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• In Croatia, children start elementary school at the
age of 6 or 7, high school at the age of 14 or 15
and collage at the age of 18 or 19
• In the United States , children start elementary
school at the age of 5 or 6 , high school at the age
of 13 or 14 and collage at the age of 18 or 19

• In Croatia, schools are divided into 3 levels : elementary

school , high school and college
• In the Unites States, there are 4 levels of schools : primary,
elementary, high school and college
• In Croatia, the elementary school lasts for 8 years, high school
for 3-4 depending on the type of high school and the same
goes for college
• In the USA, all schools last for 4 years
• In US, the only language you HAVE to know is English, but
depending on school, you take classes of other languages too
• In Croatia you need to know English, Croatian and if you can
• In US, you have to take English and Math, at least one year of
P.E. and an art clas( Art, Music...) the rest of them you choose
• In Croatia you have to take : Croatian , English , Math , History,
Biology, Chemistry , Physics, Technical education, Physical
education , Musics , Arts , Geography etc.
• In USA all classes last for an hour to 45 minutes depending on
school, while in Croatia school classes last for 45 minutes
• US students have lunch hour too, but in Croatia that's a 15
minutes break

• In Croatia students have test at the end of every month

• In the United States, students take tests at the end of school
year ( called ˝finals˝), but also at the end of first semester
(mid- term tests)
• Although all of the students think they have it the worst, it's
not true
• Most knowledge is needed in South Korea, but on the list of
top 10 hardest education systems is Croatia too, at number 7
• Also, after some research, scientists have proven that 86% of
Croatian gymnasium students know more than average US
college student
• I think that the education sytem in Croatia is much
better than the one in the USA
• I concluded that pupils in USA have it much easier
because they don´t have so many tests, subjects etc.
• In my free time I watch a lot of youtubers and I always
questioned myself how can they play video games all
the time and don´t have to study anything…
• Now I finally know why
• Some of us might think that they are living some kind
of dream
• That is kind of true, but there is also a downside to all
of that
• In future they will have to go to collage but beacuse
they ˝did not have to study anything for majority of
time ˝ they are not going to be prepared for it at all
and they will fail in life
• That is the real truth
• So stop thinking about how they have it easier then
us and start studying!!!!!!!!!!

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