Repeatable?

Importance and Impact of Conductor Temperature Calibration
Direct Measurements increase Accuracy of transmission line rating studies; therefore, the results are:
more Reliable more Repeatable

Better Accuracy and Precision Will Result in Reducing Project Costs and Clearance Deficiency Risks

Recommendations Use as many methods as possible IEEE 738-2006 should not be only method used in conductor calibration Precision & Accuracy is Critical to Reliable and Repeatable Results Direct Measurement Methods Can Increase Precision & Accuracy, While Reducing Overall Project Costs and Reducing Risk of Clearance Violations

Line Rating: Its all about the Temperature! Ryan Bliss, P.E., S.E., M.ASCE


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